13:59:33 <dhellmann> #startmeeting releaseteam 13:59:33 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Jul 29 13:59:33 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dhellmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:59:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:59:37 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 13:59:51 <dhellmann> courtesy ping: ttx, dims_, fungi, stevemar 14:00:11 <ttx> o/ 14:00:15 <dhellmann> courtesy ping: tonyb 14:00:32 <dhellmann> #link agenda for R-10 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-relmgt-tracking 14:00:46 <ttx> wow, a 70-replies thread. You guys weer busy this week 14:01:11 <dhellmann> did it go that far? I stopped counting. 14:01:17 <ttx> feeling like I missed a lot of fun 14:01:46 <dhellmann> not the word I'd choose :-) 14:01:58 <dhellmann> ok, let's get started 14:02:06 <fungi> which thread? or do you mean that one thread that's not really related to releases? 14:02:15 <ttx> probably that one 14:02:17 <fungi> k 14:02:18 <dhellmann> that was the only one I saw that big 14:02:23 <dhellmann> #topic release automation status 14:02:41 <dhellmann> #link automation debugging notes https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/release-automation-debugging 14:03:03 <dhellmann> we found one issue with our use of zuul-cloner, and replaced that with a few simple git commands for now 14:03:10 <dhellmann> #link use git instead of zuul-cloner on the signing node: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/348549/ 14:03:22 <dhellmann> I'll be testing the results later today as soon as my test release patch passes the check queue 14:03:38 <fungi> yeah, looks like that last fix merged earlier 14:03:53 <dhellmann> yep, thanks to you and AJaeger 14:04:02 <fungi> hit me up if you spot any other unexpected behaviors 14:04:11 <dhellmann> definitely! 14:04:19 <fungi> i'm mostly swamped fixing other things that seem to be impacting nova's freeze 14:04:20 <dhellmann> #topic fixing release model settings 14:04:41 <dhellmann> well, if I hit anything, I'll queue it up for early next weeek 14:04:59 <dhellmann> last week we started fixing release model tags for some projects 14:05:01 <dhellmann> we have one more left 14:05:02 <dhellmann> #link https://review.openstack.org/346158 trove-image-builder and murano-apps will not be released for newton 14:05:10 <dhellmann> one patch, 2 projects 14:05:50 <dhellmann> ttx, should I ping the PTLs for those projects? the patch is based on their email responses on the ML 14:05:52 <ttx> hmm, I'll approve this one now 14:05:56 <dhellmann> ok 14:06:13 <ttx> not strictly 7 days but I won't be around at 8pm 14:07:00 <dhellmann> yeah, I thought as a release-tag change we didn't have to wait 14:07:06 <dhellmann> there's no rush, though 14:07:46 <dhellmann> #topic cycle-trailing clarification 14:08:01 <dhellmann> the ansible folks proposed a b2 tag this week, 2 weeks after the milestone 14:08:26 <dhellmann> I accepted it, since the wording wasn't really clear, but proposed an update to the tag definition to clarify that we only mean for the final release to have an extra 2 weeks 14:08:31 <dhellmann> #link https://review.openstack.org/348501 clarify that cycle-trailing projects follow the milestone deadlines 14:08:50 <dhellmann> tonyb pointed out a flaw in the new wording, so I've updated it to try to address that 14:08:57 * ttx rechecks it 14:09:52 <ttx> lgtm 14:10:08 <dhellmann> ok, good 14:10:14 <dhellmann> #topic status review next week 14:10:38 <dhellmann> we should go through our todo list and do a checkup to see if we're still on track for the cycle 14:10:51 <dhellmann> let's plan to make that the bulk of the meeting agenda next week 14:11:09 <dhellmann> please review the newton plan for anything that is assigned to you and make sure the status is correct 14:11:10 <dhellmann> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-relmgt-plan 14:12:04 <ttx> will do 14:12:18 <dhellmann> there's no need to go into details of that today, so we can move on to the most important agenda item 14:12:20 <dhellmann> #topic mascot 14:12:21 <ttx> I only have two full weeks of work before N3 14:12:28 <dhellmann> #undo 14:12:29 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x7f5bbffe8a90> 14:12:57 <ttx> so I'll certainly look at what I signed up to do :) 14:13:00 <dhellmann> yeah, I don't think I accounted for all of my travel earlier in the cycle, but I shouldn't have as much between now and the end (2 short trips that I know of) 14:13:17 <dhellmann> #topic mascot 14:13:19 <ttx> dhellmann: I hope we'll have a date for the PTG so that we can build an Ocata schedule soon, too 14:13:25 <dhellmann> yes, that would be good 14:13:53 <dhellmann> I have some tc-related work to do for ocata as well, for those project goals 14:13:54 <ttx> I know they are visiting venues today, so I should have the answer early next week :) 14:14:05 <dhellmann> ok 14:14:16 <dhellmann> we're approved for a "border collie" mascot 14:14:32 <dhellmann> I think I saw at least 4 teams suggest using giant squid, and one of them beat us to it 14:14:45 <ttx> I think one of them /already/ used it 14:14:50 <dhellmann> ah 14:15:02 <dhellmann> well, then they don't have to worry about me refusing to tag their releases ;-) 14:15:11 <dhellmann> anyway, collie it is 14:15:14 <dhellmann> we should think of a name 14:15:57 <ttx> Kraken ? 14:16:02 <dhellmann> haha, I like it 14:16:27 <ttx> Kraken, fetch! 14:16:42 <ttx> now we need a CLI for something 14:17:11 <dhellmann> we can rename the command for preparing a release request to kraken 14:17:20 <ttx> dhellmann: Got to step back for a few, anything else urgent for me ? 14:17:26 <dhellmann> I think that's it for the agenda 14:17:31 <ttx> ok cool 14:17:35 <dhellmann> if there's nothing else, we might as well call the meeting 14:17:44 <ttx> works for me ! 14:17:45 <dhellmann> thanks everyone 14:17:46 <dhellmann> #endmeeting