13:00:00 #startmeeting releaseteam 13:00:00 Meeting started Fri Jul 26 13:00:00 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:00 The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 13:00:14 Ping list: release-team elod 13:00:20 \o 13:00:23 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/dalmatian-relmgt-tracking 13:00:24 o/ 13:00:50 we are way down at line 239 13:01:26 let's go through quickly on the agenda 13:01:53 #topic Review R-12 and R-10 week task completion 13:02:22 R-12 week's tasks are @ L223 13:02:41 1st task: ' Review any remaining milestone-2 exceptions. (all)' 13:02:49 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:dalmatian-milestone-2 13:03:17 no open patches, so this looks OK te me \o/ 13:03:24 ack 13:03:48 2nd task: ' Plan the next release cycle schedule. (elod) 13:03:51 ' 13:04:03 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/924671 13:04:27 sorry for proposing this quite late :S 13:04:32 I saw that you updated it, but will need to look again 13:04:49 yepp, according to your comments 13:04:57 nothing else 13:05:05 anyway, it's a 26 weeks long schedule, 13:05:20 release day at April 2nd 13:05:28 Wednesday as usual 13:05:43 sounds fine in general 13:06:00 the generated page from the patch: https://storage.bhs.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_efa/924671/2/check/openstack-tox-docs/efad2f3/docs/epoxy/schedule.html 13:06:20 it's way before Easter 13:06:31 one day after fools day :) 13:06:40 yes, I saw that easter is late next year 13:07:21 the only concern maybe CubeCon Europe 2025 is just at that week as far as i saw, but i don't know how problematic that is 13:08:15 doesn't matter to me, and I don't think we can avoid conflicts with everything 13:08:38 it would be good to get feedback from ttx from foundation point of view before we advertise this to PTLs/teams/community 13:09:20 i can also ask 13:09:38 (ttx is often quite busy these days) 13:09:39 fungi: ACK, thanks in advance 13:09:45 we'll need more reviews anyway before we can announce this 13:09:54 he is travelling this week i know, 13:10:19 but one or two days delay shouldn't be a problem 13:11:15 so yes, reviews are welcome :) 13:12:13 okay, let's move on with the tasks for now 13:12:27 these two were the tasks of R-12 13:12:42 now comes R-10 week's tasks: 13:12:53 L243 13:13:18 1st task: ' Generate a list of intermediary-released service deliverables that have not done a release in this cycle yet and propose release model change for them if applicable. (elod) 13:13:26 the list of deliverables without any release: 13:14:06 bifrost, ironic-prometheus-exporter, ironic-python-agent-builder, ironic-ui, networking-baremetal, networking-generic-switch, python-openstackclient, swift 13:14:23 (elod) these are the usual ones. and we haven't suggested release model change for these over the past cycles, so i guess we can skip now as well 13:14:58 let me know if you think differently 13:15:17 osc has at least proposed a release, though it is not quite ready for it yet 13:15:33 frickler: +1 13:15:52 but I'm fine with keeping things as they were 13:15:59 +1 13:16:50 yepp. so, anyway, nothing new that would worth a release model change. moving on. 13:17:02 2nd task: ' Propose convenience releases for 2023.1 Antelope to ease the transition of Antelope to Unmaintained and avoid rush and broken releases when the transition deadline is coming. (elod)' 13:18:05 i didn't get there to propose these releases this week, but planning to do that next week, when i'll be back in (home) office 13:18:39 so this is still pending, i'm adding a reminder to next meeting's agenda 13:18:46 ack, doesn't seem to be too urgent and ptls will mostly take their time to respond anyway 13:19:06 exactly o:) 13:19:53 so these were the tasks from R-12 and R-10 weeks, moving on to next topic: 13:20:03 #topic Assign R-8 week tasks 13:20:38 well, that's a calm week, too, only 1 task (beyond the weekly mail) 13:20:46 and i can handle that 13:21:34 so 'all' tasks taken :) 13:21:51 #topic Review countdown email for week R-9 13:21:59 ok, this will be tricky 13:22:11 so here we have the template: 13:22:16 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails 13:22:29 and I've crossed out the non-relevant parts 13:22:52 and actually i think this time we can skip to send this mail 13:23:34 the only content will be the proposed 2025.1 Epoxy schedule 13:23:44 yes, I would have suggested not to include the build link that will soon expire 13:23:58 afair we skipped this last cycle, too 13:23:59 but omitting the mail completely is likely the better solution 13:24:34 frickler: yes, it really depends if the schedule is in a mostly-final state or still evolving :) 13:25:56 i think we can skip the mail for now and early next week, when we have more feedback from foundation and release team, i can send a mail to advertise the proposed schedule to PTLs/community 13:26:12 +1 13:27:32 ACK, move on to next topic then! 13:27:41 #topic Open Discussion 13:27:55 anything to discuss? 13:28:21 sorry if it came up already, but is there anything specific the skyline team needs to do to be officially included in 2024.2/dalmatian now that the tc has graduated them out of emerging/tech preview state? or will they need to wait for 2025.1/epoxy since this happened after the membership freeze deadline? 13:28:59 afaict they already did get "official" releases before 13:29:22 so nothing will have to change? 13:29:32 they're official releases, just not clear whether they were considered part of the coordinated release or merely an official project making releases at the same time 13:30:13 skyline-apiserver and skyline-console is listed under deliverables/dalmatian/ 13:30:17 Hi! sorry I just got back 13:30:19 though i guess they're included in https://releases.openstack.org/caracal/ for example, so maybe it's just the openstack-map that needs them added 13:30:37 and nothing for the release team to worry about 13:30:50 +1 13:31:13 fungi: yepp, they are considered to be part of the coordinated release of 2024.2 Dalmatian :) 13:31:22 I have just one review request that I mentioned earlier https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/924954 13:31:31 will review the release schedule but I suspect it will be fine. 13:31:40 ttx: thanks in advance! \o/ 13:31:44 oh, skyline did get added to the map too looking at https://www.openstack.org/software/ 13:31:55 cool \o/ 13:35:27 frickler: i commented on the patch 13:36:21 'requests' is a new (direct) dependency there, so probably we should bump MINOR version (6.7.0) 13:36:55 hmm, I'm pretty sure that it is an indirect dependency already, but 6.7.0 should be fine anyway 13:37:15 waiting for gtema and stephenfin to respond 13:37:16 frickler: yepp, i have the same feeling 13:38:33 (we should avoid new dependencies (at least beyond openstack libraries) on stable branches anyway, but 'requests' seems fine to me) 13:39:02 damn, I am getting insane from all those direct and indirect upgrades 13:40:26 (and 2.14.2 as a lower req is well beyond stable/2024.1's upper constraint: 2.31.0, so should be fine) 13:41:25 (s/well beyond/well under/) 13:41:49 anything else to discuss? 13:41:54 just a matter of perspective ;) 13:42:00 :] 13:44:24 seems like that's it o/ 13:44:46 #info next weekly meeting is in 2 weeks - Aug 9th 13:44:56 thanks ttx for chairing that one o/ 13:45:07 Okay, if nothing else to discuss, then thanks everyone for participating and see you next week o/ 13:45:12 #endmeeting