14:01:39 <ykarel> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2020-01-06 14:01:40 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 6 14:01:39 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ykarel. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2020_01_06' 14:01:52 <ykarel> Welcome to very first meeting for year 2021 14:02:10 <ykarel> Please add topic to agenda https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/RDO-Meeting 14:02:15 <ykarel> #topic roll call 14:03:07 <jcapitao> o/ 14:03:11 <spotz> o/ 14:03:23 <ykarel> #channel jcapitao spotz 14:03:27 <ykarel> sorry 14:03:27 <spotz> I'm also sitting in the meet room in case someone logs in there and didn't see the email 14:03:32 <ykarel> #chair jcapitao spotz 14:03:33 <openstack> Current chairs: jcapitao spotz ykarel 14:03:44 <ykarel> ok Thanks spotz 14:05:47 <ykarel> ok let's start with first topic 14:06:01 <ykarel> #topic We should have one place to report bugs - found https://github.com/redhat-openstack/website/issues 14:06:50 <ykarel> spotz, all yours 14:07:33 <spotz> So yeah like with bugs we appartently have multiple places for bugs to be filed. From the new contriibutor doc's session it sends you to Github issues. Some there are fairly old and I suspect could be closed from age or being resolved already. SOme were new so I emailed out on them looking for more information 14:08:21 <spotz> If they are newer I'll try to get them resolved. One was the edit on GitHub image which I suspect we should just remove from the site 14:09:50 <ykarel> okk i can also look at those and clear those 14:09:51 <spotz> Overall question is do we want to move Doc bugs to Trello to have them in one place? That would in theory leave bugzilla just for packaging issues. Or we could move the docs issues to Bugzilla. We should definitely move off of Github issues to reduce places to look as well as the fact we're now going through Gerrit 14:11:11 <jcapitao> +1 for trello 14:11:25 <spotz> We don't need to decide today but I do think we need to make a decision before any work can be done to fix contribution processes on the site 14:12:15 <jcapitao> there is a comment section where we can discuss/reply/resolve the issue 14:12:29 <spotz> jcapitao on trello? 14:12:56 <ykarel> trello is fine for me too if that makes thing easier 14:13:22 <jcapitao> spotz: yes in "Activity" section 14:14:20 <spotz> And I'm sure we can add some new tags, like docs, something to point out it's good for a new contributor, etc. 14:14:27 <ykarel> +1 14:14:47 <jcapitao> +1 14:15:02 <ykarel> we also need to clear trello cards which are outdated 14:15:04 <jcapitao> and what about launchpad ? as tripleo does ? 14:16:09 <jcapitao> ^ extra "?" at the end 14:16:17 <spotz> Ok let's clean up the issues, trello, and bugzilla. Then we'll annouce the cutover to trello for everything except packaging issues 14:16:17 <ykarel> if we want to go with bug trackers, then i think better to do in bugzilla itself 14:16:25 <ykarel> as we already tracking other bugs there 14:16:31 <ykarel> related to RDO 14:16:50 <jcapitao> indeed it's a good point 14:16:53 <spotz> Launchpad would help with flow between upstream and RDO, though there is the push to move from launchpad to storyboard 14:17:14 <spotz> Bugzilla is good for flow between RDO and RH 14:18:58 <spotz> So I don't think there is a clear obvious choice for true bugtrackers and I'm not sure about RDO being able to be included in Storyboard though I could ask, though until TripleO is there I don't think it makes sense for use to be there 14:19:26 <spotz> Again it would be just another place for our issues\ 14:19:45 <ykarel> yes let's see and take other opinions next week 14:19:51 <ykarel> the less the tracker, more good for us 14:20:02 <ykarel> and for contributors too 14:20:14 <spotz> Maybe we schedule an old issue clean up day and go through all 3 locations as part of the decision making? 14:21:15 <ykarel> +1, we can utilize the time when meetings are shorten 14:21:27 <ykarel> but specific day for cleanup is also good 14:21:41 <jcapitao> +1 14:23:02 <spotz> Well we can work on them days like today when it's slow. Then maybe schedule something or send older issues to the ML for feedback 14:24:09 <ykarel> let's first try to cleanup outdated ones to cut short the list 14:24:49 <spotz> Sounds like a plan 14:25:59 <ykarel> Ok anything else on this, or let's move to next topic 14:26:10 <spotz> That's it for me 14:26:19 <ykarel> Ok Thanks spotz for raising it 14:26:30 <spotz> I'll work on a list and make an etherpad so we can just click through 14:26:40 <ykarel> okk 14:26:48 <ykarel> No other topic in agenda thought 14:26:56 <spotz> #action Spotz will work on a list of old issues/bugs/cards and make an etherpad so we can just click through 14:27:02 <ykarel> spotz, i see u sent [rdo-dev] RDO Mascot Naming Voting 14:27:03 <spotz> bah 14:27:08 <ykarel> want to raise here as well 14:27:14 <spotz> Sure 14:27:36 <ykarel> #topic [rdo-dev] RDO Mascot Naming Voting 14:28:13 <ykarel> #link https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2021-January/009517.html 14:28:17 <spotz> We had the submittals all from kids of community members:) So all 3 will get their own code to get a t-shirt as I figured they'd all like that. Voting taking place https://doodle.com/poll/7zq38wvgwtcczpst until next Wednesday morning 14:28:32 <ykarel> +1 14:28:33 <spotz> We had three... I can't type 14:29:07 <ykarel> RDO Kids Community !!! 14:30:08 <spotz> As it's not an election and all 3 are getting the same prize it's not totally anonymous but I didn;t think that crucial in this instance. But you do only get to vote once for one name 14:30:55 <rh-jelabarre> my daughter would only be interested if I convinced her it was a Roblox game... 14:31:05 <ykarel> #channel rh-jelabarre 14:31:15 <ykarel> :) 14:31:22 <ykarel> #chair rh-jelabarre 14:31:23 <openstack> Current chairs: jcapitao rh-jelabarre spotz ykarel 14:31:49 <spotz> I thoguhht it kinda fun the kids were particpating. And no Ducky McDuckface:) 14:32:38 <rdogerrit> Amol Kahat proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Promoter: remove old configuration engine https://review.rdoproject.org/r/28014 14:32:58 <spotz> So that's it on this until next week 14:33:21 <ykarel> Ok Thanks spotz 14:33:30 <ykarel> #topic Next Week's Chair 14:33:36 <ykarel> any volunteer? 14:34:19 <spotz> Next one could be the interesting one. I can take it 14:35:00 <ykarel> #action spotz to chair next week 14:35:03 <ykarel> Thanks spotz 14:35:05 <jcapitao> won't it be video meeting ? 14:35:11 <spotz> Yeah 14:35:13 <ykarel> #topic open floor 14:36:31 <ykarel> feel free to raise any topic now 14:40:20 <spotz> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/issue-cleanup-2021 14:40:26 <spotz> for the issue cleanup work 14:42:16 <ykarel> ack 14:51:26 <spotz> 161 new RDO bugs in bugzilla. Might be more open ones then that 14:53:49 <ykarel> ack we can start triaging/closing those 14:54:05 <ykarel> i see some outdated bugs 14:54:22 <spotz> 195 with all open 14:55:12 <ykarel> okk 14:55:20 <spotz> I don't think we want me to link all 195 14:55:42 <ykarel> yes not needed 14:58:14 <ykarel> Ok Thanks all, let's close the meeting 14:58:18 <ykarel> #endmeeting