16:00:25 <smcginnis> #startmeeting releaseteam 16:00:26 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 10 16:00:25 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:27 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:29 <ttx> o/ 16:00:29 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 16:00:36 <smcginnis> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stein-relmgt-tracking 16:00:47 <armstrong> o/ 16:01:02 <smcginnis> Ping: ttx dhellmann armstrong evrardjp diablo_rojo_phon 16:01:23 <evrardjp> o/ 16:01:25 <smcginnis> ttx: Thanks for adding agenda items 16:01:29 <dhellmann> o/ 16:01:30 <ttx> my pleasure 16:02:20 <smcginnis> #topic Membership freeze 16:02:28 <smcginnis> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/UChiqxElUV 16:02:33 <ttx> So there are a number of new deliverables for which we should probably add a an empty deliverable file, but we kinda need their PTL to agree with that 16:03:04 <ttx> I listed the teams in the stein-relmgt-tracking etherpad 16:03:26 <ttx> Sahara got it done, lxkong told me he would do qinling-dashboard... 16:03:50 <ttx> puppet-placement is taken care of in the latest Puppet Stein-2 request 16:04:04 <ttx> maybe that means that puppet-crane and puppet-senlni are out 16:04:36 <ttx> I feel like we need to ping the various PTLs to close that 16:04:49 <evrardjp> agreed 16:05:12 <ttx> bnemec: any stein plans for oslo.limit ? or will it be too young for Stein? 16:05:13 <smcginnis> I had hoped Adjutant would be a little more active. 16:05:37 <evrardjp> OSH is the one that worries me the most, as its the whole project that never followed the process 16:05:37 <smcginnis> e0ne: Can you add an empty deliverable file for tempest-horizon? 16:05:42 * diablo_rojo sneaks in a few min late 16:05:55 <bnemec> I think Lance recently sent an update about oslo.limit. Let me look. 16:05:57 <smcginnis> mlavell is out this morning, but I can ping him on the neutron one. 16:05:58 <e0ne> smcginnis: sure. I'll do it right now 16:05:58 <evrardjp> I will ping portdirect 16:06:04 <smcginnis> e0ne: Thanks! 16:06:09 <ttx> ISTR e0ne saying tempest-horizon should be branched this cycle, so we should probably just push a deliverable file to track that 16:06:18 <ttx> hah, jinx 16:06:19 <openstackgerrit> Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/releases master: TripleO stein-2 release https://review.openstack.org/629886 16:06:36 <bnemec> ttx: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-January/001518.html is the current status of oslo.limit. 16:06:40 <ttx> EmilienM: does that mean that puppet-crane and puppet-senlin won't be in Stein? 16:07:00 <ttx> err 16:07:39 <ttx> I mean that the new ansible-role-tripleo things and ansible-role-k8s things are not a part of Stein ? 16:07:53 <bnemec> TLDR: There are patches proposed to implement the oslo.limit API, but there's still discussion over what that API should look like so they haven't merged yet. 16:08:11 <dhellmann> bnemec : if we're going to expect a release this cycle, I think we should go ahead and add a stub file 16:08:12 <EmilienM> ttx: they arent ready yet to be released 16:08:15 <EmilienM> they are still being prototyped 16:08:23 <dhellmann> EmilienM : do you expect them to be part of stein? 16:08:33 <EmilienM> we won't waste anyone's time before they are ready to be released 16:08:52 <EmilienM> dhellmann: good question - they are low prio in our backlog at this time - I want to say yes but can't commit 16:08:59 <dhellmann> I guess that means no, and if that changes they'll just be released as independent? 16:09:08 <ttx> dhellmann: I guess that's the limit of the MembershipFreeze as it stands 16:09:14 <smcginnis> bnemec: Do you expect a release for steing? 16:09:17 <smcginnis> *stein 16:09:24 <e0ne> ttx: we discussed yesterday in the meeting that it's OK to make the retirement of xstatic-* projects wich were not released anytime. what is the best way to do it? 16:09:38 <EmilienM> in that case we can make them independent for now until they are ready 16:09:58 <e0ne> I can propose corresponding commits to the repos and remove them from. deliveries 16:10:05 <ttx> e0ne: for release management purposes we'll just mark them deprecated. After that you should consider retiring the repositories 16:10:36 <e0ne> ttx: thanks. I'll propose a patch today or tomorrow 16:10:50 <ttx> e0ne: I can do it, and will ping you for a +1 16:11:12 <smcginnis> e0ne: There's some details here if you want to clean up those repos: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/drivers.html#retiring-a-project 16:11:52 <e0ne> smcginnis: thank you. that's actually I was looking for 16:11:55 <bnemec> dhellmann: smcginnis: I'm...not sure. It really depends on whether the Nova team has time to sit down and hash out how they will use it. 16:12:09 <bnemec> We had kind of agreed to hold off on releasing until we thought we had a usable API. 16:12:27 <dhellmann> ok, it sounds like we should assume "no" and release it as independent if we have to for this cycle 16:12:39 <smcginnis> dhellmann: ++ 16:13:01 <bnemec> Yeah, if it does get released it's going to be just for people to kick the tires and get started on integration work. 16:13:17 <bnemec> I don't see it being supported in Stein. 16:13:38 <smcginnis> Makes sense. 16:14:20 <ttx> e0ne: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/629889/ 16:15:03 <fungi> i'm starting to get the feeling we need a defined category/process/something to accommodate deliverables which are still being bootstrapped 16:15:04 <fungi> from an infra perspective, we often see teams create a new repository for something they want to build, but don't even push up the first review for code going into it for months 16:15:38 <evrardjp> fungi: that's fair 16:15:54 <openstackgerrit> Ivan Kolodyazhny proposed openstack/releases master: Add deliverable stub for Horizon Tempest Plugin https://review.openstack.org/629890 16:16:25 <dhellmann> we've had folks tell us they can only contribute to official repos, so we try to get them into governance as quickly as possible normally, but if the effort stalls out that also tends to leave no one doing the cleanup 16:17:09 <fungi> also true. we have plenty of examples of tat 16:17:12 <fungi> er, of that 16:17:15 <evrardjp> so you mean it's the duty of releases to report that cleanup needs to happen ? 16:17:26 <evrardjp> (new here) 16:17:39 <dhellmann> evrardjp : we tend to notice, because we try to track which deliverables are actually being produced in a release 16:17:52 <fungi> not preparing a new(ish) deliverable for release can be a sign that it was a quickly abandoned effort, sure 16:17:55 <ttx> ok that leaves neutron-interconnection and Adjutant 16:17:59 <dhellmann> technically it's the PTL's job, I think 16:18:07 <ttx> and puppet-crane / puppet-senlin 16:19:26 <ttx> asking the question on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/629753/ for the puppet modules 16:20:12 <ttx> who contacts who? 16:20:40 <ttx> for Adjutant I have limited timezone compatibility 16:20:52 <smcginnis> I can contact Adjutant and Neutron. 16:20:56 <ttx> ok cool 16:21:55 <smcginnis> Did we get input on tripleO? 16:23:10 <dhellmann> did we have questions beyond the 2 repos mentioned with EmilienM earlier? 16:23:12 <ttx> I think EmilienM clarified that 16:23:20 <ttx> it's more than 2, but yes 16:23:26 <ttx> ansible-role-k8s-* 16:23:28 <dhellmann> ah 16:23:32 <ttx> ansible-role-tripleo-* 16:23:41 <ttx> + tripleo-common-tempest-plugin for bonus points 16:26:26 <ttx> OK we have this under control? 16:26:29 <smcginnis> So do we have all of them in the list covered? 16:26:38 <smcginnis> I think so.(?) 16:26:42 <ttx> looks like smcginnis has the same timeout settings than me 16:26:46 <smcginnis> :) 16:27:07 <dhellmann> it seems like it 16:27:10 <ttx> I'm sure we'll be missing some but at least everyone is flagged 16:27:28 <ttx> We can fix more next week 16:27:39 <smcginnis> Progress! 16:27:46 <smcginnis> #topic Stein-2 status 16:27:58 <smcginnis> I've seen a few roll in this week. 16:28:05 <smcginnis> Some non-lib releases too, so that's good. 16:28:26 <smcginnis> I seem to have lost my scripts from last milestone, but I didn't have much anyway. 16:28:48 <smcginnis> So I will look at scripting up something to propose lib releases for things that have actual changes committed so far. 16:28:54 <ttx> smcginnis: are you handling the autoreleases ? 16:29:16 <smcginnis> I would welcome any volunteers, but I can take that if no one else wants it. 16:30:20 <smcginnis> Between stuff in tools and cmds, we have most of the needed functionality out there. Just need to duct tape a few extra steps together. 16:30:37 <dhellmann> yeah, we just need the command to build the list of things that need releases 16:30:55 <dhellmann> I think that's just: list-deliverables --unreleased --type library --type client-library 16:31:16 <smcginnis> Then filter out things that only have zuul job changes and the like. 16:31:33 <smcginnis> And then propose the releases for the things that need it. 16:32:34 <smcginnis> Any other questions, issues, concerns, etc. for stein-2? 16:33:28 <ttx> I don;t think so 16:33:32 <smcginnis> #topic PTG update 16:33:35 <dhellmann> tools/list_library_unreleased_changes.sh will build the report 16:33:55 <dhellmann> oh, no, that's going to give too many projects 16:33:58 <dhellmann> ignore me 16:34:08 <smcginnis> Just wanted to mention diablo_rojo_phon had sent out the survey for team planning at the ptg. 16:34:18 <smcginnis> dhellmann: Yeah, I think I started with tweaking that one last time. 16:34:34 <smcginnis> I put us down as needing a room. 16:34:40 <dhellmann> ./tools/list_unreleased_changes.sh master $(.tox/venv/bin/list-deliverables --unreleased --type library --type client-library -r) 16:34:54 <smcginnis> Also spoke briefly with prometheanfire about possibly joining up with requirements. 16:35:06 <dhellmann> that makes sense 16:35:39 <smcginnis> Not sure on the room situation, but I noted that if things were tight we could probably just use the hallway. 16:35:47 <smcginnis> But it was nice having a room and a whiteboar d last time. 16:35:54 <openstackgerrit> Julia Kreger proposed openstack/releases master: Release ironic-lib 2.16.1 https://review.openstack.org/629894 16:36:01 <dhellmann> smcginnis : ++ 16:36:24 <smcginnis> Still a ways out, but I'm sure it will come up quick. 16:36:46 <smcginnis> Looking forward to those 6+ days of events. :) 16:37:05 <smcginnis> #topic Open discussion 16:37:11 <smcginnis> Anything else to discuss today? 16:37:20 <ttx> things will be tight 16:37:40 <dhellmann> I'm going to be out next week due to travel. I should be able to take any release reviews on my Monday morning, but Tuesday might be more challenging because I'll be in meetings all day. 16:37:50 <smcginnis> ttx: Oh? Any idea on venue size relative to past locations? 16:38:02 <smcginnis> dhellmann: ack, thanks 16:38:03 <evrardjp> out next week too 16:38:12 <smcginnis> I will be out Friday, but that should be OK. 16:38:22 <ttx> Early plans show it's about the same number of rooms... but only 3 days instead of 5 16:38:41 <ttx> so we expect a bit of tension 16:39:02 <dhellmann> I wonder if the weather will be nice enough for us to PTG outside 16:39:06 <diablo_rojo> definitely more conflicts for people involved in all the things 16:39:08 <evrardjp> colocating with other teams seem ok just on different parts of the room :p 16:39:19 <evrardjp> dhellmann: :) 16:39:20 <diablo_rojo> dhellmann, in the mountains? 16:39:39 <evrardjp> I will take my camelback and good shoes then 16:39:52 <dhellmann> diablo_rojo : I think the river is closer 16:39:58 <ttx> evrardjp: coming to FOSDEM? 16:40:05 <smcginnis> Outdoors sounds great to me. 16:40:08 <diablo_rojo> Sounds good to me. 16:40:44 <smcginnis> Any other important topics? Or should we wrap it up for today? 16:40:47 <evrardjp> ttx: yes 16:40:53 <dhellmann> nothing from me 16:40:55 <evrardjp> as usual, hodling the booth :p 16:41:18 <ttx> evrardjp: I did a last-minute impulse decision and will be there too 16:41:49 <evrardjp> I have to write the etherpad of booth duty, and I will be happy to see you, diablo_rojo, and many others there 16:42:01 <ttx> ... 16:42:16 <evrardjp> ttx: regretting already? :p 16:42:17 <ttx> what did I sign up for 16:42:22 <evrardjp> hahaha 16:42:31 <ttx> All that for beers, I'm so cheap 16:42:43 <evrardjp> : ) 16:42:47 <evrardjp> but belgian ones 16:43:03 <smcginnis> Mmm 16:43:03 <evrardjp> we should probably close the meeting if we are talking about fosdem though :p 16:43:10 <smcginnis> :) 16:43:14 <smcginnis> Thanks everyone! 16:43:14 <ttx> yeah. not as good as Czech ones, but I'll take them. 16:43:19 <smcginnis> #endmeeting