14:03:33 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2022-12-14 14:03:33 Meeting started Wed Dec 14 14:03:33 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:33 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:33 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2022_12_14' 14:03:35 Jakob Meng created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Remove access of former colleague Rafael Castillo https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/46414 14:03:48 you still can add your topics to the agenda 14:03:57 i was on pto last week so no much from my side tbh 14:04:23 Ok I put on a SWAG update and whether we wanted to cancel the last few meetings 14:04:45 #chair spotz karolinku[m] 14:04:45 Current chairs: amoralej karolinku[m] spotz 14:05:07 #topic SWAG update 14:06:48 Water bottles have been ordered! We had to go with a different one in order to get the full color printing but to be honest looking at the proof picture they sent it looks the same to me 14:07:43 nice 14:08:00 we'll have to order it via coolstuff store? 14:08:38 We have a store fron and the bags are on their way but I haven't heard they've been received 14:09:19 i'll guess i'll know when i need to do somethin to get my swag :) 14:09:20 The process is like last time where you'll receive a promo code and a link and order from there. The page looks the same as the Cool stuff store promo page 14:10:05 i forget from release to release :( 14:10:16 good 14:10:35 I'm hoping you can use your codes and get one shipment but not sure yet as I was hoping the bags would be distributed already 14:11:36 anything else about this topic? 14:11:49 Nope 14:11:59 ok, let's move to next one 14:12:20 #topic Cancel Meetings for duration of year? 14:12:40 you mean from next week? 14:13:01 i'll be available next week, but will be on pto following two 14:13:49 Yeah, I had a conflict last week and karolinku[m] might have been the only one, I'm technically PTO but still doing upstream stuff and a few meetings, and I suspect people will start taking time off. If folks will be here and want to meet we can keep them though 14:14:13 i'd maintain next one 14:14:36 If we have enough let's hold next week and then send an email saying we're cancelling the others 14:14:36 and cancel 28th dec and Jan 4th? 14:14:53 I'll be back on the 4th but yeah that's fine to cancel too 14:15:23 no problem, if you can run it, we can keep it and see who shows off 14:15:56 Well if jcapitao[m] or karolinku[m] know they're off we'll cancel it too 14:16:06 shows up, not off, right? 14:16:07 :) 14:16:38 i'm not sure about jcapitao[m] on jan 4th tbh 14:16:39 I'll be next week, but later im on PTO 14:17:43 #info RDO meetings on Dec 28th and Jan 4th are canceled 14:17:46 ok? 14:18:06 good for me 14:19:04 spotz, are you ok with that? 14:19:17 Ok perfect and if I wake up in time I'll join next week but no alarms set:) 14:19:41 sure 14:19:54 unless you need to bring something to the mtg, don't worry at all 14:20:11 karolinku[m] will make sure it happens :) 14:20:18 I shouldn't have anything:) 14:20:32 why? ;D 14:20:54 because i'm a disaster you know :p 14:21:16 ok 14:21:39 i can chair, anyway 14:21:58 hehe 14:22:04 #action amoralej to chair next week meeting 14:22:23 #topic open floor 14:22:58 #info our dashboard for puppet promotions if finally up and running! 14:23:01 #link http://dashboard-ci.tripleo.org/d/wplmDxdVz/puppet-promotion-pipelines 14:23:27 thanks karolinku[m] ! 14:23:34 oh yes, with help from frenzy_friday! 14:23:37 btw, we may want to add train... :) 14:23:38 :) 14:23:48 yep, thanks frenzy_friday++ 14:24:11 so we finally know how to manage grafana dashboards, which is cool 14:24:44 spotz, amorlej, I will ping you this week to review short abstract, title and draft of agenda of fosdem talk 14:25:21 nice 14:25:34 karolinku[m], btw there is centos connect too 14:25:42 Sweet yeah just ping me, and if you'll be there and can take a shift at the CentOS and RDO table let me know:) 14:25:46 the day before fossdem 14:25:53 Yeah let me get the connect link 14:26:33 yep I know about connect, but do you think I should submit the same talk? 14:26:35 #link https://connect.centos.org/ 14:26:58 Which FOSDEM room are you submitting it to? 14:27:12 Disitribution 14:27:52 i'm not sure, tbh 14:28:06 I think I would to double your chances to get in and some folks would be at one and not the other 14:28:50 I suspect it'll get in one vs the other not both but you never know 14:29:04 my only doubt is if the content is too close to some other talks we did in previous centos events 14:29:12 but i'm not sure it's a problem 14:29:33 How long ago though? 14:30:06 mmmm 3 years, maybe? 14:30:09 before covid 14:30:14 I think you're good:) 14:33:52 we'll see:) who was doing this talk 3 y ago? 14:34:18 most of the times it was jpena and myself 14:34:25 talking in centos events 14:34:30 we did a couple 14:34:40 last one we did was just cloudsig update iirc 14:35:08 https://archive.fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/rdo_continuous_packaging_platform/ 14:35:41 ah, yep that 14:36:54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC3Ms1FiD_4 is the last one, but it was just sig update 14:36:56 hm, slides and video is no longer available 14:37:39 but looking at title and absttract it sounds like infra perspective 14:37:59 Marios Andreou proposed rdo-jobs master: Update centos-8-wallaby-promoted-components-to-tripleo-ci-testing https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/46412 14:38:58 it was about moving to centos8, i.e. 14:39:03 so, yeah, it should be fine 14:42:38 so let us know when you want us to review your draft 14:43:15 ok! 14:43:40 anything else you'd like to share? 14:44:14 I'm good 14:44:47 ok i'll close the mtg then 14:44:49 me too 14:44:51 thanks for joining 14:45:00 #endmeeting