16:59:39 <davidlenwell> #startmeeting refstack 16:59:40 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jun 5 16:59:39 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is davidlenwell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:59:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'refstack' 17:00:23 <coolsvap> hello 17:01:06 <davidlenwell> Hello coolsvap 17:01:12 <sarob> Yellow 17:01:18 <zehicle_in_air> o/ 17:01:24 <davidlenwell> roll call? 17:01:25 <catheri1> hello 17:01:44 <rockyg> o/ 17:01:57 * sarob still lurking 17:02:13 * zehicle_in_air has hard stop at :20 17:02:32 <davidlenwell> Good morning everyone .. I want to appologize in advance .. I didn't get home from vegas last night until 4am .. 17:02:45 <zehicle_in_air> but did you win? 17:02:52 <rockyg> I thought that was your excuse *last* week;-) 17:02:54 <davidlenwell> I did 17:03:44 <davidlenwell> anyways .. with zehicle_in_air on a plane and me exausted ... I thought we'd keep in short and sweet 17:03:54 <davidlenwell> agenda: specs, f2f, open discussion 17:03:56 <rockyg> ++ 17:03:57 <zehicle_in_air> +1 (esp w/ f2f 17:04:16 <davidlenwell> exactly 17:05:18 <davidlenwell> So im a little behind .. my vacation was extended a few days.. my brother and I won big at craps and the casino gave us a free suite .. so I really haven't worked all week . 17:05:57 <zehicle_in_air> you were able to unblock the review queue, which was great 17:06:16 <davidlenwell> yes I did do that before I left 17:06:29 <zehicle_in_air> are there items that should go in before the f2f? 17:06:39 <zehicle_in_air> sorry.... back to specs 17:06:58 <davidlenwell> well I think that specs are all we need to think about landing 17:07:07 <davidlenwell> and they'll land when they are finished with review 17:07:10 <rockyg> is anyone following rally spec(s)? I saw they released. Wondering if their gui for test setup might work with us. 17:07:35 * zehicle_in_air parking lot > Dell is putting two people full time onto refstack work. We can talk about work for them at the F2F 17:07:36 <davidlenwell> rockyg: .. it might .. I'll review their specs before f2f 17:08:08 <rockyg> zehicle_in_air stuff is great in that it focuses where other projects aren't and provide good visuals 17:08:22 <zehicle_in_air> thanks 17:08:40 <rockyg> Catheri1 should review and fill in connectors, maybe? 17:08:43 <zehicle_in_air> rockyg, I think DefCore discussion from yesterday will help with that 17:08:46 <catheri1> thx 17:08:59 <rockyg> Yes 17:09:10 <catheri1> once your review that I can go on to write the actually API spec 17:09:12 <zehicle_in_air> if people are OK w/ my direction so far, I'll compelte the specs before the F2F 17:09:15 <catheri1> then we can start coing 17:09:31 <davidlenwell> I'm good with your direction zehicle_in_air 17:09:52 <davidlenwell> catheri1: I'll review today 17:10:00 <rockyg> Yup. 17:10:27 <catheri1> I also found out a few things when looking at Tempest master for my other spec 17:10:52 <rockyg> Been following the admin tests separation spec in QA. Making comments for us. 17:11:01 <catheri1> I confirm that the test name as used on the core test JSON is not unique 17:11:14 <davidlenwell> uh oh 17:11:18 <ewindisch_> o/ 17:11:31 <zehicle_in_air> really?! 17:11:33 <rockyg> Is it if more tree is provided? 17:11:36 <catheri1> yes 17:11:42 <catheri1> here is the example 17:12:06 <zehicle_in_air> are you only looking in the coretest.json file? If so, that could be a transcription error 17:12:28 <catheri1> some of the test were first coded in compute.admin (path).. now they move the test to say volume and use the same test method name 17:12:28 <zehicle_in_air> HOWEVER, the DefCore is likely to make a change the combines the coretest and capabilities json files 17:12:58 * zehicle_in_air sad face. oh, that's not the easy case I was hoping for 17:13:14 <zehicle_in_air> catheri1, I would consider that a tempest bug 17:13:21 <catheri1> so far I am looking at all the Tempest API test (test has increase from 1296 to about 2500) 17:13:23 <zehicle_in_air> bug = issue to resolve oin that project 17:13:38 <davidlenwell> zehicle_in_air: +1 17:13:44 * zehicle_in_air looking forward to when we have OVER 9000 17:13:49 <catheri1> I am not sure it is a bug because tempest testid is a full path ID 17:13:56 <rockyg> Problem is, in most test frameworks, capabilities are directories above tests, so tests can have identical names but different paths 17:14:04 <davidlenwell> but the path to each test is unuiqe.. so im sure we can some with something 17:14:11 <catheri1> I am preparing a couple spreadsheet 17:14:19 <zehicle_in_air> ah, davidlenwell may be onto solution 17:14:30 <zehicle_in_air> not a problem to include /path/testname 17:14:34 <catheri1> we can discuss that on f2f for both DefCore and Rfstack 17:14:35 <davidlenwell> yes 17:14:35 <rockyg> Yeah, you need fully qualified name 17:14:52 <zehicle_in_air> as long as it's in the results 17:14:57 <davidlenwell> lets table that for the f2f 17:15:09 <davidlenwell> #topic f2f 17:16:30 <coolsvap> davidlenwell: when is the f2f planned? 17:16:53 <fcarpenter> Weds June 11 17:16:54 <davidlenwell> coolsvap: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12pm – 6pm 17:17:00 <davidlenwell> at the piston office 17:17:10 <davidlenwell> which is at 126 post st in downtown sf 17:17:27 <fcarpenter> 126 Post St, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94108 17:17:32 <davidlenwell> thanks fcarpenter 17:17:49 <zehicle_descendi> I think we had an etherpad for the agenda 17:17:50 <davidlenwell> looks like we're loosing zehicle_descendi 17:17:55 <coolsvap> davidlenwell: I wanted to know if there is any plan for web meeting/hangout like stuff? 17:18:08 <davidlenwell> coolsvap: we can set up a hang out 17:18:10 <rockyg> should have it. 17:18:11 <davidlenwell> if we are not local 17:18:16 <zehicle_descendi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/refstack.2014-06-11 17:18:20 <davidlenwell> er.. you are not local 17:18:54 <ewindisch_> I presume it’s open? 17:19:07 <davidlenwell> ewindisch_: indeed 17:19:12 <rockyg> We should invite some Qa/Tempest folks and schedule a short discussion with them. and maybe rally? 17:19:19 <davidlenwell> you're welcome to join us 17:19:25 <rockyg> more the merrier 17:19:32 <zehicle_descendi> The DefCore meeting the following day is open too 17:19:53 <rockyg> gonna be a bear going to the city two days in a row. 17:19:54 <zehicle_descendi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreLighthouse.F2F 17:19:54 <ewindisch_> I’m busy (dockercon) on tuesday, but might be free Wednesday. 17:20:13 <davidlenwell> great! 17:20:14 <catheri1> I thought DefCore f2f meeting is one day before Refstack f2f 17:20:23 <zehicle_descendi> catheri1, after 17:20:24 <davidlenwell> docker already has its own con 17:20:26 <davidlenwell> ? 17:20:38 <ewindisch_> davidlenwell: yeah - but offtopic ;-) 17:20:53 <zehicle_descendi> DefCore is Thursday 17:20:59 <davidlenwell> indeed .. sorry .. distractable when Im tired 17:21:33 <zehicle_descendi> ewindisch_, your dockerstack talk looks interesting 17:21:43 <catheri1> another topic is for refstack.org to allow for cloud customized parameter input 17:22:07 <davidlenwell> catheri1: lets also save that for the f2f 17:22:18 <zehicle_descendi> re: DefCore on Thurs. Let's officially NOT have this meeting next week 17:22:27 <davidlenwell> yes 17:22:29 <rockyg> good point. Add to the f2f agenda? 17:22:34 <catheri1> +1 add that to the f2f agenda 17:22:38 <davidlenwell> +1 on that 17:22:53 <rockyg> ++ 17:23:12 <ewindisch_> +1 17:23:36 <davidlenwell> alright everyone.. if nobody has anything important to discuss before then I move we end early 17:23:44 <catheri1> also rockyg:'s spreadsheet ... for f2f discusion 17:23:45 * zehicle_descendi stowing my laptop now.... 17:24:09 <rockyg> seconded and catheri1, yes. 17:24:30 <davidlenwell> okay.. thanks everyone!! see you next week .. lets keep those specs rolling in 17:24:54 <rockyg> ttfn 17:24:55 <davidlenwell> if you need anything from me just leave me a note in #refstack 17:25:02 <davidlenwell> #endmeeting