14:02:08 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2023-08-09 14:02:08 Meeting started Wed Aug 9 14:02:08 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is karolinku[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:08 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2023_08_09' 14:02:26 #chair amoralej 14:02:26 Current chairs: amoralej karolinku[m] 14:05:36 we have one topic today 14:05:50 #topic Update about pyproject-rpm-macro 14:06:51 pyproject-rpm-macro migration is completed! 14:06:59 \o/ 14:07:17 two open reviews yet :) https://review.rdoproject.org/r/q/topic:pyproject-rpm-macros+status:open 14:07:51 i left a comment in keystone, and i'd appreciate if you can review ceilometer one, so that we can merge and forget :) 14:08:00 I couldn't stop myself! 14:08:12 sure 14:08:47 but yep, we can give it by closed 14:09:48 #info pyproject-rpm-macro migration is completed 14:10:32 in next months we will see if automation was worthy or causes more issues that fixes 14:10:45 hopefully the first 14:11:20 xD 14:12:05 so, we are slowly preparing for bobcat now 14:12:50 yep, we still have time but it's good to start preparation 14:13:04 i'll start by creating the jira ticket with checklist 14:14:44 another collateral effect of this change, which implies using previous relase packages while bootstraping the builder for the new release is that, bootstrap should be easier 14:15:44 yay 14:15:58 so avoiding reqchecks + easier bootstrap should be the changes in bobcat release 14:16:11 I hope we will win some time on each release with this migration 14:17:35 anything else with this topic? 14:17:58 one last thing 14:18:30 sorry, i was thinking in removing the reqcheck job from gates, but jcapitao[m] already sent it and it's merged 14:18:32 so we are done 14:19:09 #info reqcheck job is no longer needed and has been removed 14:21:28 #topic Next Chair 14:21:39 i can take it 14:22:54 action: amoralej is chairing next week 14:23:00 #topic Open floor 14:25:12 nothing from me 14:25:54 im ok too 14:26:23 so, im going to close the mtg - not even half time used today!:) 14:27:13 #endmeeting