14:00:23 #startmeeting releaseteam 14:00:23 Meeting started Fri Feb 28 14:00:23 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:23 The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 14:00:31 Ping list: release-team armstrong 14:00:47 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-relmgt-tracking 14:00:55 o/ 14:00:59 \o 14:01:10 we are at line 291 14:01:14 o/ 14:01:42 let's start \o/ 14:01:53 #topic Review task completion 14:02:03 1st task: 14:02:07 ' Process any remaining library freeze exception (all)' 14:02:18 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:epoxy-final-non-client-libs+is:open 14:02:39 there is a 2nd final patch for cliff :) 14:02:53 2 patches still on the gate 14:03:09 se we have to keep an eye on this 14:03:14 s/se/so/ 14:03:17 looks good to me 14:03:52 +1 14:04:02 otherwise nothing else left 14:05:09 anyway, added it to next week's tasks 14:05:21 2nd task: 14:05:26 ' Ensure that all new-release patches in requirements repository for the library releases are merged. This should be an empty list:' 14:05:41 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/requirements+branch:master+is:open+topic:new-release 14:05:57 well, this contains now this week's releases as well 14:06:00 well the list is still quite crowded, mostly due to CI instability 14:06:11 and that ^^^ 14:06:20 but I'm rechecking my way through it 14:06:28 thanks frickler o/ 14:06:46 frickler: do you see any problematic release that fails on any cross-job? 14:07:23 elodilles: there was the sdk issue mentioned earlier, but that seems to be under control 14:07:34 ACK 14:07:36 cool 14:07:53 or really a horizon bug, but uncovered by new sdk 14:08:15 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/943001 14:08:21 just for the record ;) 14:08:23 we have to monitor this next week as well since some of the client library releases are still on the way 14:08:37 frickler: logged :) 14:09:01 let's move on 14:09:09 3rd task: 14:09:21 ' Propose autoreleases (process_auto_releases) for cycle-with-intermediary client libraries which had commits that have not been included in a release (elod)' 14:09:34 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:epoxy-milestone-3 14:09:48 quite many merged 14:10:00 some needs a 2nd +2 14:10:27 and some needs force merge, due to no response from the team 14:10:52 I can check the remainders later today 14:11:00 i will go through them some time after the meeting, but a 2nd review would be apprechiated 14:11:05 frickler: thanks in advance o/ 14:11:16 I'll do another reveiw round 14:11:45 that will be more than enough then :) thanks ttx :) 14:12:25 some release patch seem to be left for next week (-1'd by team) but that's OK 14:12:45 4th task: 14:12:50 ' Evaluate any non-client libraries that did not have any change merged over the cycle to see if it is time to transition them to the independent release model (ttx)' 14:13:04 ttx wrote: no non-client libraries found 14:13:14 Yes so that yielded nothing 14:13:20 (only client libraries) 14:13:46 yeah, just wanted to say that we had like 3 client library like that :/ 14:13:59 but that is not part of this task 14:14:14 so we are good with this task 14:14:32 5th task: 14:14:36 ' List cycle-with-intermediary deliverables that have not been released yet and send email (ttx)' 14:14:42 and the list: 14:14:49 that was done, you can see what i found in the etherpad 14:14:53 swift, horizon, 14:14:58 bifrost ironic-inspector ironic-prometheus-exporter ironic-python-agent-builder ironic-ui networking-baremetal networking-generic-switch 14:15:04 email sent Tuesday 14:15:06 EOM 14:15:13 thanks ttx o/ 14:15:44 i've even seen some new releases from this list ^^^ 14:15:55 so the mail did its purpose i guess :) 14:15:57 indeed, that remidner got some traction! 14:16:04 +1 14:16:09 and +2 even! 14:16:27 6th task: 14:16:37 ' On Friday, remind the requirements team to freeze changes to openstack/requirements by applying -2 to all open patches (elod)' 14:17:11 well, we still have cliff we have to wait for if i'm not mistaken 14:17:20 yeah, remind me to do that later, too 14:17:35 frickler: ACK, will do 14:17:35 well it doesn't apply to new-release changes anyway, right? 14:18:01 frickler: it should afair 14:18:40 those needs RFE 14:18:48 (requirements freeze exception) 14:19:08 of course if they are in the upper-constraints.txt 14:19:18 but i might be wrong 14:19:21 anyway, 14:19:48 prometheanfire tonyb frickler : heads up about 2025.1 Epoxy requirements freeze ^^^ 14:20:11 Merged openstack/releases master: Release final python-venusclient for 2025.1 Epoxy https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/942556 14:20:22 "Ensure that reviewers do not approve changes created by the proposal bot, but do approve changes for new OpenStack deliverable releases." 14:20:24 and that's all about this week's tasks 14:20:41 frickler: ACK, you are right 14:20:46 thanks! 14:20:51 that's the second sentence in https://releases.openstack.org/reference/process.html#r-5-week-milestone-3 14:21:08 true-true 14:21:45 my bad 14:22:04 #topic Assign R-4 week tasks 14:22:23 as far as i see all tasks taken 14:22:39 Merged openstack/releases master: Release ironic-ui 6.5.0 for epoxy https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/942986 14:22:45 as usual, feel free to hijack a task from me if you want to deal with any 14:22:54 otherwise we can move on 14:23:09 #topic Review weekly countdown email 14:23:23 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails 14:23:27 please review ^^^ 14:24:53 lgtm 14:25:24 +1 14:25:31 thanks! 14:25:38 will send it some time later today 14:25:54 #topic Open Discussion 14:26:02 anything to bring up? 14:26:21 i didn't have anything 14:27:17 fungi: while you're around, did I miss the patch for the new signing key or is that still pending? 14:27:33 niothing from me! 14:27:36 still haven't gotten to it, but it's on my list 14:28:04 it was an early reminder so we still have time :) 14:28:31 exactly 14:28:33 so, thanks in advance fungi o/ 14:28:52 good. if nothing else to discuss... 14:29:09 then thanks everyone for participating o/ 14:29:16 and let's end the meeting 14:29:35 #endmeeting