14:01:23 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2022-11-23 14:01:23 Meeting started Wed Nov 23 14:01:23 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is karolinku[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:23 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2022_11_23' 14:01:24 She volunteered at th last minute:) 14:01:40 #topic roll call 14:02:03 #chair amoralej spotz 14:02:03 Current chairs: amoralej karolinku[m] spotz 14:03:19 I moved you to the right week amoralej:) 14:03:27 ah sorry, i confused reading as it has next week already 14:03:32 yep, sorry 14:03:39 Yeah cause otherwise I forget! 14:03:45 :) 14:04:12 ok, first topic today is 14:04:16 #topic SWAG Update 14:04:21 Yeah SWAG!! 14:04:46 Ok last night I got access to the new store front https://redhatcollections.nadelstore.com/category/103/rdo 14:05:31 So we have a few older items there but not the Gym bags. I'll request they get sent there later today then once there I can get codes and we can finally distribute those 14:07:17 I am trying to get the Zed items in under this years budget so I think I'm going to skip asking the community and go with the water bottle the team liked. Only issue is I' not sure I can order 60 as they seem to come in 50 100, 250, etc 14:07:58 Now that said in the past people have not ordred their items and I'm leaning towards if we can't get 60 we'll go with 50. 14:08:45 Any objections to that plan? 14:09:22 sounds good 14:09:47 lgtm 14:09:50 +1 from me 14:10:17 Ok let's cross fingers everyone has their water bottle before we release Antelope!:) 14:12:38 I'm sure we'll run into some issues but we'll figure them out as we go 14:12:44 That's it for me 14:13:17 if thats all in this topic, lets move to another 14:13:36 #topic Switch RDO packages to pyproject macros 14:14:16 btw, last weekend i found a physical store only dedicated to gum-ducks in Madrid! :) 14:15:06 so wrt pyproject macros, sorry i couldn't progress too much over this week 14:15:12 I hink I found their online store when looking for dicks for Berlin:) 14:16:12 yeah, likely https://www.duckstore.es/es/ 14:16:15 well, anyway 14:16:21 back to the topic, sorry :) 14:16:57 i added some minor updates into the etherpad https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/pyproject-macros 14:17:17 #link https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/pyproject-macros 14:17:17 hehe 14:17:22 so, i defined openstack-glance and python-oslo-config for the poc 14:18:00 i'll try to have reviews this week to start evaluating how to automate and the effort 14:19:28 How's it looking so far? 14:20:41 eh, i didn't start digging into it 14:20:45 so hard to say 14:21:06 hopefully it will be manageable 14:21:14 Ok 14:23:03 lets go next 14:23:13 if this is all in this topic? 14:23:48 i think so 14:24:04 #topic Next chair 14:24:11 I think we are set here:) 14:24:33 o/ 14:24:57 Thanks amoralej:) 14:24:59 #info amoralej is next chair 14:25:11 #topic open floor 14:25:28 Oh and don't forget to post meting notes to the website repo:) 14:28:00 ack 14:28:27 I just caught us up from September 14:28:37 sorry 14:28:46 we should have some automatic way of doing it 14:29:56 We'd have to tie it into the email system because we just post the link to there 14:31:14 yeah, ideally something like looks for a title pattern in the ML 14:35:40 im gonna close the meeting and gice you some time back 14:36:33 ack 14:36:38 thanks karolinku[m] for chairing! 14:36:40 Sounds good thank karolinku[m] and amoralej! 14:36:47 #endmeeting