14:00:27 <elodilles> #startmeeting releaseteam 14:00:27 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Fri Jan 14 14:00:27 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:27 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:27 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 14:00:35 <elodilles> Ping list: hberaud ttx armstrong 14:00:40 <ttx> o/ 14:00:40 <Guest9440> o/ 14:00:44 <elodilles> o/ 14:00:50 <elodilles> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/yoga-relmgt-tracking 14:01:01 <elodilles> we are at line 183 14:01:49 <diablo_rojo_phone> Better :) 14:02:00 <ttx> the mask is off! 14:02:05 <elodilles> :] 14:02:09 <diablo_rojo_phone> It is. 14:02:13 <ttx> It was diablo all along 14:02:24 <diablo_rojo_phone> It is I! 14:02:51 <elodilles> it was like superman with his glasses :-o 14:03:28 <elodilles> ok, so, let's start with the topics 14:03:45 <elodilles> #topic Review task completion 14:04:08 <elodilles> 1st task was: 14:04:17 <elodilles> Reach out to project teams that have never-released deliverables 14:04:30 <elodilles> and it was on me 14:04:48 <elodilles> so let's go one by one 14:05:27 <elodilles> barbican-ui: according to barbican PTL it is in alpha, they are not planning to release it in yoga 14:06:20 <elodilles> rbd-iscsi-client: it's also not release-ready, but it is aimed to be an independent deliverable 14:06:57 <elodilles> and now comes my question: do we have to do anything about these? for example adding something in governance repository? 14:08:00 <ttx> no 14:08:09 <ttx> we can wait 14:08:20 <elodilles> ack, cool 14:08:28 <ttx> For the Yoga release it's good to know in advance what we should track as patr of it 14:08:37 <elodilles> i guess we will revisit them in next cycle if not sooner 14:08:37 <ttx> but independent things can take their time 14:08:41 <ttx> ++ 14:08:53 <elodilles> ok 14:09:09 <elodilles> so next one: venus teams deliverables 14:09:21 <elodilles> (venus, venus-dashboard, python-venusclient and venus-tempest-plugin) 14:09:44 <hberaud> o/ sorry to be late 14:09:55 <elodilles> hberaud: o/ 14:09:58 <elodilles> no problem 14:10:48 <elodilles> so venus team: an "empty" patch was proposed, but they are not ready to release yet as they have CI problems 14:11:46 <elodilles> (the patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/824394 ) 14:12:36 <elodilles> we discussed with ttx that it would be good to release something as soon as possible to catch release issues as early as possible 14:12:58 <ttx> yeah like, not wait yoga-3 crush 14:13:15 <elodilles> and i'll ping with this info the team ASAP 14:13:25 <hberaud> ack 14:13:32 <diablo_rojo_phone> Sounds like a good plan to me 14:13:35 <elodilles> though from the last info they might not be ready soon :S 14:13:52 <elodilles> anyway, we will see 14:14:44 <elodilles> last deliverable: ansible-collection-kolla (kolla), same as venus: empty patch proposed 14:15:06 <elodilles> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/824032 14:15:37 <elodilles> and i'll ping them too to prepare a release 14:16:05 <elodilles> that's all[4~ for this task, any comment? 14:16:42 <diablo_rojo_phone> Seems like it's all in hand :) 14:16:54 <elodilles> :] 14:17:09 <elodilles> next task 14:17:21 <elodilles> Plan the next release cycle schedule 14:17:42 <elodilles> no Z release name specified yet, so schedule is planned under the codename 'Zen' 14:17:50 <elodilles> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/824489 14:18:33 <hberaud> Zen++ 14:18:52 <elodilles> afaik 26 week long should be the target, however i've created a 27 weeks long cycle, as it felt like most fitting 14:19:03 <diablo_rojo_phone> A good follow up to yoga 14:19:09 <hberaud> inded 14:19:12 <hberaud> indeed 14:19:46 <elodilles> yes, it's also among the proposed names, so we will see what will become the official name :) 14:20:18 <elodilles> by the way, you can propose names here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Release_Naming/Z_Proposals 14:20:21 <elodilles> :) 14:20:37 <diablo_rojo_phone> Fingers crossed! 14:21:32 <elodilles> of course i'll update the patch as soon as we have the official name, which we can expect around... 14:22:11 <elodilles> early february 14:22:49 <elodilles> according to the release naming process patch ( https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/824201 ) 14:22:55 <diablo_rojo_phone> A bit behind but not awful 14:23:55 <elodilles> we got already feedback that it's OK from Ubuntu point of view 14:24:20 <elodilles> who else should i contact? 14:25:07 <elodilles> is that OK if I send a mail to ML with this patch asking for feedbacks? 14:25:41 <elodilles> (i mean, the schedule) 14:28:48 <ttx> yes 14:28:58 <elodilles> ++ 14:29:05 <ttx> always good to get many eyes on it 14:29:07 <armstrong> +1 14:30:47 <elodilles> so that's it for this task 14:31:02 <elodilles> next topic then 14:31:15 <elodilles> #topic Skipping next week meeting? 14:31:56 <elodilles> since we don't have tasks for next week, i guess it's OK to skip it 14:32:26 <elodilles> anyone objecting? :) 14:32:37 <armstrong> nop 14:32:49 <elodilles> ++ 14:33:43 <diablo_rojo_phone> Nope. 14:33:59 <ttx> ++ 14:34:15 <elodilles> cool, thanks, then let's move to the next topic 14:34:26 <elodilles> #topic Assign R-9 week tasks 14:34:43 <elodilles> there are 2 tasks, so not so many, 14:34:54 <elodilles> and i've assigned them to myself 14:35:09 <elodilles> * Generate a list of intermediary-released service deliverables that have not done a release in this cycle yet 14:35:16 <elodilles> * Send countdown email 14:35:27 <ttx> Thanks elodilles ! 14:35:49 <diablo_rojo_phone> Thank you! 14:36:11 <elodilles> no problem 14:37:07 <elodilles> i think we can move on 14:37:27 <elodilles> ykarel added a stable support related question, 14:37:53 <elodilles> but i've already answered that directly on the patch 14:38:25 <elodilles> so the last, general topic: 14:38:32 <elodilles> #topic Open Discussion 14:38:58 <elodilles> anything that we missed? anything to share? anyone? 14:39:26 <fungi> there's a project rename maintenance tentatively scheduled for a week from monday, to move the skyline repos into the openstack namespace 14:39:27 <ttx> nothing here 14:39:35 <ttx> great! 14:39:50 <fungi> i'll give folks in here a heads up before we start, though it should be brief 14:40:03 <diablo_rojo_phone> Oh yay! 14:40:08 <ttx> Next week is like the last skip before we enter the release tunnel 14:40:22 <ttx> so enjoy the release meet skip! 14:40:23 <elodilles> fungi: thanks for the info & thanks in advance! 14:40:37 <fungi> no problem 14:41:12 <fungi> we'll probably also have a zuul restart some time in the next few days, but it should be a rolling restart with no downtime/impact 14:42:16 <armstrong> thanks fungi 14:42:21 <elodilles> ack 14:43:17 <elodilles> so one week rest and then we will have more and more tasks as the weeks passes, as ttx said :) 14:43:36 <armstrong> hope the renaming will not affect any pointers to the project 14:43:48 <elodilles> yepp 14:44:19 <elodilles> cool. if nothing else, then let's end the meeting 14:44:28 <ttx> thanks elodilles ! 14:44:44 <elodilles> thanks everyone for joining && see you in 2 weeks! 14:44:51 <elodilles> #endmeeting