14:01:11 <karolinku[m]> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2023-10-11 14:01:11 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Oct 11 14:01:11 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is karolinku[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:11 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:11 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2023_10_11' 14:01:51 <karolinku[m]> #topic rollcall 14:02:11 <jcapitao[m]> o/ 14:02:58 <amoralej> o/ 14:03:10 <karolinku[m]> #chair jcapitao[m] amoralej 14:03:10 <opendevmeet> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao[m] karolinku[m] 14:04:39 <karolinku[m]> the one and only topic for today is 14:04:44 <karolinku[m]> #topic RDO bobcat 2023.2 preparation 14:05:25 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://review.rdoproject.org/r/q/topic:bobcat-branching 14:05:33 <spotz[m]> o/ 14:05:33 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-135 14:05:42 <karolinku[m]> #chair spotz 14:05:42 <opendevmeet> Warning: Nick not in channel: spotz 14:05:42 <opendevmeet> Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao[m] karolinku[m] spotz 14:05:55 <jcapitao[m]> #info non-openstack puppet modules are built 14:06:15 <jcapitao[m]> #info we are waiting for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/897428 to be merged 14:07:54 <jcapitao[m]> one thing to discuss 14:08:05 <jcapitao[m]> it's about the EPEL enabling 14:08:59 <jcapitao[m]> for Ceph Reef I mean 14:09:58 <amoralej> yep 14:10:04 <jcapitao[m]> we'll have to tell the end user to manually enabling it with the includepkgs directive ? or do we have an alternative ? 14:10:20 <amoralej> that's what i would do 14:10:39 <amoralej> add instructions about how to enable epel repo with includepkgs 14:11:11 <amoralej> actually, i think it will be required in all installations 14:11:13 <spotz[m]> And just the one CEph package or more? 14:11:22 <amoralej> as it will be required for cinder, right? 14:12:17 <amoralej> the other option may be to add epel-release as a dependency of centos-release-openstack-bobcat 14:12:51 <amoralej> and instruct about how to add includepkgs and priority 14:13:29 <spotz[m]> I can write it if you all have notes 14:13:36 <jcapitao[m]> I'd vote for the former 14:15:09 <jcapitao[m]> because, in the latter option, if the instruction are not followed (i.e includepkgs), the end user ends up with an installation with bunch on EPEL pkgs (not sure the installation will work) 14:15:52 <amoralej> yes, that's also my preference 14:17:30 <amoralej> unless we directly ship a .repo config for epel with our options 14:17:55 <amoralej> but we'd need to include the gpgkey in the release rpm, which i don't like too much 14:18:39 <jcapitao[m]> we'll have to in either case 14:18:53 <amoralej> wdym ? 14:19:24 <jcapitao[m]> in rdo-release RPM we are providing the SIG GPG pubkey 14:19:39 <amoralej> but not the epel one 14:20:01 <amoralej> if we just ask the user to manually install epel-release we don't need to 14:21:00 <jcapitao[m]> right 14:21:32 <amoralej> tbh for rdo-release ... it'd be probably better to ship the config 14:21:48 <amoralej> i was thinking more in centos-release-openstack-bobcat 14:21:52 <jcapitao[m]> totally agree 14:22:16 <jcapitao[m]> I think in rdo-release RPM we should ship it 14:22:22 <jcapitao[m]> with the EPEL GPG pubkey 14:23:02 <jcapitao[m]> but for centos-release-openstack-bobcat, ask the end user to do the operation manually 14:24:32 <amoralej> actually, now it's the same situation with crb repo 14:24:36 <amoralej> requires manual enablement 14:28:07 <jcapitao[m]> right 14:30:29 <rdogerrit> Joel Capitao proposed rdo-infra/ansible-role-weirdo-puppet-openstack master: Use Ceph Reef for Bobcat https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ansible-role-weirdo-puppet-openstack/+/50450 14:30:36 <karolinku[m]> do we have any deadline to make a decision about it? 14:31:40 <amoralej> when we create release rpms :) 14:31:54 <karolinku[m]> heh, so... now ;] 14:32:03 <amoralej> i've just check that python bindings for ceph, python3-rbd and python3-rados do not require epel 14:33:08 <amoralej> mmm although in p-o-i it was pulling packages from it 14:33:21 <amoralej> i'm not sure if we may be able to deploy in non-ceph cases without it, tbh 14:33:24 <amoralej> probably yes 14:33:44 <amoralej> ah, we deploy radosgw iirc 14:35:53 <amoralej> and ceph itself, ok, so we'd only need it when coinstalling it with ceph 14:37:42 <amoralej> so, i'd vote for just documenting it in some of the rdo install docs 14:38:11 <amoralej> one option for rdo-release would be to add the config but with the repo disabled by default 14:40:56 <jcapitao[m]> and enabling it for ceph scenarios ? 14:41:16 <amoralej> exactly 14:41:42 <jcapitao[m]> sounds fair 14:42:06 <karolinku[m]> agree 14:45:55 <karolinku[m]> let me write some "agreed"s 14:48:26 <karolinku[m]> #agreed Ceph Reef will need to have manually enabled EPEL repo with includepkgs, which will be documented in RDO's docs 14:51:07 <karolinku[m]> #agreed for rdo-release RPM config will be probably shipped 14:51:20 <karolinku[m]> anything else? in notes or in this topic?:) 14:51:40 <spotz[m]> And you all will provide notes and I'll provide a draft patch of it:) 14:51:58 <amoralej> i'm reviewing the release announcement 14:52:22 <amoralej> i'm adding some notes but will probably require some rewording 14:57:53 <karolinku[m]> #topic open floor 14:58:20 <karolinku[m]> does anyone would like to chair next week? 14:58:32 <amoralej> i can take it 14:59:05 <karolinku[m]> #action amoralej will chair next mtg 15:00:15 <karolinku[m]> #endmeeting