#openstack-release: releaseteam

Meeting started by hberaud at 14:00:06 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/xena-relmgt-tracking (hberaud, 14:00:16)

  1. Review task completion (hberaud, 14:02:52)
  2. Assign R-2 tasks (hberaud, 14:10:57)
  3. Review countdown email contents (hberaud, 14:14:32)
    1. https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails#L10 (hberaud, 14:14:40)

  4. PTG time slot (hberaud, 14:20:47)
  5. PTG etherpad (hberaud, 14:26:54)
    1. https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-yoga-ptg (hberaud, 14:27:06)

  6. double check unreleased client-libraries (hberaud, 14:29:12)
    1. https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22xena-mileston-3%22 (hberaud, 14:29:19)

  7. pydot2 and the governance repo (hberaud, 14:37:02)
  8. Open Discussion (hberaud, 14:51:28)

Meeting ended at 15:24:19 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. hberaud (117)
  2. yoctozepto (52)
  3. fungi (36)
  4. gmann (27)
  5. elodilles (25)
  6. ttx (11)
  7. opendevreview (10)
  8. opendevmeet (3)
  9. clarkb (2)

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