14:05:15 <spotz[m]> #startmeeting RDO meeting - 2025-02-26
14:05:15 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Feb 26 14:05:15 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:05:15 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:05:15 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2025_02_26'
14:05:22 <spotz[m]> #topic Roll Call
14:05:50 <jcapitao[m]> o/
14:05:50 <karolinku[m]> o/
14:06:20 <spotz[m]> #topic RDO/CS10
14:08:22 <jcapitao[m]> karolinku: do you want to give an update on the topic?
14:08:38 <jcapitao[m]> or I can if you want
14:09:04 <karolinku[m]> considering my last week on PTO I may not be up to date:)
14:10:03 <jcapitao[m]> I think nothing changed from last week
14:10:33 <karolinku[m]> Im still on glean project
14:12:13 <karolinku[m]> and you?
14:13:02 <jcapitao[m]> #info CS10 is not supported in the upstream, RDO is working on adding support it
14:13:21 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-385
14:13:52 <karolinku[m]> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/glean/+/941672
14:14:25 <jcapitao[m]> #info the main goal now is to adapt Glean project to support NetworkManager keyfiles
14:14:26 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-443
14:15:46 <spotz[m]> Do you think we should change our normal green status in the program calls to yellow to bring more internal attention to this?
14:16:16 <karolinku[m]> what does this colour means?
14:16:18 <jcapitao[m]> for which component ?
14:18:58 <spotz[m]> Well for community in general, the colors are green all good on target, yellow might miss target, red we're in trouble
14:19:38 <jcapitao[m]> for RDO Epoxy on CS10 ?
14:19:40 <karolinku[m]> if speaking of releasing Epoxy close to GA, I think we will miss it
14:20:20 <karolinku[m]> RDO Epoxy on CS10 - I need to first run this glean to push this topic further
14:20:41 <spotz[m]> CS10 for sure?
14:21:52 <jcapitao[m]> we won't be able to release Epoxy on CS10, that's for sure
14:22:16 <spotz[m]> Ok let me start bringing attention to that
14:22:24 <karolinku[m]> oh no
14:22:43 <karolinku[m]> I don't think we need more push on it 😅
14:23:18 <spotz[m]> Ok:)
14:23:47 <karolinku[m]> maybe jcapitao has different opinion?
14:24:59 <jcapitao[m]> even though we update Glean to support NM keyfile, I doubt p-o-i and packstack will be able to catch up to support CS10 before GA
14:26:19 <jcapitao[m]> so the GA deadline should not be the target I'd say
14:26:59 <jcapitao[m]> we'll release Epoxy on CS10 later on
14:27:51 <rdogerrit> Douglas Viroel proposed config master: Add edpm-pipeline to watcher, watcher-client and watcher-dashboard  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/56592
14:28:13 <spotz[m]> And to be honest I think it's only the last 2 releases we were on or near GA
14:29:33 <jcapitao[m]> yeah, since the retirement of TripleO
14:31:40 <spotz[m]> I think if we're going to be within a month we're ok, if we think we'll be 6 I'd change us to yellow to let folks know, if 8 I'd take us red
14:32:58 <rdogerrit> Douglas Viroel proposed config master: Add edpm-pipeline to watcher, watcher-client and watcher-dashboard  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/56592
14:34:10 <jcapitao[m]> works for me 👍️
14:35:03 <spotz[m]> Ok let's keep an eye on progress and decide as we get closer. Anything else on CS10?
14:36:30 <jcapitao[m]> the centos10-master trunk bootstrap in still WIP
14:37:29 <jcapitao[m]> and that's it
14:38:32 <rdogerrit> Douglas Viroel proposed config master: Add edpm-pipeline to watcher, watcher-client and watcher-dashboard  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/config/+/56592
14:38:49 <spotz[m]> #topic Epoxy on CS9
14:40:19 <jcapitao[m]> so as we won't be able to release Epoxy on CS10, we have to release it on CS9 for the sake of continuity
14:41:22 <jcapitao[m]> it will ease the process of supporting CS10 afterward
14:42:07 <jcapitao[m]> #link https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-454
14:45:50 <jcapitao[m]> anyone is welcome to self assign a subtask
14:48:08 <jcapitao[m]> and that's it for this topic
14:49:41 <spotz[m]> #topic watcher?
14:49:52 <karolinku[m]> me!
14:50:09 <karolinku[m]> I think jcapitao will be absent now?
14:50:50 <spotz[m]> #topic Next week's meeting
14:51:08 <spotz[m]> I will be on a plane next week will both of you be around or do we want to cancel?
14:51:10 <jcapitao[m]> yep I'll be on PTO til next Thurs
14:51:28 <jcapitao[m]> so we can cancel I'd say
14:52:32 <karolinku[m]> agree
14:53:07 <spotz[m]> Ok cancelled!
14:53:15 <spotz[m]> #topic open floor
14:53:25 <spotz[m]> Anyone have anything else to bring up?
14:54:11 <jcapitao[m]> nothing else from me :)
14:56:02 <spotz[m]> #endmeeting