14:03:05 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2024-08-14 14:03:05 Meeting started Wed Aug 14 14:03:05 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is karolinku[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:05 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:05 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2024_08_14' 14:03:42 o/ 14:03:55 #chair amoralej 14:03:55 Current chairs: amoralej karolinku[m] 14:03:59 Joan Francesc Gilabert proposed rdo-jobs master: Add epdm_insecure_registries option for adoption https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/54089 14:07:38 o/ 14:07:54 #chair spotz 14:07:54 Warning: Nick not in channel: spotz 14:07:54 Current chairs: amoralej karolinku[m] spotz 14:10:45 do we have anything for today? the agenda is empty 14:11:29 PTL and TC nominations open today at 23:45 UTC 14:12:11 #info PTL and TC nominations open today at 23:45 UTC 14:12:43 i received my caracal scarf :) 14:12:53 me too! 14:12:55 And?:) 14:13:40 it's nice! 14:13:49 as i expected ... :) 14:15:16 Actually we can talk SWAG as we have time. I still need to talk to Tiger about what he can do Dalmatian related. I'd love to see Spenser with a puppy but it might not be doable. But what items do we want to look at? 14:16:16 the scarf is super nice quality 14:16:55 wrt Dalmatian, it HAS TO be covered in spots! 14:17:24 i thougth it'd be spencer with dalmatian spots 14:17:28 yeah, that :) 14:17:44 umbrella. in dots. 14:18:06 Ok I'll talk to Tiger and see if we can't turn Spenser into a Dal or have them with a Dal. 14:18:38 Well as a Dalmatian and spotted clothing expert, if the graphic has spots at all we don't want to go spotted item as it'll get lost 14:19:07 yep. one of this option 14:19:14 ETOOSPOTS :) 14:19:44 Spotted pants bad for you want the dog to stand out beside you, spotted pants when you want to hide things like crooked sits:) 14:20:55 btw, I still like idea of socks 14:21:32 Ok well think about possible item ideas and I'll look and see what I can find and if it'll work with what Tiger comes up with for us. 14:21:58 You can have socks for E:) I'm biased and want people to see our D mascot:) 14:22:36 I can wait xD 14:23:04 we have high expectations for D :) 14:23:23 hehe 14:23:41 No pressure on the design at all:) 14:24:15 xD 14:25:27 That's all I have though 14:27:50 ok 14:27:58 #topic open floor 14:28:14 Next RDO watcher is karolinku 14:28:28 aaand next chair is...? 14:29:05 i can take it 14:29:21 I will most likely miss at least the first part for the dentist so not me 14:29:50 #info Next RDO watcher is karolinku 14:30:00 #info Next chair is amoralej 14:30:25 we are slowly preparing for Dalmatian 14:33:34 if we are ok, then I'll close the meering 14:34:12 Thank you both! 14:34:14 nothing else from me 14:34:25 #endmeeting