14:00:57 <ttx> #startmeeting releaseteam 14:00:57 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Fri Feb 7 14:00:57 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:57 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:57 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 14:01:03 <elodilles> o/ 14:01:11 <ttx> Ping list: release-team armstrong 14:01:39 <ttx> Our agenda for today lives at: 14:01:42 <ttx> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-relmgt-tracking#L239 14:02:02 <ttx> #topic Review task completion 14:02:18 <ttx> - Make sure the next development series name has been added to the data/series_status.yaml file. (elod) 14:02:34 <elodilles> actually i relied on the schedule patch for this: 14:02:39 <elodilles> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/939528 14:03:05 <elodilles> if no objection then i'm +2+W this now ^^^ 14:03:19 <ttx> Works for me 14:03:49 <elodilles> +2+W'd 14:04:08 <ttx> - Reach out to Horizon team and ask if they want to go back to cycle-with-rc, given that Horizon has not done an intermediary release yet (elod) 14:04:20 <elodilles> (elod) i've pinged the team and they seem to be open for the change to cycle-with-rc, but they will discuss this at their weekly meeting 14:04:53 <ttx> ok 14:04:57 <elodilles> the meeting will happen next Wednesday if i'm not mistaken 14:05:14 <ttx> next up the post-freezer return actions... https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/938780 got merged alright 14:05:24 <elodilles> +1 14:05:54 <elodilles> should i merge this? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/940768 14:05:54 <ttx> and I proposed the readdition of Freezer onto theopenstack-map at https://review.opendev.org/c/openinfra/openstack-map/+/940724 14:06:03 <ttx> A +1 there would give me enough to approve it ^ 14:06:17 <ttx> sure 14:06:45 <fungi> yeah, the tc published a resolution about the exception too 14:06:54 <ttx> - Doublecheck that Monasca was removed from governance, and that a final decision on Freezer was reached (both do not have deliverables in epoxy but are still listed in governance) (ttx) 14:07:28 <ttx> So.. it looks like we should be tracking more closely the list of inactive projects at: 14:07:29 <ttx> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/emerging-technology-and-inactive-projects.html 14:07:33 <fungi> #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20250122-freezer-late-2025-1-release.html 14:07:36 <frickler> late o/ 14:08:04 <ttx> A project can be active in governance projects.yaml but "inactive" in that list 14:08:23 <ttx> so when we do the governance consistency check we should probably include that 14:08:59 <ttx> Not really machine-readable, but I guess we could parse it 14:09:13 <ttx> meanwhile I'll add a note to the PROCESS,rst file 14:09:23 <fungi> or ask the tc to track it in projects.yaml instead 14:09:27 <ttx> to doublecheck the results against the inactive list 14:09:40 <ttx> fungi: that would even be better 14:10:10 <fungi> building the list to inject into the emerging and inactive projects list from flags in projects.yaml is probably less work tan building a bespoke parser 14:10:45 <fungi> i'll make a note to bring it up with them 14:11:03 <ttx> thanks! 14:11:27 <fungi> i have some thing else to add to their meeting agenda anyway 14:11:44 <ttx> - Send the weekly email content (ttx) 14:11:54 <ttx> that will be done shortly 14:12:04 <ttx> #topic Assign R-7 week tasks 14:12:41 <ttx> fungi: maybe you can take the first two tasks since they involve you or the TC? 14:13:15 <ttx> Notify the Infrastructure team to generate an artifact signing key 14:13:15 <ttx> Check with the Technical Committee to make sure Python runtimes have been determined for the next development cycle 14:13:45 <fungi> yeah, i'll take the first two 14:13:51 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/releases master: Proposed 2025.2 Flamingo release schedule https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/939528 14:13:57 <ttx> woohoo! no task 14:14:07 <ttx> #topic Review weekly countdown email 14:14:18 <ttx> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails 14:14:53 <ttx> Please doublecheck my interpretation of deadlines being sometimes on Thursday sometimes on Friday 14:15:17 <ttx> I used Thursday for most, except RC1 and final RC weeks 14:15:30 <ttx> IIRC that is how we handled them lately 14:17:58 <frickler> lgtm 14:18:11 <ttx> elodilles: ? 14:18:57 <elodilles> sorry 14:19:24 <elodilles> i wonder whether final rc deadline is correct 14:19:40 <elodilles> March 28 is Friday 14:20:11 <elodilles> but probably that is what we had in recent cycles, right? 14:20:15 <ttx> right, I considered that a week 14:20:24 <ttx> I used Thursday for most, except RC1 and final RC weeks 14:20:47 <ttx> in practice that does not change much what ends up happening 14:21:07 <elodilles> ACK, let's be it then 14:21:15 <ttx> alright will send soon 14:21:18 <elodilles> LGTM 14:21:20 <ttx> #topic Open Discussion 14:21:26 <ttx> anything to discuss? 14:22:46 <elodilles> nothing from my side 14:23:16 * ttx gives a quick look at the review backlog 14:24:01 <ttx> Maybe we should clean up some 2021-2023 reviews that never panned out 14:24:48 <ttx> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/855663 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/785008 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/883603 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/reno/+/904049 14:25:56 <opendevreview> Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/releases master: Release neutron-lib 3.18.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/940972 14:26:11 <ttx> or maybe just ask on them if this is still wanted 14:28:24 <ttx> I guess we could approve https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/reno/+/904049 14:28:46 <elodilles> xmlrpc is a good question. if it is deprecated and will disappear some time, then it's better to move to the new way of things. but i don't have the context now 14:29:08 <ttx> On https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/883603 I can ask if that's still a current request 14:29:26 <ttx> elodilles: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/855663 looks old :) 14:29:34 <elodilles> (i've moved my patch to WIP so it won't appear on the list anymore i guess ) 14:29:48 <elodilles> that one o:) 14:30:28 <hberaud[m]> o/ 14:30:43 <elodilles> hi hberaud[m] o/ 14:31:48 <ttx> The WIP one still appears on my dashboard... I guess I'm in the "attention set"?? 14:32:38 <ttx> and.. now it's gone 14:32:55 <elodilles> hmmm, interesting, in the past it disappeared from the dashboard. anyway, i abandoned it (will restore if i ever get there o:)) 14:34:01 <ttx> frickler: you were the one soft-objecting to https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/reno/+/904049 -- let me know if it looks good for you 14:36:32 <ttx> hberaud: should we abandon https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/785008 ? 14:36:44 <hberaud[m]> looks 14:36:53 <ttx> or at least mark it WIP? 14:37:29 <hberaud[m]> well, I don't think I'll work on this one anymore 14:37:48 <hberaud[m]> and it was created 5 years ago so, let's abandon it 14:38:00 <ttx> ack I'll let you do the honors 14:38:09 <hberaud[m]> and pypa said that that's not the right approache if remember correctly 14:38:12 <ttx> Anything else to discuss? 14:38:41 <hberaud[m]> yes 14:39:19 <hberaud[m]> Are we in the open discussion time? 14:39:35 <elodilles> yepp, we are :) 14:39:40 <hberaud[m]> ok 14:39:41 <hberaud[m]> thanks 14:39:43 <hberaud[m]> then 14:39:48 <hberaud[m]> I wanted to present you Kacper (kacperrh) 14:40:16 <hberaud[m]> Kacper is my teammate downstream, and he show interest in release managerment 14:40:41 <elodilles> good to hear that :) 14:40:41 <kacperrh[m]> Hey guys, it's nice to meet you all. 14:40:42 <elodilles> welcome kacperrh[m] o/ 14:40:42 <ttx> A sane interest! 14:40:46 <fungi> welcome kacperrh[m] ! 14:41:06 <hberaud[m]> so I proposed to mentor him on this topic, this way we will have reinforcement for the release team 14:41:11 <ttx> And a great way to get a horizontal view on a complex project like OpenStack. Welcome kacperrh ! 14:41:29 <ttx> soudns great! Thanks hberaud 14:41:44 <hberaud[m]> So please join to help Kacper growing his skills and his knowledge about OpenStack 14:42:03 <ttx> kacperrh: don't hesitate to ask the rest of us questions! 14:42:20 <elodilles> sure thing! kacperrh[m] feel free to ask questions, indeed! 14:42:46 <hberaud[m]> I think I'll show him first the oslo release liaison aspects 14:43:09 <elodilles> cool! thanks hberaud[m] in advance o/ 14:43:10 <hberaud[m]> but we also plan to study the relmgt team side 14:43:19 <elodilles> +1 14:43:42 <hberaud[m]> that's all for me 14:45:42 <ttx> alright! 14:45:50 <ttx> this concludes our meeting 14:46:01 <ttx> Thanks everyone for joining 14:46:05 <ttx> #endmeeting