14:03:23 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2024-09-11 14:03:23 Meeting started Wed Sep 11 14:03:23 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is spotz[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:23 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2024_09_11' 14:03:32 #topic ROll call 14:03:42 #chair jcapitao 14:03:42 Warning: Nick not in channel: jcapitao 14:03:42 Current chairs: jcapitao spotz[m] 14:04:39 I put a few things in the agenda but if you have anything else please add 14:04:49 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/RDO-Meeting 14:04:59 I see you already are:) 14:05:10 I added one as well 14:05:53 Sweet 14:06:06 #topic OpenInfra Asia recap 14:07:24 Just wanted to report back it was a very well run and attended event that was co-located by Open Compute Project which allowed for some cross open source software and hardware discussions though for the most part except for keynotes they were run separately. 14:07:47 o/ 14:08:10 It was a sold out event with 1500+ folks and I know all the OpenStack talks I popped into were very well attended and the Forum sessions had good discussions 14:08:23 #chair karolinku 14:08:23 Warning: Nick not in channel: karolinku 14:08:23 Current chairs: jcapitao karolinku spotz[m] 14:08:58 that's interesting 14:09:37 Which part?:) 14:09:44 the Openstack talks were AI oriented ? 14:11:58 There was definitely a theme of VMware migration to some of them though I didn't see any specific AI ones, but most were typical of any Summit ie talk about a project and a feature, I did intro to OpenStack,etc. The Foundation did annouce they were starting to work on an AI running on OpenStack whitepapaer 14:14:27 ok good :) 14:15:00 Anything else on this? 14:15:34 don't think so 14:15:43 nope 14:15:52 Ok moving on:) 14:16:00 #topic SWAG? 14:16:22 And yes ? as I haven't heard back from Tiger on what our design will look like 14:18:36 Depending on what he comes back with I might price out a lighter weight hoodie. But open to other tentative ideas as until we know what it looks like it makes it hard to make firm plans 14:18:54 And lighter weight so it's good in more climates! 14:20:50 personally I think stickers is fine and enough 14:23:02 Well we get stickers for events, with the smaller amount of an item I order for contributor SWAG stickers don't really make sense as a thank you gift. The price for stickers is definitely for volume orders vs 50-75 14:24:03 right, it makes sense 14:25:46 So keep thinking about thinks but until we know what we're working with graphic wise we can't move forward anyways 14:26:06 #topic Reminder Cloud SiG this Thursday 14:26:51 yep, it's on my calendar 14:27:07 Merged rdo-infra/ansible-role-dlrn master: Update index.html page to reflect the Dalmatian release https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ansible-role-dlrn/+/54342 14:27:12 Just wanted to put that our so we don't forget, I believe Zed from OKD is planning to attend but we should probably officially announce to the list the move to matrix per Shaun's email a while ago as we were one of maybe 2 still over on IRC. 14:27:49 Let's move on to a real topic:) 14:27:52 #topic RDO Dalmatian preparation 14:29:06 #link https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-321 14:29:45 #info the Trunk bootstrap is almost done 14:31:15 #info libs and clients will be built on CBS in the following days 14:33:35 this week is RC1 target https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html 14:34:44 we are on track, no worries as puppet-openstack-integration will release puppet modules post GA 14:35:00 so no rush 14:35:45 that's it for this topic I think 14:36:22 agreed! 14:36:38 Ok so next topic 14:36:50 #topic Next RDO watcher? 14:37:28 it's my turn 14:38:01 Thank you 14:38:06 #topic Next Chair 14:38:17 I will be on PTO 14:38:47 I'll take it 14:39:19 Thank you! And have fun karolina 14:39:35 #topic Open Discussion 14:39:41 Anyone have anything? 14:40:23 nothing else to share on my side 14:40:31 thank you for leading 14:41:29 If any readers are in NA please try to come to OpenInfra Days NA 14:41:33 #link https://ittraining.iu.edu/explore-topics/titles/oid-iu/index.html 14:41:51 Alright with that, thanks all for attending and participating! 14:41:54 #endmeeting