17:00:06 #startmeeting releaseteam 17:00:07 Meeting started Thu Apr 1 17:00:06 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hberaud. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:11 The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 17:00:11 o/ 17:00:12 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/wallaby-relmgt-tracking Agenda 17:00:12 o/ 17:00:16 Ping list: ttx armstrong elod damani 17:00:26 We're way down on line 539 now. 17:00:30 Will just wait a couple minutes for folks. 17:00:50 o/ 17:03:01 #topic Review task completion 17:03:10 So 17:03:15 The majority of our tasks are now done, everything is branched, QA stuffs are branched, and reqs are branched too, every PTLs have been "friendly reminded", we don't have exceptions from last week 17:03:33 I think we can jump directly to... 17:03:52 Release notes links addition (ttx): https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/784210 17:04:35 How many time we waited before merging this kind of patch during previous series? 17:05:00 I think we can merge it immediately 17:05:01 I see that Sean already approved 17:05:09 and many PTL approved 17:05:12 WFM 17:05:35 IIRC there might be another round needed around releases in case other release notes make it 17:05:36 Slawek leave questions 17:05:57 ttx: do you want to answer them before merging? 17:06:11 s/leave/left/ 17:06:36 I'm not sure what te answer is :) 17:06:46 hm 17:06:48 lol 17:07:06 lot of other deliverable are in the same case 17:07:35 The tool is supposed to select the ones that have release notes 17:07:50 (afaik) 17:07:54 maybe we need to open a bug 17:08:14 maybe we can check how the tool is supposed to work and why it picked empty notes 17:08:16 ah 17:08:17 or store that question somewhere to address it ASAP 17:08:24 yes 17:08:32 I think it checks for existence of the HTML file 17:08:42 not whether the file contains actual info 17:08:47 ah 17:08:53 that could explain why 17:08:56 anyway, let's pause and check 17:09:00 yes 17:09:14 That patch tends to conflict fast with RC2 requests though 17:09:25 so we should clarify fast 17:09:41 yes 17:09:43 maybe add a task for it and assign it to me 17:09:50 sold! 17:10:01 ok adding it myself, you can continue 17:10:37 ok 17:10:39 thanks 17:11:12 So I think that we can move on directly to the next topic 17:11:34 #topic Assign R-1 tasks 17:11:41 Merged openstack/releases master: Cinder stable/victoria release for os-brick https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/784394 17:12:20 done 17:12:41 I put my name everywhere 17:12:56 hberaud: great! 17:12:56 +1 17:13:18 we don;t have any stable branching exception left right 17:13:28 yes 17:14:00 #topic Review countdown email contents 17:14:11 https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails 17:15:10 LGTM 17:15:16 I didn't find the summit date on openinfra site, that's normal? 17:15:28 i don't think it's been scheduled yet? 17:15:31 even if it will be virtual 17:15:40 ok 17:15:46 no idea 17:15:46 also remember they've switched to yearly 17:16:09 ah yes 17:16:21 so next summit will be in october 17:16:31 probably, or around then 17:16:35 but the next events is coming up soon right? Or only PTG? 17:17:07 armstrong: Yes PTG is on the week of April 19. 17:17:13 ptg yes. i think the events team has some other ideas for event-ish things too 17:17:24 but nothing nailed down yet 17:17:39 ack 17:17:57 ok next topic 17:18:02 #topic openstack-ansible-roles is tagged/branched late, and yet it's not "trailing". Should it be? 17:18:40 I have no idea why it's not trailing 17:18:40 So, I proposed a patch to stick the OSA parent project deliverable type 17:18:52 maybe OSA folks know :) 17:18:57 i had thought all deployment projects were cycle-trailing, honestly 17:19:04 I didn't see reason to not be trailing there 17:19:10 me too 17:19:12 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/784378 17:19:35 whois yoctozepto 17:19:45 * yoctozepto is me 17:19:47 lol 17:19:56 no I'm yoctozepto! 17:19:58 he's not wrong 17:20:06 lol 17:20:09 any idea ^ 17:20:24 I think it really does not matter 17:20:30 trailing is more accurate imho 17:20:40 would avoid it shoewing up in reports 17:20:48 ok 17:20:51 i guess the question is whether yoctozepto knows why osa is not cycle-trailing like other deployment projects, but trails the cycle 17:21:06 but regardless, sounds like it should be switched to cycle-trailing 17:21:43 no idea, I work on kolla, we are in friendly relations with other deployment projects though (/me fixing docs links and such) 17:22:02 yoctozepto: ok np 17:22:03 I agree osa should be marked appropriately ;-) 17:22:49 ok let's wait for OSA team feedback 17:23:01 noonedeadpunk ^ 17:25:08 ok let's discuss that point directly on the patch 17:25:13 yeah not urgent 17:25:16 thanks everyone 17:25:18 #topic devstack-plugin-* are tagless and escape process every cycle. 17:25:22 We should fix process to remember to branch them as we branch devstack 17:25:47 I started a thread about the oslo part of this puzzle => http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-April/021513.html 17:26:12 The QA team said that usually devstack-plugin-* are branchless too 17:26:40 but that depends on if plugin needs specific config or not 17:27:38 From the oslo point of view we don't think that we need special config so no reason to branch anymore 17:27:44 However 17:27:59 I proposed a last branch for Victoria 17:28:07 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/784371 17:28:34 and I proposed to remove these deliverable on wallaby https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/784376 17:29:37 bnemec said that " I guess when we chose to stop branching them we didn't realize we needed to remove the deliverable files completely." 17:30:16 I also proposed a patch to update our process if we decide to keep them around => https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/784103 17:30:27 makes sense that there's no point in the release managers tracking a deliverable which does not get tagged or branched 17:30:44 But if we stop branch them I'll update that patch to drop that section 17:31:17 ok 17:31:32 The main question is 17:31:41 Do we want to branch for Victoria? 17:32:22 If we don't address the victoria part that will leave an inconsistence 17:32:26 So 17:32:40 Either we branch it or we drop these file too 17:32:52 Any opinion? 17:33:11 is there a reason not to drop? 17:33:21 Nope 17:33:32 Nobody complained until now 17:34:06 Ok I'll update the Victoria part to drop these files 17:34:14 and drop the process section 17:34:14 then I guess we can drop them and ask bnemec for a final ACK? :) 17:34:22 LGTM 17:35:47 So I think that we can move on 17:35:55 Technically you need hberaud's ack since he's the release liaison. ;-) 17:36:23 oh, then it's even better :) 17:36:26 Yes I need to update my email due to the recent gerrit changes 17:36:58 This is why it didn't have been PTL approved yet 17:37:08 Thanks bnemec 17:37:11 I commented on the reviews though. 17:37:22 Yes thanks 17:37:47 #topic Open Floor 17:38:03 Anything else to discuss today? 17:38:18 no! Dinenr awaits 17:38:22 Dinner even 17:38:27 Bon appétit 17:38:38 bon appétit :) 17:38:44 thanks hberaud ! Almost there! 17:38:45 Same thing here 17:39:00 Just one thing 17:39:18 Don't forget to vote for the next meeting time 17:39:41 vote for what? 17:40:18 The next meeting time => https://doodle.com/poll/ip6tg4fvznz7p3qx 17:40:44 That's all for me 17:40:53 ok 17:41:12 Ok thanks everyone for joining 17:41:23 And enjoy your dinner 17:41:25 o/ 17:41:40 Let's wrap up. 17:41:45 #endmeeting