14:01:26 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2021-06-23 14:01:26 Meeting started Wed Jun 23 14:01:26 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:26 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:26 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2021_06_23' 14:03:23 o/ 14:03:27 sorry for the short notice, we'll wait a little bit for additional topics https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting 14:03:40 o/ 14:04:24 #chair ykarel spotz 14:04:24 Current chairs: jcapitao spotz ykarel 14:08:54 amoralej: around ? 14:09:31 oh 14:09:32 right 14:09:35 o/ 14:10:25 #chair amoralej 14:10:25 Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao spotz ykarel 14:10:38 let's start with first topic 14:10:45 #topic Gerrit Merge Strategy 14:10:54 ykarel: ^ 14:11:36 yes, so yesterday we discussed this, currently distgit patches goes to merge conflict even if there is no merge conflict 14:12:05 and this happens as we configure [submit]/mergeContent = false 14:12:33 so we are evaluating [submit]/mergeContent = true now 14:12:51 since https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/34259 14:12:53 #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/34259 14:13:05 mathieu bultel proposed openstack/validations-libs-distgit rpm-master: Add validation.cfg workaround https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/openstack/validations-libs-distgit/+/34241 14:13:25 is it better ? 14:13:40 so we expecting with this change, that gerrit will auto rebase if there is no conflict at time of submit 14:13:46 jcapitao, haven't tested it 14:14:08 let's create some dommy patches in one of the puppet packages 14:14:12 dummy 14:14:18 patches are not merged since it https://review.rdoproject.org/r/q/project:%255Epuppet/puppet.*-distgit 14:14:29 amoralej, i rebased some patches ^ 14:14:46 what did change suddenly to have this issue ? 14:14:48 so with merge of puppet-tripleo patches it should be clear 14:15:03 ah 14:15:14 so all those are rebased on rpm-master right? 14:15:17 yes 14:15:45 let me check if we can merged them as they are 14:15:51 jcapitao, issue was there for long, but it get's more visible when multiple patches are posted together 14:16:11 yesterday tkajinam raised it and it lead to the discussion 14:16:20 we used to manually rebase always till now 14:16:41 now we are hoping to avoid manually rebases unless and until there are real conflicts 14:17:47 ok good 14:18:01 for some projects we really need that option to be turned off 14:18:17 as we run different jobs in check and gate, like rdoinfo 14:18:46 in fact, it will also happen in distgits 14:18:52 User marios created rdo-infra/ci-config master: DNM testing try to set the dlrn_hash for dlrn reporting https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/34275 14:19:04 i mean, different jobs in check and gate 14:19:23 so, some jobs will only be executed with the individual patches 14:19:31 but not with the rebases 14:19:31 yes true in some project we may have it 14:19:45 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit/+/33852 14:19:55 so, gate only has dlrn-rpmbuild-centos8 14:20:09 it doesn't run tripleo, centos9 or build-tripleo 14:20:16 probably it's fine 14:20:20 for distgits 14:21:05 because, iiuc the automatic rebase is done only before gate jobs, right? 14:21:15 Woould anything from the Validate presentation yesterday help us? 14:21:36 i think it's at the time of merge after gate results 14:21:44 the one about validation framework? 14:21:54 after gate results? 14:21:59 that's weird, i think... 14:22:30 in that case the gate jobs run with a different commits stack that the one merged 14:22:53 if patches A and B are sent of top of commit XYZ 14:23:06 final situation is XYZ/A/B 14:23:20 iirc, patches in the gate queue are always checked as if they were merged with the current repo contents (so gate jobs are running the "right" content) 14:23:21 so we should get that merge sequence at some point 14:23:22 amoralej: yeah that one 14:23:46 yeah, that makes sense, thanks jpena 14:23:52 yes ^ seems true 14:24:07 spotz, i think it's unrelated with validation framework in this case 14:24:11 i meant specifically for those options, as the were in [submit] group 14:25:01 i think the point from gerrit perspective is that it does the submit *before* running gates, but in an internal repo 14:25:04 not the final one 14:25:07 or something like that 14:25:54 Merged puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit rpm-master: puppet-sahara is no longer required https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit/+/34246 14:25:56 so 1. summit internal repo - 2. run gates - 3. pushes from the "internal tested repo" to the public one 14:26:12 ok, now let's see what happens with the other review in puppet-tripleo 14:26:27 yes let's see 14:26:30 so, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit/+/34247 can be merged 14:26:34 no conflict warning now 14:26:47 ok so it's good sign 14:26:52 yep 14:26:56 let's try to merge it 14:26:56 earlier it used to show conflict warning 14:27:23 ok +w 14:27:24 yes, i think so 14:29:07 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/gitweb?p=puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit.git;a=log;h=refs/heads/rpm-master 14:29:34 https://github.com/rdo-packages/puppet-tripleo-distgit/commits/rpm-master 14:29:37 we can see the spec in the gate job if the spec had the puppet-sahura removed 14:30:01 yes 14:33:55 there is no puppet-sahara 14:34:04 yeap 14:34:05 yep 14:34:26 so, i'd say it works as expected 14:34:37 yes 14:34:37 the only question is if current job definitions is fine 14:34:41 Merged puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit rpm-master: Remove unused puppet-vcsrepo https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit/+/34247 14:35:38 commit history also looks fine 14:35:41 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/gitweb?p=puppet/puppet-tripleo-distgit.git;a=log;h=refs/heads/rpm-master 14:35:46 i'd say there's usually no big dependencies between patches in specs or complex stuff that is sensitive to this kind of issues 14:35:46 https://github.com/rdo-packages/puppet-tripleo-distgit/commits/rpm-master 14:36:04 so i think we can live with this 14:36:05 as is 14:36:15 yes agree 14:36:17 keep DLRN-rpmbuild-centos8 (and 9 in future) 14:36:21 in gate 14:36:42 in fact weirdo and oooq are non-voting 14:36:43 iirc 14:36:49 so no point in adding non-voting jobs in gate 14:37:08 yes those are non voting 14:38:44 now we see slightly different comment from zuul 14:38:45 Change has been successfully rebased and submitted as f13aa50e0459674f0d2280076d8697ad55e6638d by Zuul CI 14:39:11 right 14:39:22 in fact, it's a new PS 14:39:33 good to have visibility 14:39:37 yes 14:39:39 ok let's move to next topic 14:39:39 Merged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Set extended_hash value to None instead of 'None' https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/34196 14:39:48 actually it creates a new PS with a new parent 14:40:00 PS or commit? 14:40:20 PS for patch set? 14:40:40 patchset 14:40:40 yes PS3 in this case 14:40:54 yes 14:41:39 okk got it now 14:42:55 good 14:43:07 let's move to next topic then 14:43:22 #topic Contributor shirt update 14:43:30 from spotz 14:44:55 So while we've had the new Wallaby release version for a while we just got the new store. I've been going through it and have narrowed it down to actually the original shirrt type I'd wanted. Just working on a color at this point. I'll note the new stoore isn't easy to tell what coloor you're looking at and the virtual preview doesn't uplooad for me to see 14:45:25 But I hope to have something in the works end of this week or nexr 14:46:04 cool 14:46:34 And there should be coozies up there soon to. For the contributor shirts we'll get codes again and include shipping 14:46:35 atleast i haven't seen new store yet 14:46:42 what kind of orignality does this shirt have ? :) 14:47:49 New color and Victoria replaced by Wallaby. I'm not sure we can change Spencer much each time beyond that but we have control of color for shirts and possibly we couldd change item but wanted to stick with shirrts until I get better at the store 14:48:41 what coozies mean? :) 14:49:00 https://coolstuff.redhat.com/category/121/rdo 14:49:06 https://coolstuff.redhat.com/category/121/rdo#link https://coolstuff.redhat.com/category/121/rdo 14:49:10 bah! 14:49:27 Coozies are little things you can put a can in and it helps keep them cold 14:49:36 #link https://coolstuff.redhat.com/category/121/rdo 14:49:49 But we have our own section of the store! 14:50:11 ahh i know now 14:50:48 And that will be non-release Spencer on there 14:51:08 https://belusaweb.s3.amazonaws.com/product-images/gallery/623045_BS-Detail.jpg 14:51:14 \yep 14:51:33 nice 14:51:33 Ours are a grey from looking at the photo I was sent 14:51:46 it's cool to have our own section in the store! 14:51:49 spotz++ 14:52:08 yeah that rocks ! 14:52:20 Yep! Gives us more visibility:) 14:54:15 ok, there is no more topic for today 14:54:30 before open floor 14:54:34 #topic Chair for next week 14:54:39 I can take it 14:54:44 I haven't done it in a bit 14:55:13 thank you spotz 14:55:23 #action spotz to chair next week 14:55:35 #topic Open Floor 14:56:02 wrt migration to new jenkins https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/34226 14:56:19 any idea how we manage credentials in current ci.centos jenkins 14:56:25 like DLRNAPI_PASSWD 14:56:41 i was looking at credentials for rdo user, but couldn't find it 14:57:40 mmm 14:59:34 it uses credentials-bindings 15:00:13 https://github.com/rdo-infra/ci-config/blob/0ce33c32ecf54f4df2834e6e147989129d380b15/jenkins/jobs/weirdo-defaults.yml#L25-L28 15:00:46 yes, but where and how those creds are stored 15:00:58 i think we create them manually 15:01:02 in jenkins webui 15:01:18 for rdo user or some other? 15:01:26 checking 15:01:30 ack 15:02:38 I'm going to close the meeting, we can continue to discuss on this topic off record 15:02:44 ack 15:02:46 #endmeeting