14:00:17 <hberaud> #startmeeting releaseteam 14:00:17 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Fri Jul 9 14:00:17 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hberaud. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:17 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:17 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 14:00:21 <hberaud> Ping list: elod armstrong 14:00:41 <elodilles> o/ 14:00:41 <hberaud> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/xena-relmgt-tracking 14:00:45 <hberaud> We're way down on line 185 now. 14:00:49 <hberaud> Will just wait a couple minutes for folks. 14:00:50 <ttx> o/ 14:02:13 <hberaud> Let's go 14:02:17 <hberaud> #topic Review task completion 14:02:34 <hberaud> See actions from governance consistency checks 14:02:40 <hberaud> ttx: the floor is yours 14:03:09 <ttx> ok so... 14:03:14 <hberaud> armstrong: o/ 14:03:18 <ttx> I ran the governance consistency report 14:03:29 <armstrong> o/ 14:03:40 <ttx> which basically checks for things in governance not in releases, and the other way around 14:03:56 <ttx> since at milestone-2 we are supposed to firm up the contents of the end release 14:04:06 <ttx> It revealed the following issues: 14:04:18 <ttx> Defined in governance but not in deliverable files: 14:04:31 <ttx> rbd-iscsi-client (cinder) 14:04:40 <ttx> That one was added Jan 2021, never released yet. I suggest we ask Cinder team if we should include it for Xena release. 14:04:48 <hberaud> +1 14:05:04 <hberaud> Do you want to handle the conversation? 14:05:05 <ttx> hberaud: maybe good if it comes from you, as release manager 14:05:10 <hberaud> ok np 14:05:13 <ttx> puppet-panko (puppet openstack) 14:05:21 <ttx> That one was marked deprecated in xena. Nothing to do. 14:05:26 <ttx> glance-tempest-plugin (glance) 14:05:33 <ttx> Added Dec 2020, released in wallaby, somehow missing from xena files. Addition proposed in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/799510 14:05:35 <hberaud> Don't we want to drop the xena files? 14:05:46 <hberaud> (for puppet-panko) 14:05:52 <fungi> there's a ml thread about glance-tempest-plugin 14:06:02 <ttx> those are the ones Defined in governance but not in deliverable files 14:06:10 <ttx> so there is nothing to drop 14:06:24 <hberaud> Ah yes exact 14:06:25 <ttx> in that case governance is lagging on releases 14:06:31 <ttx> barbican-ui (barbican) 14:06:37 <hberaud> I just seen that the panko and python-pankoclient were still there 14:06:51 <ttx> Added Oct 2019, never released yet, was not ready yet for ussuri, victoria and wallaby. Maybe it should be abandoned? I suggest we ask Barbican team if it should be tracked as part of Xena 14:06:54 <fungi> oh, my bad, not glance-tempest-plugin, i was remembering today's message about tripleo-common-tempest-plugin 14:07:02 <hberaud> Ok I'll 14:07:12 <ttx> Ok the following are defined in deliverable files but not in (active) governance 14:07:20 <ttx> monasca-analytics (monasca) 14:07:42 <ttx> Project was retired in Oct 2020. There is an Independent deliverable file (never used) which should probably be removed 14:08:08 <ttx> not sure why we kept it 14:08:14 <hberaud> no idea 14:08:24 <ttx> Not super urgent to act as it's just an extra independent thing, not xena materia; 14:08:26 <ttx> l 14:08:34 <ttx> sushy-cli (ironic) 14:08:39 <hberaud> I'll discuss with the team too 14:08:41 <ttx> project was retired May 2021. Xena deliverable file removal proposed in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/799510 14:09:18 <ttx> 799510 mrged so we are all set 14:09:51 <hberaud> ok thanks 14:09:52 <ttx> Darn I missed https://review.opendev.org/c/x/pyghmi/+/800000/ 14:10:05 <elodilles> :D 14:10:08 <hberaud> :) 14:10:18 <elodilles> maybe next time: 900000 14:10:20 <elodilles> :] 14:10:20 <ttx> OK I'll tweet about it 14:10:33 <hberaud> The million, the million! 14:10:39 <elodilles> :D 14:11:10 <hberaud> fungi: ack 14:11:14 <fungi> yeah, we even threw a party in #opendev 14:11:21 <fungi> well, i did anyway 14:11:25 <fungi> i even wore a party hat 14:11:32 <hberaud> lol 14:11:35 <fungi> okay, okay, so i *said* i wore a party hat 14:11:38 <elodilles> :D 14:12:08 <fungi> on irc, nobody knows what you're wearing 14:12:24 <hberaud> I added all elements to discuss to the next week tasks 14:12:58 <hberaud> elodilles: this is one of biggest advantage of IRC 14:13:07 <hberaud> s/elodilles/fungi 14:13:29 <hberaud> So, the next topic is 14:13:32 <hberaud> forcing the yaql patch? 14:14:14 <hberaud> I requested reviews many times through irc, ML, and on comment, and nobody reacted 14:14:47 <hberaud> so I propose to force the merge as people need these changes 14:14:51 <hberaud> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/797996 14:15:01 <hberaud> Any objection? 14:15:28 <ttx> checking 14:15:39 <hberaud> This patch is opened since around 3 weeks 14:15:56 <ttx> yeah +1 14:17:29 <hberaud> I +2'ed 14:18:19 <hberaud> And I abandoned the other patch => https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/796692 14:19:08 <hberaud> Only the versions differed, one proposed a minor version and the other a bugfix version 14:19:52 <hberaud> The minor version suit well the landed changes 14:20:29 <hberaud> And that was all for the task completion part 14:20:48 <hberaud> #topic Assign R-12 tasks 14:21:03 <hberaud> So everything seems already assigned 14:21:14 <hberaud> thanks ttx 14:21:49 <hberaud> Also I already generated the milestone-2 patches https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%2522xena--milestone-2%2522+ 14:22:08 <hberaud> one hour ago 14:22:30 <hberaud> #topic Review countdown email contents 14:22:46 <hberaud> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails 14:23:38 <elodilles> (I've posted it a bit late, but shouldn't yaql version be 2.0.0 due to drop of py2 support?) 14:24:09 * hberaud recheck 14:24:55 <hberaud> indeed good catch 14:25:06 <ttx> Added a couple of fixes, looks good otherwise 14:26:53 <hberaud> ttx: thanks 14:28:48 <hberaud> sent 14:29:04 <hberaud> #topic Open Floor 14:29:14 <hberaud> Anything else to discuss today? 14:29:30 <fungi> just a reminder there's a gerrit upgrade late next week 14:29:42 <hberaud> thank you 14:29:47 <fungi> could be a somewhat extended outage since we're replacing the server 14:29:55 <hberaud> Yep 14:30:19 <hberaud> I'll be on PTO and AFK during the next week (R-11) 14:30:41 <fungi> also i'm visiting family next week and may not be around much (should be back around on/after the 20th) 14:30:54 <hberaud> And almost the same thing during R-10 14:31:09 <fungi> there'll be others around in #opendev though if you need anything 14:31:36 <hberaud> ttx, elodilles are you around during R-11 and R-10? 14:31:40 <elodilles> have a nice & long vacations then to both of you :) 14:31:48 <hberaud> thanks 14:31:58 <fungi> much obliged 14:32:10 <elodilles> hberaud: i'm planning to be around :) 14:32:19 <hberaud> nice 14:32:34 <elodilles> maybe 1-2 days off 14:32:49 <hberaud> elodilles: enjoy too :) 14:32:57 <elodilles> thx :] 14:33:39 <hberaud> So I think that our current meeting is near from the end 14:34:18 <elodilles> oh, one more thing 14:34:22 <hberaud> Yup 14:34:29 <elodilles> i have these patches: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:old-stale-eol 14:34:47 <elodilles> if these seem to be OK then I'll propose some more similar 14:34:55 * hberaud look 14:35:46 <hberaud> I think that we can go without PTL validation for fuel 14:36:39 <elodilles> ack, that's retired long ago if i'm not mistaken 14:36:57 <hberaud> yes 14:37:11 <hberaud> ttx: please double check this patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/799316 14:38:12 <hberaud> and the neutron part LGTM too 14:38:21 <hberaud> I approved the both 14:38:44 <elodilles> ok, thanks, that's it from me then :) 14:39:05 <hberaud> Anything else? 14:41:02 <hberaud> So, let me wish you an excellent weekend 14:41:07 <hberaud> Thanks everyone. 14:41:11 <hberaud> #endmeeting