14:01:18 #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2024-12-18 14:01:18 Meeting started Wed Dec 18 14:01:18 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is karolinku[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:18 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:18 The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2024_12_18' 14:01:42 :q 14:01:58 #topic roll call 14:02:07 o/ 14:02:58 #chair jcapitao 14:02:58 Warning: Nick not in channel: jcapitao 14:02:58 Current chairs: jcapitao karolinku[m] 14:04:38 first topic 14:04:54 #topic Yoga and Zed builders stop 14:05:31 Yoga and Zed reached EOL status 14:05:51 (previously it was unmaintained) 14:05:56 well not totally 14:06:08 it's still in unmaintained status 14:06:11 https://releases.openstack.org/index.html 14:06:29 but p-o-i decided to transition to EOL 14:06:31 yeah, not totally, but at this point we are unable to test it property 14:06:40 due to P-O-I 14:06:52 *properly 14:07:56 so we are planning to stop building new commits of Y and Z 14:09:06 if it is causing issues for you please let us know 14:09:40 so currently weirdo pipelines are failing for both Yoga and Zed 14:09:58 because of the transition of puppet modules to EOL branch 14:10:28 we could fix it but as it's EOL there is no interest to do so I agree 14:11:38 but we can still serve the current content 14:11:50 as we did for Wallaby 14:12:00 but no promotion, nor build, 14:13:45 we will also send ML communication about changes to remind 14:14:02 👍️ 14:14:25 so, next topic, also related to cleanups 14:14:39 #topic Packstack cleanup 14:14:55 yes, it's a follow-up of first topic 14:15:05 I did some clean up in Packstack repo 14:15:33 I tagged the old branches e.g -eol 14:15:34 https://review.opendev.org/admin/repos/x/packstack,tags/q/filter:eol 14:15:50 and removed them 14:16:02 https://review.opendev.org/admin/repos/x/packstack,branches 14:16:32 oldest branch now is stable/2023.1 14:18:27 nice 14:18:38 that's it for this topic 14:19:17 #topic RDO S2I experimentation 14:20:21 #info RDO is experimenting building services from source (S2I) 14:20:27 #link https://github.com/jcapiitao/rdo-konflux-s2i/ 14:20:57 #info the builds are done in Konflux 14:21:11 there is more information in the README 14:22:27 I built the Keystone container images, and I am testing it on CRC by deploying a minimal RDO infra 14:22:32 doing some smoke test 14:22:59 but would like to be able to test it properly with a CI/CD job 14:24:55 and all the tempest suite 14:25:21 it's still WIP but there is some good progress 14:25:38 that's it 14:26:02 #topic open floor 14:26:27 next RDO watch should be me, but I'll be on PTO except monday 14:26:52 I'll take care of the operational part, no worries 14:26:59 thanks! 14:27:26 next RDO meeting will take place at 8 January 14:30:02 if we don't have anything else, I'll close the meeting 14:30:47 nothing else from me 14:30:51 #endmeeting