19:03:11 <davidlenwell> #startmeeting refstack 19:03:12 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Sep 29 19:03:11 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is davidlenwell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:03:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:03:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'refstack' 19:03:29 <davidlenwell> roll call? 19:04:00 <catheri6> here 19:04:08 <rockyg> o/ 19:04:35 <davidlenwell> I'd like to discuss sergeys latest work .. but he doesn't seem to be here 19:05:47 <rockyg> Maybe we can circle back. 19:06:01 <sslypushenko__> Hi all! 19:06:03 <rockyg> Or maybe we don't need to 19:06:23 <davidlenwell> hi sslypushenko__ 19:07:16 <davidlenwell> I'd like to discuss what you brought up in channel earlier 19:07:40 <sslypushenko__> Yep 19:08:38 <sslypushenko__> Do we really need run tempest in docker? 19:10:47 <catheri6> So we do not just run tempest in docker ... we can run Ubuntu version of Tempest in either docker or native ... but for other distros support we would like to wrap it in docker so we only need to validate Tempest run with one distro which is Ubuntu 19:11:20 <catheri6> we do not turn refstack-client into integration house where we need to ensure that all distros work 19:11:35 <catheri6> that I think is the idea why we use container 19:11:43 <catheri6> open for discussion ... 19:13:05 <catheri6> of course that makes refstack-client depend on docker .. 19:13:11 <sslypushenko__> It somewhat strange requirement to run refstack-client in a container 19:13:27 <davidlenwell> agreed 19:13:34 <davidlenwell> it cannot be required 19:13:51 <catheri6> question to every one: which distro is OpenStack QA running with? 19:13:53 <davidlenwell> I'd rather automate the installing of dependant libs 19:14:12 <davidlenwell> they work with rehl and centos and susa 19:14:28 <davidlenwell> we are confusing two issues here 19:14:41 <davidlenwell> nobody is suggesting that we force the use of docker 19:14:43 <catheri6> so no ubuntu :-) 19:15:02 <davidlenwell> we can use something like sslypushenko__'s script 19:15:07 <davidlenwell> no reason not to 19:15:22 <davidlenwell> and i don't see a real reason to reduce our binary dependance either 19:15:47 <davidlenwell> lots of apps depend on other apps .. its just how things work .. and honestly we've spent more time arguing about this than it would take to just support rehl 19:16:16 <sslypushenko__> agreed 19:16:30 <davidlenwell> sslypushenko__: if you change your script to bash I will merge it 19:16:36 <davidlenwell> thats my only hessitation right now 19:16:50 <sslypushenko__> why we need bash? 19:17:06 <davidlenwell> its an installer essentially .. belongs in bash 19:17:20 <sslypushenko__> Detect disto in bash is not easy 19:17:21 <davidlenwell> using python for light logic then calling out to shell is just overly complex 19:18:08 <davidlenwell> there is a ton of bash out there already written that does just that 19:18:19 <davidlenwell> if you're not up to it .. fine .. but its actually not that complicated 19:18:41 <sslypushenko__> You can go to devstack repo and look for that code... 19:19:31 <sslypushenko__> I can bring links here, if you want) 19:19:55 <davidlenwell> So I think you are over thinking this 19:20:05 <davidlenwell> all we really need is to detect apt-get vs yum 19:20:32 <davidlenwell> we don't really care what os they are running .. and someone tries it on one our docs say are tested .. I don't actually care .. 19:20:34 <davidlenwell> see .. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16597342/bash-test-for-yum-or-apt-based-linux 19:21:24 <sslypushenko__> Hmmm... sounds reasonable 19:21:31 <davidlenwell> cool .. lets move on 19:21:40 <davidlenwell> the other major hold back right now is the api 19:21:48 <sslypushenko__> Ok. I will rewrite script tomorrow 19:21:50 <catheri6> If we are going to support multiple distros how about SUSE .. it does not use either apt-get or yum? 19:22:08 <davidlenwell> we will cross that bridge later or they can run tcup 19:22:18 <davidlenwell> rehl and ubuntu are the ones I am more worried about right now 19:22:31 <davidlenwell> lets move on .. 19:22:43 <davidlenwell> #topic api 19:23:20 <davidlenwell> I'm working now to break up the api that I have now working into logical commits.. those should start rolling in today 19:23:49 <davidlenwell> I'll want everyone to review them .. keep an eye out I will ping you all with a description of how I have it broken up and why I did some of the changes 19:24:14 <sslypushenko__> Good news! 19:24:27 <catheri6> seems like we will be using a specific tag of Tempest .. should we add a field in the result model to save this info 19:25:25 <davidlenwell> catheri6: two steps ahead of you 19:25:27 <davidlenwell> ;) 19:25:33 <davidlenwell> that is one of the changes that I made 19:25:51 <catheri6> davidlenwell: ha ha 19:26:11 <davidlenwell> feild is called tempest_version its a varchar feild . so we can use it for either a sha or to name the tagged release 19:27:21 <davidlenwell> So I'll be pretty busy the next couple of days making sure the api lands and then working on getting it hosted 19:27:43 <davidlenwell> So there is another topic that I want to discuss.. 19:27:46 <davidlenwell> its kinda important 19:27:53 <davidlenwell> and I with rob was here for it 19:28:14 <davidlenwell> #topic refstack beyond defcore 19:29:02 <davidlenwell> anyone keeping track of the political landscape in openstack will know by now that defcore is going a bit sideways and the tc is working on making some serious changes.. 19:29:22 <rockyg> yup. 19:29:26 <catheri6> will that affect refstack? 19:29:34 <davidlenwell> which raises the question what life does refstack have if defcore is no more .. or doesn't need us as a validation tool for enforcing trademark 19:29:47 <davidlenwell> the simple one word answer to that is interop 19:30:09 <davidlenwell> the community and the tc still very much care about having interop data 19:30:13 <rockyg> My take on the discussion seems to put refstack in a more critical position because it tests interop 19:30:38 <davidlenwell> rockyg: thats exactly what I am saying 19:30:44 <rockyg> ++ 19:30:47 <catheri6> ++ 19:30:52 <rockyg> you got there first ;-) 19:30:56 <davidlenwell> :) 19:31:29 <davidlenwell> So what I am suggesting is that we adjust the wording in our mission statement in the wiki to be more interop and play down defcore 19:31:39 <rockyg> good idea 19:32:06 <davidlenwell> okay .. cool .. well I've covered everything on my mind this week.. does anyone have anything else? 19:32:10 <davidlenwell> #topic open discussion 19:32:14 <catheri6> rockyg: will you take care of that for us? 19:32:29 <davidlenwell> rockyg: actually lets start an etherpad 19:32:31 <catheri6> that is the wiki 19:32:38 <davidlenwell> to work the text before putting it in the wiki 19:32:47 <catheri6> good idea 19:32:48 <davidlenwell> we can start with the current wiki text 19:32:53 <catheri6> who in tc do we work with? 19:32:56 <davidlenwell> and I'll go through and slash things out 19:32:56 <rockyg> ++ 19:33:21 <davidlenwell> we don't need to work with the tc yet 19:33:48 <davidlenwell> but several of them will be open to working with us when we're ready .. I've already had a lot of offline conversations aligning us the right way 19:35:02 <catheri6> defcore used to be our parent :-) ... 19:35:16 <davidlenwell> I've never really seen it that way 19:35:39 <davidlenwell> more like one of our customers 19:35:42 <rockyg> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/refstack-wiki-draft 19:35:55 <davidlenwell> awesome . thanks rockyg 19:36:39 <catheri6> next ... do we need to discuss this https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Refstack-TestID-Approaches .. or we are set to use tagged release for now .. 19:36:57 <davidlenwell> tagged release 19:37:03 <davidlenwell> thought I covered this last wek 19:37:04 <davidlenwell> week 19:37:05 <rockyg> catheri6: I think both Josh and Randy Bias were agitating for what is now Refstack long before Defcore got created 19:37:21 <davidlenwell> yep 19:37:34 <davidlenwell> it was josh and monty actually 19:37:45 <davidlenwell> but randy is a huge ally in all things interop 19:38:12 <davidlenwell> the main goal is going to be to creat an interop map 19:38:15 <catheri6> but radny has not joined us... 19:38:31 <rockyg> he's too busy running his company 19:38:31 <davidlenwell> he's got other priorities 19:38:35 <davidlenwell> yep 19:38:54 <davidlenwell> but I Assure you he is paying attention 19:39:08 <rockyg> Once we have the framework up, I bet some of his employees will be adding interop type tests to tempest 19:39:10 <catheri6> and agree with what we do? 19:39:45 <rockyg> Yeah. Refstack lets him prove the work he does is really OpenStack 19:39:55 <davidlenwell> he doesn't strike me as the type to be silent when in dissagreement 19:40:30 <davidlenwell> but we're not going to worry about him or anything else right now .. we need to stay on track 19:40:54 <catheri6> yes get refstack and restack-client to work ... 19:41:03 <davidlenwell> +1000000000000000 19:41:13 <catheri6> hopefully before Paris so we can show to as many people as possible at the summit 19:41:20 <davidlenwell> so right now I think we are on track for that goal 19:41:35 <davidlenwell> api to land .. then I'll turn my focus on the front end of the data views 19:41:57 <catheri6> I am happy with the progress in refstack-clent for the last week ... I think we are in th right direction ... 19:42:05 <catheri6> davidlenwell: +++1 19:42:14 <davidlenwell> good 19:43:34 <catheri6> only 2 outstanding reviews in refstack-clent .. Sergey's .. will merge after his change ... how about this one https://review.openstack.org/#/c/120926/ 19:45:13 <davidlenwell> I'll review it now 19:45:18 <davidlenwell> well after this meeting 19:46:02 <davidlenwell> also .. just fyi .. catherine learned last week how effective emailing me is to get my attention on a review 19:46:14 <catheri6> :-) 19:46:52 <davidlenwell> if you cant' catch me here and you want my thoughts on something or to review some code . try irc .. then email me 19:47:09 <davidlenwell> my email address for those who don't know is dlenwell@gmail.com 19:47:16 <catheri6> we need to work on the reviews in refstack .. but I guess they are more on the defcore side 19:47:19 <rockyg> good to know. for me, email,email, text 19:47:47 <davidlenwell> catheri6: indeed .. I cannot merge defcore things without reviews from someone on defcore 19:50:43 <davidlenwell> we have an agreement not to merge without a review from a defcore commitie member 19:50:47 <catheri6> if we do not have any thing else ... we can discuss a technical topic ... 19:51:09 <catheri6> I think we need a defcore committe member .... 19:51:28 <davidlenwell> we have to be prepared for a world without a defcore commitie 19:51:54 <davidlenwell> what is your technical topic? 19:52:28 <catheri6> I found that the git version in Ubuntu 12.04 does not support git with branch ... 19:52:55 <davidlenwell> oh that is a hicup 19:52:59 <davidlenwell> like not at all ? 19:53:37 <catheri6> not at all because of the git version but saucy is ok ... but we can work aroind the issue by not using git ... 19:54:03 <davidlenwell> use http 19:54:08 <catheri6> just unpack the zip like we did before for stable Havana ... 19:54:10 <davidlenwell> I think thats fine 19:54:20 <catheri6> that would work for all version 19:54:27 <catheri6> versions ... 19:54:40 <davidlenwell> only real reason to use git itself is if we want to push code back .. otherwise grabbing the tagged release via http is totally fine 19:54:55 <catheri6> davidlenwell: agree 19:55:28 <davidlenwell> just make sure we validate the md5 of the zip file we grabbed before unzipping it and running the code inside 19:55:46 <davidlenwell> you know .. just to keep things secure 19:55:54 <catheri6> yep 19:56:05 <davidlenwell> okay .. so who is going to make that change? 19:56:13 <rockyg> sounds simpler and possibly more reliable. 19:56:15 <davidlenwell> It hink we should create a story for it 19:56:32 <davidlenwell> and assign it to someone 19:56:39 <davidlenwell> can do that if nobody else wants to 19:56:50 <davidlenwell> I mean create the story not make the change to the code 19:57:07 <catheri6> davidlenwell: makle sense ... 19:57:33 <catheri6> for now sslypushenko__: will code is set_env as is .. 19:57:58 <catheri6> davidlenwell: can you create story? 19:58:24 <catheri6> or I can do that too.. 19:58:35 <davidlenwell> catheri6: why don't you give it a try 19:58:45 <catheri6> ok 19:58:46 <davidlenwell> pm me the link to it when you do and I can help you adjust it 19:59:08 <catheri6> davidlenwell: sure 19:59:15 * davidlenwell is trying to include catheri6 in part of the project managment so he doesn't get overwhelmed 19:59:34 <davidlenwell> okay .. that is all our time for today .. we can still chat in #refstack if anyone needs anything 19:59:38 <davidlenwell> #endmeeting