19:00:00 <smcginnis> #startmeeting releaseteam 19:00:01 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 11 19:00:00 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is smcginnis. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:00:04 <ttx> ohai 19:00:05 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 19:00:07 <smcginnis> Nailed it! 19:00:13 <smcginnis> ping - ttx dhellmann diablo_rojo hberaud evrardjp armstrong 19:00:21 <armstrong> o/ 19:00:32 <smcginnis> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/train-relmgt-tracking Agenda 19:00:44 <fungi> aloha 19:01:28 <smcginnis> OK, I guess we can get going. 19:01:40 <smcginnis> I will be your substitute tonyb for the today. 19:01:50 <ttx> missing the accent tho 19:02:02 <smcginnis> We are around line 227 in the etherpad. 19:02:03 <smcginnis> ;) 19:02:21 <smcginnis> #topic Train membership freeze preparation 19:02:28 <smcginnis> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/train-membership-freeze 19:02:34 <ttx> OK so I ran the analysis in preparation for the freeze next week 19:02:42 <ttx> err, week after 19:02:47 <diablo_rojo> o/ 19:02:54 <ttx> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/train-membership-freeze 19:03:08 <ttx> On that page you can see Deliverables declared in governance but missing a train deliverable file 19:03:35 <ttx> For those, their PTLs/release liaisons need to decide whether to make it a part of Train or not 19:03:43 <ttx> (4 actions possible, listed at the top) 19:03:51 <smcginnis> Not directly related, but I wonder if we need to raise concerns about ajutant to teh TC. 19:04:03 <ttx> We can find a bunch of things that were skipped in stein already 19:04:08 <ttx> including Adjutant yes 19:04:24 <ttx> The "new" ones are probably just oversights 19:04:45 <ttx> So the way we do this is generally to engage with PTLs/liaisons on those and ask 19:05:06 <smcginnis> Do we need to be as concerned about the tempest plugins? 19:05:08 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/releases master: Release python-keystoneclient 3.20.0 https://review.opendev.org/670187 19:05:15 <ttx> And for those with no solution once we hit milestnoe-2, we just skip in Train 19:05:31 <ttx> smcginnis: tempest plugin we could automatically set to cycle-automatic 19:05:39 <ttx> since that is what we did to the others 19:06:18 <ttx> Helm we can also safely skip, since it would be independent if ever released 19:06:22 <smcginnis> That would make sense to me. 19:06:34 <ttx> It's the other we need to engage with 19:06:58 <ttx> Not sure how to best engage 19:07:04 <ttx> We can split teh list by affinity 19:07:12 <smcginnis> ML? Or should we try to ping some like TheJulia for the Ironic ones? 19:07:14 <ttx> or just dump a bunch of emails on -discuss 19:07:32 <ttx> and EmilienM on TripleO 19:08:00 <ttx> I propose a first round of IRC pings today/tomorrow, followed by emails early next week 19:08:21 <ttx> hmm unless that was material for the next release countdown 19:08:53 <diablo_rojo> Sounds like a solid plan to me. 19:08:54 <smcginnis> I think we've had better responses with more directed posts to openstack-discuss. 19:09:18 <smcginnis> Should we split these up? Or have one volunteer handle them all since it will mostly be cut and paste? 19:09:43 <ttx> actually we planned to mention those in next countdown 19:09:56 <ttx> so maybe informal pings until then 19:10:16 <smcginnis> OK, we can just go with that plan for now. Then if we don't get a response, follow up with directed posts and more pings afterwards. 19:10:33 <smcginnis> We at least have the data, so thanks ttx for putting that together. 19:10:55 <smcginnis> Anything more on this for now then? 19:10:59 <diablo_rojo> I can help ping some people 19:11:18 <diablo_rojo> I'll throw my name down on some in the etherpad 19:11:24 <smcginnis> Great, I think IRC is probably the most likely way to get a response. 19:11:32 <ttx> The other big thing is generating the list of intermediary-released services that haven't done a release yet. Remind teams that intermediary-released services that have not done a release by milestone-2 should be switched to the cycle-with-rc model. 19:11:36 <diablo_rojo> smcginnis, yep :) That was the plan. 19:11:39 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/releases master: Release os-brick 2.3.8 https://review.opendev.org/669764 19:11:48 <ttx> My patch has updated instructions for that 19:12:10 <ttx> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/669186/2/doc/source/reference/process.rst 19:12:17 <smcginnis> And IIRC, Tony had at least the start of updates to make that easier to script? 19:12:39 <ttx> dunno, just updated the list command 19:12:41 <smcginnis> Oh, I think I was thinking of yours. 19:12:59 <ttx> the idea being to publish the list for the next countdown email 19:13:16 <ttx> but that data can be generated when the email needs to be sent 19:13:36 <ttx> so that is all 19:13:55 <smcginnis> OK, thanks 19:14:04 <smcginnis> #topic tempest-plugin releases 19:14:21 <smcginnis> I think I may have added this a couple weeks ago but we didn't have a meeting or something. 19:14:28 <smcginnis> We have a couple things going with tempest plugins. 19:15:03 <ttx> yeah, I was wondering a bit too 19:15:05 <smcginnis> There's the work to make them automatic at the end of the cycle with the idea that they are just a flag to indicate what version of the plugin is meant for what version of tempest. 19:15:13 <ttx> Looking at https://review.opendev.org/#/c/670172/ this morning 19:15:23 <smcginnis> But then there are some teams that are doing multiple releases and even stable releases of their plugins. 19:15:35 <smcginnis> So I think we need to decide how we really want to handle those things. 19:15:48 <ttx> I /think/ what we did in the past is allow new releases on the latest branch 19:15:59 <ttx> it's a bit weird because they have series, but no branch 19:16:15 <smcginnis> ttx: With the cycle-automatic changes, there's nothing that would prevent someone from doing their own releases ahead of time, right? 19:16:15 <ttx> so "stein" is their master 19:16:22 <smcginnis> Yeah, good point about no stable branch. 19:16:23 <fungi> the plugins are in their own repos separate from the services they're testing, right? 19:16:29 <smcginnis> Yep 19:16:32 <ttx> smcginnis: no, they would just alter the release model atr the same time they are doing release 19:16:47 <ttx> It's just a "default" model in case they don't 19:16:48 <fungi> i thought the idea was tempest plugin repos would remain branchless like tempest itself? 19:17:05 <ttx> fungi: yes, but they still have "stein" deliverables 19:17:20 <fungi> ahh, i see 19:17:29 <smcginnis> OK, so if we set them to automatic and then they decide they want to do a milestone-2 release, they would just have to switch over to cycle-with-intermediary - right? 19:17:39 <ttx> yes 19:17:49 <ttx> fungi: so you can't do a new... rocky release say 19:18:01 <ttx> but at this point you can either do another stein release, or the first train release 19:18:12 <fungi> i guess there's no explicit metadata right now to indicate intentionally branchless repos? 19:18:19 <fungi> or is there? 19:18:31 <ttx> nothing except the fact that they have no stable branch in an "old" series 19:18:47 <ttx> It's always been a bit of a one-off 19:19:03 <smcginnis> When the idea of even tagging tempest plugins was raised on the ML, it was very much opposed by some. 19:19:07 <ttx> But every time I dive into it, the can of worms ends up eating me alive 19:19:23 <ttx> and I just defer to someone that knows better 19:19:59 <ttx> So yeah, the reality is, they are more of a single channel, with a pointer having the name of the series 19:20:01 <smcginnis> Theoretically, and very of the plugin should work against any version of a deployment. It was more to make sure the plugins were compatible with the release of tempest itself being used. 19:20:07 <ttx> instead of muletiple stable channels 19:20:26 <smcginnis> s/and very/any version/ 19:20:38 <smcginnis> Typing not working well for me today. 19:20:39 <ttx> We could achieve the same with _independent + a documentation saying which version is to be used with which series 19:21:22 <smcginnis> That actually seems a little simpler. Though we lose some of the implicit documenation of seeing with cycle the release was part of by which deliverable it was in. 19:21:36 <smcginnis> And it showing up in https://releases.openstack.org/stein/index.html#tempest-plugins 19:21:41 <ttx> also I think tempest ends up magically using the right thing 19:21:57 <ttx> so yeah... probably better to leave it alone 19:22:08 <smcginnis> Just what I was thinking. 19:22:18 <smcginnis> Let teams do extra releases if they feel a need for them. 19:22:32 <smcginnis> Switch the others to automatic for the ones that don't want to care or worry about it. 19:22:34 <ttx> but we should find a way to document this, because it confuses the hell out of me every time 19:22:37 <fungi> right, if i recall the discussion (from... denver ptg ii?) it was that folks are runnnig older tempest releases for refstack/interop conformance and need to know what plugin versions to use with them 19:22:53 <smcginnis> Yeah, something like that. 19:23:10 <ttx> So we should approve https://review.opendev.org/#/c/670172/4 19:23:29 <smcginnis> I guess so. 19:23:30 <ttx> despite its confsing commit message, it's actually right 19:23:53 * ttx +2s 19:24:09 <smcginnis> So it will show up under stein at least, just not on a stable/stein branch. 19:24:17 <smcginnis> Which sounds to be their intent. 19:24:27 <smcginnis> And then they will do a release later for train. 19:24:30 <ttx> yes. And we should definitely refuse a bump on an old series 19:24:49 <smcginnis> And if they find something else they think they need in stein, that's just not going to be possible. 19:24:51 <ttx> once you start callign things train, you can't go back 19:25:06 <smcginnis> One way train. 19:25:15 <ttx> slow clap 19:25:20 <smcginnis> :P 19:25:39 <fungi> this is why i was thinking if projects could be flagged that they're explicitly branchless, it gives you an opportunity to reject them via ci jobs when they try to bump older series (or accidentally add a branch parameter for that matter) 19:26:01 <ttx> https://giphy.com/gifs/mlb-tips-jonathan-villar-ATlL0sKCXwsWk/fullscreen 19:26:08 <smcginnis> We do reject branch requests on those. 19:26:26 <fungi> but if it doesn't come up often, then maybe not worth the effort to automate 19:26:31 <smcginnis> Haha, the gif game has made its way here too. 19:26:48 <ttx> can't put the gif game back into the bottle 19:27:02 <smcginnis> :) 19:27:21 <smcginnis> OK, so there's still confusion, but at least less confusion than before. 19:27:24 <smcginnis> Good enough for now. 19:27:43 <smcginnis> Those were the only two things on the agenda. Any other topics? 19:28:01 <ttx> I'll likely miss next two meetings, so if you have questions on PROCESS tasks... 19:28:07 <ttx> https://github.com/openstack/releases/blob/master/doc/source/reference/process.rst#between-milestone-1-and-milestone-2 19:28:11 <ttx> ew 19:28:25 <smcginnis> I am out the next two weeks as well. 19:28:30 <ttx> damnit google 19:28:36 <smcginnis> Should be able to check in from time to time. 19:29:22 <ttx> https://opendev.org/openstack/releases/src/branch/master/doc/source/reference/process.rst#between-milestone-1-and-milestone-2 19:29:23 <ttx> there 19:29:54 <ttx> got to prefer funky syntax highlight 19:30:17 <smcginnis> Is Tony back next week? 19:30:39 <ttx> yes 19:30:45 <smcginnis> Most of those tasks are related to the countdown email, so as long as that gets sent. 19:30:53 <ttx> All tasks listed affect the email he needs to send 19:31:05 <ttx> indeed 19:31:40 <ttx> It's an important one, since we need to warn people of what we'll do if they don;t act 19:31:56 <diablo_rojo> So should I just ping all the deliverables with missing deliverable file folks? Or does someone want half? :) 19:32:02 <ttx> We missed a couple warnings last milestones and that delayed the whole thing 19:32:04 <smcginnis> Maybe we should all set reminders to remind Tony next week. 19:32:39 <ttx> diablo_rojo: I would just ping them on release channel, pointing them to the etherpad 19:32:45 <ttx> If they are not here, I would not chase them down 19:32:55 <fungi> i plan to just turn my entire to do list into reminders for tony next week ;) 19:32:59 <ttx> They can take the next train 19:33:23 <diablo_rojo> ttx, noted 19:33:25 <diablo_rojo> can do 19:33:26 <fungi> the train with no name 19:33:49 * fungi is, like neil young, riding through the desert on a train with no name 19:33:54 <ttx> https://tenor.com/view/train-nowhere-gif-7641604 19:34:10 <diablo_rojo> http://gph.is/22ZevDy 19:34:30 <diablo_rojo> read as 'no deliverable file' 19:34:52 <fungi> oh, hah, that song wasn't even neil young. certainly sounded like him though 19:35:02 <smcginnis> Hopefully not https://tenor.com/view/tight-tightfit-train-gif-4902750 19:35:44 <smcginnis> OK, anything else? 19:35:54 <ttx> nope 19:35:59 <diablo_rojo> None from me 19:36:12 <smcginnis> OK, thanks everyone. 19:36:21 <fungi> my favorite train line terminus is the northbound blue in boston to "wonderland" 19:36:25 <smcginnis> #endmeeting