14:00:41 #startmeeting releaseteam 14:00:41 Meeting started Fri Mar 14 14:00:41 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:41 The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 14:00:51 o/ just in time 14:00:54 Ping list: release-team armstrong 14:01:08 frickler: o/ 14:01:23 o/ 14:01:24 Our agenda is at: 14:01:27 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-relmgt-tracking#L345 14:01:56 #topic Review task completion 14:02:10 * ttx has a hard stop at :45 to go to a medical appointment 14:02:31 - Process any remaining library branching exception. (all) 14:02:34 ACK 14:02:45 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:epoxy-stable-branches+is:open 14:03:01 ahh, we still have the oslo branching :S 14:03:09 should we rebase the last change? 14:03:15 yepp 14:03:23 i can do it in a sec 14:03:30 👍️ 14:03:58 - On Monday, generate release requests for all deliverables that do not have a suitable candidate yet. (elod) 14:04:22 (would be good to merge the oslo thing today) 14:04:40 Elod Illes proposed openstack/releases master: [oslo] Create 2025.1 branch for client and non-client libs https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943139 14:04:54 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:epoxy-rc1-deadline 14:05:16 ttx: agreed, let's force merge oslo branching ASAP today 14:05:16 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:epoxy-cwi-not-released 14:06:15 For RC1s... we have 7 blocked with a -1, and the others did not get anyfeedback 14:06:35 (27 of them) 14:06:58 I feel like we should force-merge them... maybe Monday after a last reminder? 14:07:03 yepp. a lot have merged, but still many open. 14:07:08 time to fill the next "bad boys" list? 14:07:12 ttx: Monday sounds good to me 14:07:13 (we should hold a week for the -1ed) 14:07:21 frickler: yes 14:07:32 ttx: +1 for the -1'd ones o:) 14:08:06 I will be on a plane most of Monday so don't wait for my +2 14:08:44 re: the CWIs, Swift looks ready, Ironic is held back 14:08:45 ttx: ACK, thanks for the heads up, then we'll do the reviews :) 14:09:08 Merged openstack/releases master: Release neutron-fwaas-dashboard RC1 for 2025.1 Epoxy https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943930 14:09:15 and the devstack plugins were merged 14:09:50 can we get a second +2 on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943880 ? 14:10:09 note sean-k-mooney had a question earlier today about tagging a tempest plugin too 14:10:37 (i've +2+W'd the swift release+branching patch) 14:10:45 - For ironic-lib, push two patches to phase it out (the 2025.1-eol addition then the deletion of the file) (frickler) 14:10:57 Those patches are up, we'll discuss the second one in open discussion 14:11:16 - Team get registered to PTG and slot booked (ttx) 14:11:21 That was done 14:12:10 thx o/ 14:12:32 #topic Assign R-2 week tasks 14:12:50 I prefer not to commit for anything unfortunately 14:12:52 i've added my name to the tasks 14:13:21 Thanks elodilles ! 14:13:23 if anyone wants to do any of the tasks then feel free to hijack 14:13:30 np 14:13:57 #topic Review weekly countdown email 14:14:18 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails 14:15:41 let me know if it's good to go and I'll post it shortly after meeting 14:15:43 LGTM 14:15:47 +1 14:16:03 #topic Open Discussion 14:16:22 We should probably discuss https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/939280 14:16:24 (added a minor edit for: '2025.2 Flamingo') 14:16:35 (the ironic-lib deletion) 14:16:58 There is no good answer, only a lesser evil 14:17:06 At this stage, I think deletion is better 14:17:23 as otherwise it may confuse Epoxy packagers 14:17:40 a tag in there that is not in releases.o.o is a lesser evil imho 14:18:34 didn't we already agree on that last week? 14:19:27 If yes then Elod can +2a 14:19:39 He voiced concerns that I did not want to overrule 14:19:59 (yes I think we agreed last week) 14:20:07 the only question would be whether to do the actual branch deletion first? 14:20:11 sorry, i thought we had a way-forward o:) 14:20:17 so i agree :) 14:20:24 frickler: do we need to wait anything? 14:20:38 elodilles: no I think you can +2a 14:20:43 or should i just +2+W? 14:20:54 (tagging or something?) 14:21:04 #link https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/releaseteam/2025/releaseteam.2025-03-07-14.00.log.html#l-158 for where ironic-lib was discussed last week 14:21:10 the tag should be there 14:21:40 (I approved it this morning) 14:22:00 so +2w should be fine 14:22:07 ACK, doing it now 14:22:09 and yeah, branch deletion first sounded like a good idea because 1. it's not going to get any backports and 2. it will be harder to delete after the removal change merges 14:22:21 plus 3. it's likely to get forgotten otherwise 14:22:51 Alright.. Anything else to discuss? Any release red flag? 14:23:35 elodilles: let us know when you have the Oslo patch refreshed so that we can fast-approve it today 14:23:51 Merged openstack/releases master: [swift] Release for 2025.1 Epoxy https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943880 14:23:59 ttx: oslo patch is done: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943139/2 14:24:21 so I'll start the deletion script after the meeting and report how it goes 14:24:23 OK I'll wait for test results 14:24:30 anything else? 14:24:37 nothing from me 14:25:20 perfect, hopefully that will be a straightforward final release process. Epoxy makes solid compounds. 14:25:27 #endmeeting