14:01:38 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2024-08-21 14:01:38 Meeting started Wed Aug 21 14:01:38 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is amoralej. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:38 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:38 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2024_08_21' 14:01:44 #topic roll call 14:02:17 o/ 14:02:26 #chair karolinku[m] 14:02:26 Current chairs: amoralej karolinku[m] 14:05:11 #topic RDO Dalmatian preparation 14:05:33 #info Upstream schedule is in https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html 14:06:01 #info next week is final release for clients and requirements freeze 14:06:17 so it's time to start with preparation tasks again 14:07:07 #info Jira tracker is https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-321 14:07:46 we will start creating the new dlrn builder for centos9-dalmatian and rest of activities 14:09:41 i think there is no much to say with regards to this, at this point it's mostly routine thing 14:09:52 any question or comment about it? 14:09:58 I agree 14:13:32 there are no more topics for today 14:13:40 Made it! 14:13:44 :) 14:13:48 just on time 14:13:55 Hehe 14:14:03 any topic for the agenda? 14:15:29 Don’t think so, I am still waiting to get a design back from Tiger 14:15:46 ok 14:16:15 fyi I'll be on pto since next week 14:17:58 karolinku[m], how could we manage the next RDO watcher ? 14:20:47 Oh found a typo on the website needs to be merged 14:22:19 sure 14:22:22 I can be watcher 14:22:40 maybe just tomorrow and hand it over to jcapitao on monday 14:22:57 no, it's no problem 14:23:03 I can take whole week 14:23:14 thanks! 14:23:38 #info karolinku[m] will be RDO Watcher on next week 14:23:55 and to chair next meeting .... :) 14:25:29 I think I can 14:25:36 good, thanks spotz[m] 14:25:46 #action spotz[m] will chair next week 14:25:51 #topic open floor 14:25:59 anything else you'd like to discuss ? 14:27:46 nope 14:29:17 Merged rdoinfo master: Update packstack in antelope-testing https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdoinfo/+/54145 14:29:28 Merged rdoinfo master: Update packstack in bobcat-testing https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdoinfo/+/54146 14:30:13 i'm closing the meeting, then 14:30:23 thank you for joining! 14:30:30 #endmeeting