15:01:11 <ykarel> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2017-11-08 15:01:12 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 8 15:01:11 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2017_11_08' 15:01:34 <ykarel> #topic roll call 15:01:44 <jruzicka> o/ 15:01:54 <number80> o/ 15:02:03 <ykarel> #chair jruzicka number80 15:02:04 <openstack> Current chairs: jruzicka number80 ykarel 15:02:16 <jpena> o/ 15:02:25 <amoralej> o/ 15:02:31 <ykarel> #chair jpena amoralej 15:02:32 <openstack> Current chairs: amoralej jpena jruzicka number80 ykarel 15:02:38 <aditya_r> o/ 15:02:52 <ykarel> #chair aditya_r 15:02:53 <openstack> Current chairs: aditya_r amoralej jpena jruzicka number80 ykarel 15:03:46 <ykarel> Feel free to add topics to agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 15:03:57 <ykarel> So we have few announcements 15:04:07 <ykarel> #info Queens Test day is on 16th, 17th November, website updated https://www.rdoproject.org/testday/queens/milestone1/ 15:05:05 <ykarel> So all must be knowing that we had promotion last week so we would be going to held test day on 16, 17th November, Hope this is fine with everyone 15:06:06 <ykarel> Anything on this, else moving to next topic 15:06:26 <ykarel> #topic Fedora OpenStack SIG update 15:06:29 <ykarel> number80, ^^ 15:06:37 <number80> Ok 15:06:59 <number80> #info added some people in the SIG FAS group 15:07:14 <number80> #info will start transferring ownership to SIG soon 15:07:34 <number80> ^ I need to figure out how the process work since it is not managed by pkgdb anymore :) 15:07:51 <number80> If you're not in the FAS group and you should, ping me 15:07:58 <number80> That's all from me! 15:09:12 <ykarel> number80, Thanks for all the work 15:09:29 <ykarel> anything to discuss on this topic, else moving to next topic 15:10:12 <ykarel> #topic Upstream LTS releases discussion: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SYD-forum-upstream-lts-releases 15:10:19 <ykarel> amoralej, is it yours? 15:10:23 <jpena> I added it 15:10:23 <amoralej> nop 15:10:29 <ykarel> jpena, Ok go on 15:10:35 <jpena> There's been a discussion in the Sydney Summit about LTS releases 15:10:39 <jpena> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SYD-forum-upstream-lts-releases 15:10:49 <Duck> quack 15:11:29 <ykarel> #chair Duck 15:11:29 <openstack> Current chairs: Duck aditya_r amoralej jpena jruzicka number80 ykarel 15:11:30 <jruzicka> Duck, I always press my rdo duck when you quack 15:11:31 <number80> Interesting, I already volunteer to help realizing that 15:11:38 <number80> mburned, EmilienM ^ 15:11:48 <amoralej> yeah, sounds as a good thing 15:12:04 <amoralej> but we need to consider impact in RDO 15:12:20 <amoralej> iiuc, those LTS branches wouldn't have new releases 15:12:23 <number80> As-is, it means that we have to keep some branches longer 15:12:46 <amoralej> so we may keep RDO Trunk repos but not cloudsig? 15:12:48 <Duck> jruzicka: I think I asked rbowen or someone else if there were more to come, I'd be happy to adopt a new one :-))) 15:13:09 <number80> amoralej: well, it's not decided if there will be no releases or not. It will be up to the new team 15:14:26 <number80> I guess that nobody attending that discussion is around as it's quite late at Sydney 15:14:42 * number80 will grill mburned when he's back :) 15:14:48 <jpena> I guess we should be there 15:14:57 <jpena> (not physically, but in the new team I mean) 15:15:02 <number80> *nods* 15:15:27 <jschlueter> jruzicka: ssbarnea was mentioning that he had issues installing rdopkg rpm on rhel 7 guest image 15:15:29 <number80> I'll bring that topic to our internal RelDel team 15:15:36 * jschlueter will let ssbarnea provide details 15:15:52 <number80> (so daddy shadowman can provide support) 15:15:53 <jpena> I wouldn't mind taking part, even though I'm not part of the RelDel team 15:16:10 <jruzicka> jschlueter, ssbarnea let's discuss that directly after RDO meeting ;) 15:16:40 <number80> jpena: yup, just raising that so we can get ressources on that effort 15:16:42 * jschlueter sorry ... my calendar got off with time change 15:17:03 <jpena> one good thing for us is that we have all the 3rd party CI stuff reayd 15:17:05 <number80> jschlueter: check if you're using UTC time in calendar event :) 15:17:13 <ssbarnea> jruzicka: thanks. mainly missing 4 rpm deps: python-bunch,git-review,python-future,python-blessings -- no idea from where to pick them. 15:17:15 <number80> \o/ 15:18:31 <ykarel> ssbarnea, jruzicka this can be discussed post meeting, we are in meeting now :) 15:19:34 <number80> Well, I guess we can move to the next topic 15:19:41 <ykarel> number80, ack 15:19:46 <number80> Not that we have much details to discuss on :) 15:20:03 <ykarel> No more topic on agenda, so moving to open discussion 15:20:08 <ykarel> #topic Open Discussion 15:22:46 <number80> Well, if nobody volunteers for chairing next week meeting, I'll take it 15:23:11 <ykarel> number80, Ok 15:23:36 <ykarel> #topic Chair for next meeting 15:23:56 <amoralej> number80 already volunteered :) 15:24:02 <ykarel> yeah 15:24:16 <ykarel> #action number80 to chair next meeting 15:24:44 <number80> Damn, chairing while I use a standing desk, what irony! 15:24:55 <ykarel> :) 15:25:24 <ykarel> So anything to discuss, or we can close early 15:27:22 <Duck> quack 15:27:33 <jruzicka> number80, distributing chairs to others while you yourself stand... what a guy! 15:27:36 <Duck> sorry I missed the open discussion 15:27:47 <Duck> chicken and egg problem 15:28:01 <Duck> why is this meeting not affected by DST? 15:28:10 <number80> jruzicka: one day, I might do it while doing pull-ups at the same time 15:28:27 <number80> Duck: we defined meeting time on UTC 15:28:52 <number80> so it's one hour early for both CET/EDT, not sure for all timezones 15:28:53 <jruzicka> UTC <3 15:28:55 <Duck> unfortunately the rest of the world does not 15:29:20 <jruzicka> then world must be changed to use the right standard ;) 15:29:23 <number80> Duck: well, I'm in favor of dropping DST 15:29:26 <Duck> so I have the oVirt meeting at the same timeā¦ 15:29:38 <number80> ah damned 15:29:39 <Duck> I am too, an Japan does not use it 15:29:44 <jruzicka> for sure, DST brings significantly more problems than it solves 15:29:55 <number80> Well, let's discuss meeting time on the list 15:30:13 <number80> #action Duck to bring meeting time discussion to the list 15:30:23 <Duck> just right know I don't know how to follow both meeting without my head smoking and kernel panic 15:30:26 <number80> If we agree, we can change 15:30:40 <number80> Anyway, time to close meeting :) 15:30:47 <Duck> so be it 15:31:44 <number80> ykarel: still around? 15:31:51 <ykarel> number80, yes 15:32:18 <number80> I think we're good, we are chatty people, we can keep the discussion running for long time :) 15:32:37 <ykarel> yes 15:32:41 <Duck> we can talk about kouyou 15:32:54 <Duck> and the next RDO event in Japan :-) 15:33:22 <number80> :) 15:33:43 <ykarel> Duck, has always some topics to discuss :) 15:34:27 <ykarel> so anything to discuss about the event in Japan or we can close the meeting and get back 25 minutes back 15:35:29 <ykarel> #endmeeting