14:00:23 <jcapitao[m]> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2023-09-27 14:00:23 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Sep 27 14:00:23 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jcapitao[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:23 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:23 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2023_09_27' 14:00:35 <jcapitao[m]> #topic roll call 14:06:26 <spotz[m]> o/ 14:06:40 <karolinku[m]> o/ 14:07:18 <jcapitao[m]> #chair spotz[m] karolinku[m] 14:07:18 <opendevmeet> Current chairs: jcapitao[m] karolinku[m] spotz[m] 14:07:48 <jcapitao[m]> let's start with first topic 14:07:48 <jcapitao[m]> #topic RDO bobcat 2023.2 preparation 14:07:51 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/q/topic:bobcat-branching 14:08:00 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-135 14:08:25 <jcapitao[m]> tempest plugins are released https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:bobcat-tp-latest 14:08:50 <jcapitao[m]> so we can start building them 14:10:20 <jcapitao[m]> other than that, we are synced to upstream 14:11:32 <jcapitao[m]> we cannot create our pipeline as the puppet-openstack-integration have not yet cut branch from master 14:12:34 <jcapitao[m]> also, wrt Ceph Reef 14:13:06 <jcapitao[m]> we had to enable EPEL repo to be able to consume new Ceph release 14:13:45 <jcapitao[m]> in order to mitigate use of EPEL in RDO, we limit the packages pulled from EPEL repo 14:13:47 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ansible-role-dlrn/+/50185 14:13:51 <spotz[m]> So we’ll need to update the docs for Bobcat? 14:17:56 <jcapitao[m]> yeah we'll have to 14:18:41 <jcapitao[m]> and explaining that only a subset of packages will be pulled from the EPEL repo 14:19:29 <spotz[m]> Ok maybe I’ll work on that with info from you:) 14:20:04 <jcapitao[m]> thanks 👍️ 14:21:13 <jcapitao[m]> we're done for this topic I guess 14:21:21 <jcapitao[m]> any question ? 14:22:26 <jcapitao[m]> let's move on 14:22:52 <jcapitao[m]> #topic Stop RDO Trunk repos for centos8 [train,ussuri,victoria] 14:23:05 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://lists.rdoproject.org/archives/list/dev@lists.rdoproject.org/thread/I4RXRAZO7OQQJ3V3O4KRA4WLTRQ54GTS/ 14:23:11 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-169 14:23:17 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/q/topic:t-u-v-teardown 14:23:24 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/q/topic:t-u-v-teardown 14:24:43 <jcapitao[m]> I communicated the removal of those builders on ML 14:24:52 <jcapitao[m]> no replies so far 14:25:58 <jcapitao[m]> I'll wait a couple of days, and then proceed as per the sub-tasks in RDO-169 Jira Story 14:30:23 <jcapitao[m]> that's it ! 14:30:25 <jcapitao[m]> there is no more topics for today 14:31:01 <jcapitao[m]> #topic next chair 14:31:09 <jcapitao[m]> any volunteer to chair next week? 14:31:45 <jcapitao[m]> note that it will be on Google Meet 14:33:36 <jcapitao[m]> I'll take it 14:34:17 <jcapitao[m]> feeling alone here O:) 14:34:32 <jcapitao[m]> let's close the meeting ! 14:34:34 <jcapitao[m]> #endmeeting