14:05:40 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2022-01-19 14:05:40 Meeting started Wed Jan 19 14:05:40 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:40 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:05:41 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2022_01_19' 14:05:48 #chair jcapitao[m] 14:05:48 Current chairs: jcapitao[m] spotz 14:05:56 #topic Roll Call 14:06:28 o/ 14:06:40 #chair amoralej 14:06:40 Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao[m] spotz 14:07:46 We have 1 topic on the agenda but I've got a few things more open discussion we can discuss 14:07:56 ok 14:07:57 #topic Ussuri EOL 14:08:56 #info Ussuri has ben moved to Extendend Maintenance 14:09:11 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/820389 14:09:59 #info RDO Trunk Ussuri will still be running and following stable/ussuri branche 14:10:23 #info CloudSIG repo for Ussuri will be not longer supported as an official version 14:10:45 i think that's it wrt ussuri EOL 14:11:15 Actually let me add one topic 14:11:20 so, worth it to release new rpm for Ussuri ? 14:11:41 for more context https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/600 14:11:54 I'd say if there's some final stuff we could get out easily it might be worth it 14:12:06 jcapitao[m], let's get it in just in case 14:12:19 yeah 14:12:44 ok 14:13:54 +1 14:15:22 Daniel Pawlik proposed rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks master: DNM checking gerritbot https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/rdo-infra-playbooks/+/38312 14:15:57 #topic Bugs 14:16:41 I knoow we start the project to cllean stuff up so we were down to just Trello and Bugzilla. So I will try to carve out some time to get back to that. 14:17:01 That said one of my browsers is set to Bugzilla #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&classification=Community&classification=Other&f1=priority&o1=equals&product=RDO&query_format=advanced&v1=low 14:17:23 Are these CVEs still open or have we just not closed them? 14:17:49 mmm probably opened 14:18:00 i'd need to check 14:18:50 we need to triage 14:19:15 well only 10 items, we are pretty good 14:19:50 i'll add info in https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rdo-cve 14:19:50 or someone may have done triage before ? 14:20:31 we need to triage them 14:20:48 cve have usually a parent bz with details 14:21:00 but we need to assess if impacts rdo and how to fix 14:21:08 Not many and luckily not really old, but figured it was worth mentioooning. We can do that now as we have time if we want or a special meeting, or offline as well 14:21:16 ouch 14:21:19 one is from 2017 14:21:59 But recently changed as those were the dates I had focused oon 14:22:08 yep 14:23:13 That one doesn't look blocked or anything, may or may not still exist at this point 14:23:29 yeah, maybe 14:23:35 but given our lifecycle in RDO 14:23:57 well, may still be there, we need to check one by one 14:24:14 Yeah 14:27:56 #action amoralej to triage CVE related bugs 14:28:08 #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&classification=Community&classification=Other&f1=priority&o1=equals&product=RDO&query_format=advanced&v1=low 14:28:15 Thanks amoralej 14:28:53 Ok anyone else have topics they want as a topic? 14:31:39 nothing from me 14:31:52 nothing from my side 14:32:19 #topic Open Discussion 14:32:44 This is more Cloud SiG related so didn't really think it was RDO topic worthy:) 14:33:15 Next meeting is during the Dojo so we should probably decide if we should have it or cancel 14:33:57 The other is apparently we conflict with the Fedora Cloud SiG meeting time wise, do we care or do we want to try to work more closely with them 14:34:33 so, it may be a good oportunity to change the schedule 14:36:45 Yeah and while not the source of davdunc not replying to emails it would explain not attending meetings. 14:37:15 what about moving it to first tuesday of the month? 14:37:43 Same time? 14:38:57 And we keep with UTC so that would work for me it would follow OPS Meetup 14:39:13 yes, i'd say same time 14:39:24 it seems centos-meeting is available tuesday at that time 14:39:49 Ok let me look at Fedora just to make certain 14:39:50 mmm 14:39:52 wait 14:40:29 yep 15:00 utc should be good, i think 14:41:25 Ok oor we just change our week. Looks like they meet twice a monthon Thursday 15:00 UTC 14:42:05 Ok the calendar looks every other week but their page says weekly NM 14:43:20 Calendar wise they're first and third, wiki page is weekly 14:44:02 spotz, we can do second too 14:44:11 i like first because it's easy to remember 14:44:12 what is Fedora Cloud SIG mission? 14:44:13 but anyway 14:44:56 seems to be more for Fedora as a guest in public clouds 14:45:00 not cloud infra 14:45:06 https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud_SIG 14:45:27 I've asked for clarification in their IRC 14:45:52 apevec[m], the point is conflicting calendars for people that may want to collaborate in both 14:46:07 apevec[m]: Definitely not a 1 to one mapping for sure, but it might be away for us to get our group to grow 14:46:55 I'll report back when they answer and we can decide then. We should decide and mail if we're going to cancel during the Dojo though 14:47:16 ok 14:48:02 yeah in the past OpenStack was in Fedora, then we moved to RDO - I've updated https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OpenStack long ago 14:51:12 spotz, so you think we should move to second week on thursday? 14:51:22 Yeah we were testing against CcentOS when I joined up already 14:52:24 Ok they meet every other Thursday but they make it the Off Thursday in Cent 14:52:43 And yeah we'd potentially get one more member for moving 14:53:17 spotz, what means "the Off Thursday in Cent"? 14:53:39 amoralej: Not sure so asked if we went to a set Second week if that'd work:) 14:53:51 ok :) 14:55:29 If I don't get a relly back within our meeting I'll reach out, is the group ok with either 1st Tuesday or 2nd Thursday at 15:00 UTC? So we can decide offline if needed 14:55:36 relly=replly 14:56:16 yep 14:56:21 both work for me 14:56:30 yeah, feel free to decide 14:59:54 Ok looksllike we can do 2nd Thursday they just checking if they can set their calendar for it 15:01:35 Ok 2nd Thursday it is! and just in time for 15:01:39 #endmeeting