14:00:32 <elodilles> #startmeeting releaseteam 14:00:32 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Fri Feb 14 14:00:32 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:32 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:32 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 14:00:40 <elodilles> Ping list: release-team armstrong 14:00:49 <elodilles> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-relmgt-tracking 14:00:57 <frickler> \o 14:00:57 <ttx> o/ 14:01:04 <elodilles> hello everyone o/ 14:01:17 <kacperrh[m]> o/ 14:01:19 <elodilles> (almost started the meeting on wrong channel :S 14:01:21 <elodilles> ) 14:01:55 <elodilles> we are at R-7 week, line 262 on the above linked tracking page 14:02:08 <elodilles> let's start! 14:02:22 <elodilles> #topic Review task completion 14:02:27 <elodilles> 1st task was: 14:02:34 <elodilles> Notify the Infrastructure team to generate an artifact signing key 14:02:44 <elodilles> this happened already during last week's meeting 14:03:06 <elodilles> fungi was pinged :) 14:03:10 <fungi> yep 14:03:25 <elodilles> 2nd task: 14:03:28 <elodilles> Check with the Technical Committee to make sure Python runtimes have been determined for the next development cycle (elod) 14:03:48 <fungi> i proded them last week and gouthamr got it underway 14:04:13 <fungi> looks like it'll probably merge soon 14:04:22 <elodilles> thanks, wanted to say that it happened without asking them as TC was proactive :) 14:04:30 <elodilles> runtimes patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/941141 14:04:39 <elodilles> yepp, hopefully this merges soon ^^^ 14:04:44 <fungi> it was a takeaway from last week's release team meeting 14:04:48 <elodilles> it looks good to me at least 14:04:59 <elodilles> fungi: +1 14:05:25 <elodilles> and i've created the necessary patch for the zuul job templates 14:05:30 <elodilles> zuul job templates patches: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:2025.2 14:05:43 <fungi> thanks! 14:05:44 <elodilles> i would appreciate reviews on these ^^^ 14:05:47 <elodilles> np 14:06:15 <elodilles> we need the 1st patch to land before we start branching stable/2025.1 14:06:55 <elodilles> some teams might want to start branching next week, though teams usually don't rush forward :X 14:07:15 <elodilles> and that's all about the tasks 14:07:26 <elodilles> any question or comment? 14:08:12 <elodilles> looks not 14:08:21 <elodilles> #topic Assign R-6 week tasks 14:08:41 <elodilles> actually, all taken, if you look at the tracking page 14:09:02 <elodilles> thanks ttx for chairing next week's meeting 14:09:53 <elodilles> (i added my name to the library releases generating task, but if anyone wants to hijack it, then feel free to do that :)) 14:10:26 <elodilles> #topic Review weekly countdown email 14:10:36 <elodilles> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails 14:10:42 <elodilles> please review ^^^ 14:11:47 <ttx> LGTM 14:13:13 <frickler> +1 14:13:58 <elodilles> thanks! i'll send it some time after the meeting 14:14:15 <elodilles> #topic Open Discussion 14:14:48 <elodilles> any topic to raise here? 14:14:57 <ttx> Nothing from me, calm week 14:15:09 <elodilles> indeed 14:15:18 <frickler> I created the wallaby eol patch matching content from victoria 14:15:25 <fungi> i brought up in the tc meeting the desire to move emerging/inactive status into projects.yaml 14:15:34 <elodilles> frickler: +1, will review that 14:15:44 <frickler> not sure yet whether we'll also need to give it a full 4 weeks 14:16:06 <fungi> there seemed to be consensus on the suggested improvement, but as it's not urgent it may be a few months before someone gets to it 14:16:25 <frickler> elodilles: related, how are things progressing for the remaining victoria issues? 14:16:50 <frickler> fungi: yeah, maybe some fresh TC member shows up after the election and picks this up ;) 14:17:00 <elodilles> frickler: from my side, there is no need for the full 4 weeks, though for other unmaintainers maybe need some time (note that i think wallaby, xena, yoga, zed, 2023.1 could be proposed at the same time) 14:17:55 <frickler> elodilles: well gmann said that they preferred to go step by step. I can also propose the next changes right away 14:18:04 <elodilles> fungi: thanks for bringing the topic there, not urgent, indeed, we have ~half a year i guess :) 14:18:05 <frickler> or maybe on monday rather 14:18:42 <elodilles> frickler: didn't get there this week, but maybe after the meeting i'll fix some unmaintained gates 14:18:54 <fungi> i got the impression the step-by-step preference was for actual eol finalization, not the proposing of eol 14:19:00 <elodilles> frickler: ah, ACK, i see 14:19:23 <elodilles> yeah, i feel the same as fungi says 14:19:34 <fungi> so they could be proposed at the same time in separate changes, but plan to act on them with some delay between each 14:19:43 <frickler> oh, maybe I misread that? so then I'll look into proposing those. or maybe cardoe wants to check whether following my notes would work 14:19:44 <elodilles> fungi: +2 14:19:49 <fungi> or they could be proposed at different times, whatever's easier 14:20:38 <frickler> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/eol-unmaintained-branches 14:20:51 <elodilles> but don't wait for 4 weeks after each patch, that would make the process quite long :S 14:20:52 <frickler> that's where I track the changes and how I generated them 14:21:21 <fungi> also remember that if/when 2023.1 goes eol, so too does 2023.2 (not-slurp) 14:21:21 <elodilles> thanks frickler for creating that pad +1 14:21:58 <frickler> fungi: well 2023.2 goes eol 4 weeks after 2025.1 is released anyway 14:22:14 <elodilles> fungi: well, 2023.2 might go EOL earlier than 2023.1 14:22:24 <elodilles> as far as I understood 14:22:40 <elodilles> as frickler says 14:22:44 <fungi> ah, yep 14:22:54 <fungi> just can't go eol any later than 2023.1 does 14:23:05 <frickler> we may also eol 2023.1 repos at the same time, though, if no opt-in happens 14:23:30 <elodilles> yep. according to the unmaintained resolutions 14:24:31 <elodilles> though, note that when a project's 2023.1 branch goes to EOL, then all its former branches (zed, yoga, etc) need to go to EOL 14:24:56 <elodilles> if not EOL already 14:25:23 <fungi> yes, so if someone wants to be caretaker for those older unmaintained branches they have to at least find a volunteer for any newer than that 14:25:37 <elodilles> +1 14:26:31 <elodilles> thanks frickler for bringing this up. as i said, i'm planning to review the wallaby-eol patch 14:26:52 <elodilles> anything else to discuss? 14:29:25 <elodilles> based on the silence i think we reached the end of the meeting :) 14:29:32 <elodilles> thanks for participating o/ 14:29:37 <elodilles> #endmeeting