14:01:03 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2023-10-25 14:01:03 Meeting started Wed Oct 25 14:01:03 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:03 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2023_10_25' 14:01:08 #topic roll call 14:01:20 o/ 14:01:52 #chair spotz[m] 14:01:52 Current chairs: jcapitao spotz[m] 14:02:39 o/ 14:02:47 o/ 14:03:53 #chair amoralej karolinku[m] 14:03:53 Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao karolinku[m] spotz[m] 14:04:37 let's start with first and unique topic for today 14:04:47 which is big news 14:04:53 #topic RDO Bobcat 2023.2 14:05:00 woohoo 14:05:03 #info RDO Bobcat 2023.2 is released 14:05:11 #link https://lists.rdoproject.org/archives/list/dev@lists.rdoproject.org/thread/VMWRQGCPJLXKQHEKJYKBO6MWTXE4NMY6/ 14:05:17 good! 14:05:48 \o/ 14:06:20 wrt release process 14:06:35 i'm currently updating clients in fedora btw 14:06:42 we improved the branching script 14:07:15 thank you amoralej 14:07:20 how is it going ? 14:07:39 as it's first time with the pyproject macros 14:08:06 i'm having to edit some specs manually 14:08:26 as surprisingly several clients has tempest in test-requirements.txt 14:08:57 which i have no idea why, probably to run devstack jobs in the gates, dunno 14:08:58 arf 14:09:26 and i'm also removing osprofiler in some, which i expected, we had similar issue in the past 14:11:27 I think we should have caught the tempest addition during the switch to pyproject rpm macros 14:12:26 are you planing to backport the manual changes into RDO distgit afterward ? 14:12:52 we probably should good point 14:15:45 Joan Francesc Gilabert proposed rdo-jobs master: [WIP] Tweak adoption extracted crc setup for downstream https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/50654 14:15:52 ok we'll follow-up 14:16:52 I think we can move to next topic 14:16:56 yes, i'll gather the list of packages to fix 14:17:29 ack thanks 14:17:50 #topic Contributor SWAG 14:18:33 spotz[m]: all yours 14:19:01 So my plan is to get a baseball shirt this time around as we haven't had a wearable in a while. 14:19:21 I figured this would be different then another t-shirt 14:19:51 nice 14:20:22 The last 2 times we ordered shirts I ordered them in every size and we had a lot of odd sizes left which I gave away at the stand at FOSDEM last year. To avoid this I'm polling contributors for whether they want a shirt and if so what size 14:21:07 We stil have some extra gym bags, water bottles, and even backpacks that we have to pay storage on 14:22:27 good idea to poll then 14:23:08 that reminds me I haven't ordered my backpack 0:) 14:23:15 If we have a presence at RH Summit this year maybe we'll do some trivia to give some out as they're all too nice to just give away 14:24:24 That's it though 14:25:31 thank you spotz[m] 14:25:44 my pleasure:) 14:25:56 moving to next topic 14:26:02 #topic RDO on OKD using openstack-k8s-operators 14:26:49 which is the next interesting topic 14:27:09 #link https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rdo-on-okd 14:27:45 given that operators seems to be in a more advanced development phase now, i though it may be good to start doing some testing from rdo side 14:28:28 to be clear, i don't expect it to be a production ready solution in a near future, but it's probably good to make community aware of this new deployment tool 14:29:09 as first step, i thought we may do some manual deployment and create some doc in rdo site about how to do a quick poc 14:29:25 i'd also like to add it to validate rdo in some CI gates 14:31:38 any thought on that? 14:31:56 i also started experimenting with tcib to build containers from bobcat cloudsig, i.e. 14:32:27 yep I read your comments 14:32:42 thanks btw 14:34:18 I'm just wondering how can we involve better the community for this new deployment tool 14:34:40 at some point we may do a test day 14:35:01 I think once we have a plan on what we're doing we can maybe do a presentation of it somewhere, at the least maybe to the OKD community 14:35:54 we have cloudsig meeting next week? 14:36:05 right that'd be good 14:36:10 mmh nope 14:36:31 next one is Nov 9 14:38:28 so, we will probably have a more clear idea by then 14:39:33 yes I guess so 14:40:14 Merged rdo-website master: Add Bobcat release to documentation https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-website/+/50609 14:41:25 I think that's it for this topic 14:41:28 i think that's it for now wrt that topic 14:41:29 yep 14:43:21 #topic next chair 14:43:42 someone's willing to chair next week ? 14:43:49 I'll be in BRNO so won't make it 14:44:33 it's public holiday here 14:44:53 yeah here too 14:45:35 so we may skip it? 14:46:00 yeah I think so 14:47:08 im on holiday too 14:47:33 #info next meeting will be canceled, so next RDO meeting will be on Nov 8th 14:48:50 And we'll be back to IRC for that 14:49:03 so, same question but for Nov 8th :) 14:49:16 o/ 14:49:46 thank you amoralej 14:50:13 #action amoralej whill chair meeting on Nov 8th 14:50:21 #topic open floor 14:50:58 no topics from my side 14:53:29 allright 14:53:53 let's close the meeting then 14:54:04 #endmeeting