19:00:18 <catherineD> #startmeeting refstack 19:00:18 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 18 19:00:18 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is catherineD. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:00:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'refstack' 19:01:30 <pvaneck> o/ 19:01:46 <catherineD> #link meeting agenda and notes, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/refstack-meeting-16-10-18 19:03:14 <GheRivero> o/ 19:03:43 <catherineD> GheRivero: Hello Welcome !! 19:04:41 <GheRivero> thx catherineD 19:04:42 <catherineD> not sure how many people will join todays meeting ... let's wait for a couple more minutes 19:05:11 <catherineD> GheRivero: will you be at the summit? 19:06:12 <GheRivero> yes. I'll be there. 19:07:47 <catherineD> That is great ... I hope you can make it to the RefStack session ... or at least I would like to meet you at the summit 19:08:03 <catherineD> thx for the very important patch about test list ... 19:08:04 <GheRivero> sure. i 19:08:21 <GheRivero> I plan to join some of the sessions 19:08:49 <catherineD> I thinl we can start ... a lot of people are getting busy for the summit ... and since we will meet at the summit they may not show up today 19:08:55 <luzC> o/ 19:09:09 <catherineD> #link meeting agenda and notes, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/refstack-meeting-16-10-18 19:09:26 <catherineD> #topic Taget to merge feature/vendor to master 19:10:10 <catherineD> so we actually MAKE our target date to merge the patches in the feature/vendor branch to the master branch ... 19:10:17 <catherineD> THANK YOU ALL!!!! 19:10:28 <Rockyg> o/ 19:10:35 <GheRivero> \o/ 19:11:06 <catherineD> The next step is to tag it to publish it to the website .... 19:11:16 <Rockyg> \o/ 19:11:47 <catherineD> we discuss last week ... there is concern that it is a bit risky to release such a major change before the summit ... 19:12:16 <catherineD> especially with at lot of people in the interop-challenge team will send data to our site ... 19:13:01 <catherineD> should we delay publish to the website until after summit? 19:13:49 <pvaneck> I dont think there is a rush 19:13:55 <luzC> I think we should wait 19:13:59 <luzC> +1 19:14:02 <catherineD> this code will enable vendor/product registration ... so the test result will be able to associate to vendor/products 19:14:50 <catherineD> OK ... that make sense .. we do not need unnecessary stress :-) 19:15:11 <catherineD> Let's target it after the summit then ... 19:16:21 <catherineD> #agreed Delay publishing the vendor/product registration code to https://refstack.openstack.org/#/ until after the summit 19:16:25 <Rockyg> Should demo it at the summit, but say release after so that site has our full attention when it goes live 19:16:36 <catherineD> Rockyg: we can do that ... 19:16:50 <catherineD> that is a good idea 19:17:46 <GheRivero> Rockyg: like the idea 19:18:09 <catherineD> Rockyg: GheRivero: ++ 19:18:39 <catherineD> moving on 19:18:53 <catherineD> #topic IRC meetings 19:19:02 <catherineD> we will skip next week's meeting for sure ... 19:19:27 <Rockyg> we should also keep infra team apprised of when we do it. we should have lots of eyes watching. 19:20:25 <catherineD> Paul and I will be on vacation the following week .. anyone want to host the meeting on Nov 1, 2016 or should we just skip that meeting as well? 19:21:27 <pvaneck> i think skipping it is fine 19:21:43 <catherineD> Rockyg: yea since this is a major change and involving database update ... we need infra support ... that is the main reason we do not want to update this week while infra team may not be available 19:23:41 <catherineD> Rockyg: GheRivero: luzC: skip the Nov 1 meeting? 19:23:50 <GheRivero> sure 19:24:14 <catherineD> ok 19:24:30 <catherineD> I will send email about skipped meeting 19:24:36 <catherineD> next topic 19:24:48 <catherineD> #topic Project Team Gathering (PTG) 19:25:05 <catherineD> The date is February 20-24, 2017 in Atlanta 19:25:21 <catherineD> I have not requested for room ... 19:25:25 <luzC> yes 19:26:07 <catherineD> will anyone from the RefStack team go to the PTG? 19:26:28 <catherineD> for us we need travel approval .. and it is kind of too close to the summit 19:26:36 <GheRivero> will depend on travel budget 19:26:44 <catherineD> GheRivero: exactly ... 19:26:45 <Rockyg> I'll likely go, but for cross project stuff... 19:27:27 <catherineD> I do not want to request for a room without the knowlege about travel approval ... since this is something new 19:28:04 <catherineD> anyone think that we need to meet at PTG? 19:28:18 <luzC> same with me, will depend on travel budget 19:28:48 <catherineD> I think if our team menbers will have the budget to go .. we will always find away to meet ... 19:29:05 <Rockyg> Do we have any big architwcture plans that we can't cover at the summit? 19:29:21 <catherineD> Andrey and Sergey are not here today ... I will contact them offline about PTG 19:29:45 <Rockyg> Otherwise, I think we don't need to be at PTG. We're pretty independent of most of the dev stuff. 19:29:46 <catherineD> Rockyg: I don';t think so ... vendor/product registration is our biggest change ... 19:30:05 <catherineD> after that just bug fixes and small feature requests from the bug list 19:30:18 <catherineD> great ... 19:30:43 <catherineD> #agreed The RefStack team will not request a room at the PTG 19:31:06 <catherineD> that way .. we still can meet if our team members will be there for other purposes 19:31:39 <catherineD> #link Please add your topics if any to the summit etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/refstack-ocata-summit 19:32:00 <catherineD> luzC: thanks for adding your topics 19:32:38 <catherineD> that bring us to our next topic 19:32:54 <catherineD> #topic Open discussion 19:33:19 <Rockyg> Randy Bias just moved to Juniper 19:34:11 <catherineD> Rockyg: wow ...that is a great news for networking team .. 19:36:56 <catherineD> I hope to see you all at the RefStack session Date: Wed (Oct 26, 2016) 5:05 - 6:35 PM 19:37:31 <luzC> :) me too 19:37:46 <GheRivero> ++ 19:37:51 <catherineD> yup ... 19:38:04 <catherineD> I like face-2-face meeting 19:38:21 <catherineD> anything else for today ? 19:38:54 <catherineD> If not, see you at the summit ... 19:39:09 <catherineD> Thank you all! 19:39:25 <catherineD> #endmeeting