14:01:19 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2024-04-24 14:01:19 Meeting started Wed Apr 24 14:01:19 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jcapitao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:19 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:19 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2024_04_24' 14:01:25 o/ 14:01:30 #topic roll call 14:01:37 #chair spotz[m] 14:01:37 Current chairs: jcapitao spotz[m] 14:01:58 feel free to add your topics in https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/RDO-Meeting 14:02:19 o/ 14:02:42 o/ 14:03:01 #chair amoralej karolinku[m] 14:03:01 Current chairs: amoralej jcapitao karolinku[m] spotz[m] 14:04:12 let's start with first topic 14:04:14 #topic RDO Caracal 2024.1 status 14:04:29 #link https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-208 14:04:46 I think we are ready to announce the new release 14:04:56 #link https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/caracal-release-announcement#L111 14:05:05 is ready to go as is the blog post. 14:05:40 nice 14:06:01 when do we plan to announce ? 14:07:14 I was waiting or y'all to say that last sync happened:) 14:07:43 yep, it's ready to go now 14:08:38 Ok blog going now, then will get the emails out. Unfortunately we still haven't gotten access to our X account back:( Maybe I'll facebook later today though 14:09:11 #link https://blogs.rdoproject.org/2024/04/rdo-caracal-released/ 14:09:13 \o/ 14:12:46 emails sent, fungi will need to approve the one to discuss due to size 14:14:18 due to size ? 14:14:43 #info RDO Caracal 2024.1 was released 14:14:59 #link https://lists.rdoproject.org/archives/list/dev@lists.rdoproject.org/thread/2JCXCFZ62UNILLCNZDZVMGVSG32534LF/ 14:15:36 Yeah we put a lot of info in the email:) 14:16:56 ah ok in openstack ML 14:17:19 Yeah and I just facebooked which is the only social we have right now 14:18:06 well it's text only, shouldn't be that big in bytes 14:18:28 nice 14:18:44 FYI I'm testing to deploy Caracal release on OKD 14:19:15 but latest install_yaml patch broke OKD compatibility 14:19:22 https://github.com/openstack-k8s-operators/install_yamls/pull/814 14:19:28 eep:( 14:19:29 I'll propose a PR 14:20:10 It's a long email between the highlights and list of contributors. It happens each release 14:20:19 spotz[m]: approved now 14:20:42 Thanks fungi :) 14:21:07 i just tweeted (x'ed?) it from my personal accout at least :) https://x.com/amoralej/status/1783138837419393430 14:21:41 Thanks Alfredo, I'l do the same later and I'll tag the account that might work 14:22:15 Merged nfvinfo master: Update openvswitch 3.2 and ovn 23.09 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/nfvinfo/+/53020 14:22:15 Merged nfvinfo master: Promote first builds of openvswitch 3.3 and ovn 24.03 to -testing https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/nfvinfo/+/53021 14:24:41 Alfredo Moralejo proposed nfvinfo master: Promote first builds of openvswitch 3.3 and ovn 24.03 to -release https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/nfvinfo/+/53022 14:24:59 Just want to say great work everyone! 14:25:42 thanks ! 14:25:52 I'm still looking into contributor SWAG I know there was interest in scarves or socks. Tiger should have more time for helping with the art after Summit. 14:26:12 the release process is improving at each iteration 14:26:19 Alfredo Moralejo proposed nfvinfo master: Update openvswitch 3.2 and ovn 23.09 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/nfvinfo/+/53023 14:26:58 We're definitely getting quicker 14:27:21 spotz[m], nice, i'm sure swag will be cool again :) 14:27:46 although, i'm already willing to get may dalmatian spencer one :) 14:28:17 Yeah I'm excited about that one, not sure what we should do for it:) 14:28:19 that one will be collector for sure 14:32:56 :) 14:33:11 let's move to the next topic 14:33:38 #topic next chair 14:33:49 who's willing to chair next week ? 14:34:30 I have holidays 14:34:36 me too 14:34:40 local holiday here 14:35:00 ah right, me too 14:35:10 just realized :) 14:35:42 so, i guess there will not be rdo meeting next week? 14:35:49 ok so the next one then, day 8 of May ? 14:36:34 #info the next meeting (May 1 2024) is cancelled 14:36:35 i'd say so, and video meeting one? 14:36:57 Merged rdo-infra/rdo-dashboards master: Update rdo-dev dashboard with Caracal https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/rdo-dashboards/+/53017 14:36:58 the 8 of May I won't be available as well 14:37:36 I can take it 14:38:13 #action karolinku[m] will chair the next meeting 14:38:21 thank you karolinku[m] 14:38:35 #topic open floor 14:38:43 #info amoralej is the RDO watcher until the next meeting 14:38:59 no! :) 14:39:13 just until next wednesday :) 14:39:23 #undo 14:39:23 Removing item from minutes: #info amoralej is the RDO watcher until the next meeting 14:39:36 #info amoralej is the RDO watcher until the next wednesday 14:39:37 I'll be at RH Summit so will miss the video call. I will be around next week if anyone wants me 14:39:54 :) 14:40:10 let's also announce following watcher too 14:40:52 so I think it would be me 14:41:01 i wouldn't mind to extend my watcher period until next friday but may the 2nd is also public holiday here 14:41:53 hmm, I'll be out whole next week.. 14:42:07 #info karolinku[m] will the RDO watcher from May 2 to May 8 14:42:15 so yes, I'd appreciate help with my watch! 14:42:57 karolinku[m]: next week you mean 6 to 10 ? 14:43:01 Or just swap with someone:) 14:43:21 Merged nfvinfo master: Promote first builds of openvswitch 3.3 and ovn 24.03 to -release https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/nfvinfo/+/53022 14:44:01 Yatin Karel proposed deps/rdo-openvswitch c9s-dalmatian-rdo: Update to ovn24.03 and openvswitch3.3 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/deps/rdo-openvswitch/+/53024 14:44:21 29-6 14:45:42 ok I'll back up thursday and friday 14:46:17 the following week I'll be off 8-9-10 so we can swap 14:46:29 good! 14:46:53 #info Centos Stream 8 repos removal has been announced in ML https://lists.rdoproject.org/archives/list/dev@lists.rdoproject.org/thread/Q3AD6A5B3RM5ENAN6MCXICCVTQJYNLTD/ 14:46:58 as a reminder 14:48:05 that's is from me 14:48:10 anything else to bring ? 14:48:28 Not that I can think of 14:48:46 not from my side 14:50:08 Yatin Karel proposed deps/openstack-network-scripts c9s-dalmatian-rdo: Update network-scripts-openvswitch to 3.3 https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/deps/openstack-network-scripts/+/53025 14:51:11 let's close the meeting then 14:51:13 #endmeeting