14:00:19 #startmeeting releaseteam 14:00:19 Meeting started Fri Mar 21 14:00:19 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is elodilles. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:19 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:19 The meeting name has been set to 'releaseteam' 14:00:36 Ping list: release-team armstrong 14:00:50 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-relmgt-tracking 14:01:11 we are waaay down at line 367 14:06:19 hmm. it seems that people are away. 14:06:20 o( 14:06:26 o/ even 14:06:30 o/ 14:06:32 \o/ 14:07:05 not me, but i didn't have anything to say 14:07:06 i almost started to write things to Ship's log. :) 14:07:20 fungi: o/ 14:07:38 good, let's run through the topics 14:08:02 #topic Review task completion 14:08:14 ' Process any standing RC1 deadline exceptions (all)' 14:08:22 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:epoxy-rc1-deadline+is:open 14:08:35 it's empty \o/ 14:08:55 we released everything, even the -1'd ones \o/ 14:09:21 i mean, the -1'd ones got updates then we were able to release o:) 14:09:38 ' Gracefully release tempest plugins with latest changes available. (elod)' 14:09:48 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:epoxy-tp-latest 14:10:28 as you can see 3 plugin release is still waiting for reviews 14:10:59 so, we are on track 14:11:18 ' On the Monday, generate stable branches for all cycle deliverables that are still missing one (elod)' 14:11:32 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:epoxy-missing-stable-branches 14:11:41 plus: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943879 14:12:02 all merged \o/ 14:12:24 so every project and repository have been branched to stable/2025.1 14:12:40 ' After all the projects enabled in devstack by default have been branched, we can engage with the QA, I18n and Requirements PTLs to finalize the stable branch setup (elod)' 14:12:50 QA team started the preparation for the release: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:qa-2025-1-release 14:13:11 (elod) mail was sent to I18n SIG lead (Ian) 14:13:22 Requirements: some new-release patch is still open: https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/requirements+is:open+branch:master+topic:new-release 14:13:42 frickler: any comment for this? ^^^ 14:14:06 i mean, do you agree that we can merge these requirements patches? 14:14:23 Felipe Reyes proposed openstack/releases master: New stable releases keystoneauth for 2024.1 and 2024.2 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/945215 14:14:53 I was hoping for tonyb and/or prometheanfire to chime in 14:15:11 yeah, that would be ideal 14:15:54 but I can also single-approve if needed, will check back later 14:16:18 i think tonyb may be travelling this week 14:16:27 anyway, i think we should wait with branching requirements until those three patches get merged (horizon, taas, ceilometer constraints bumps) 14:17:24 fungi: ACK 14:19:43 prometheanfire tonyb : fyi, we are almost there with the requirements freeze uplift, only the above question arose ^^^ otherwise as soon as that is solved i'll create stable/2025.1 branch cut patch for requirements and you can start communicating the Requirements Freeze uplift and master branch being development branch of 2025.2 Flamingo 14:21:32 anyway, I've added a reminder to next week tasks about this, i'll take care of it 14:21:43 ' Ensure that all projects that are publishing release notes have the notes link included in their deliverable file (elod)' 14:21:56 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/945001 14:22:04 this was the first iteration ^^^ 14:22:55 but some release notes links are still missing 14:23:30 as the reno-2025.1 patches are not yet merged in some projects ( https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:reno-2025.1+is:open ) 14:24:00 i'll do another round some time later 14:24:32 but we also have a task on release day to push another round 14:25:01 so this is mostly on track 14:25:15 ' Let cycle-with-rc projects iterate on RCs as needed (all)' 14:25:24 this was not really a task ^^^ rather a guideline 14:26:11 so far only octavia took the opportunity to release an rc2 14:26:31 Merged openstack/releases master: Release Tempest 43.0.0 as final tag for 2025.1 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/945153 14:27:11 hmmm, tempest is also released, nice ^^^ (thanks o/) 14:27:30 any comment about tasks? 14:28:50 if not, then move on to next topic! 14:29:03 #topic Assign R-1 week tasks 14:29:36 i can add my name to all pending tasks, but feel free to hijack any task, as usual 14:29:45 doc team no longer exists, that looks outdated 14:30:22 yeah, that should be Technical Committee 14:31:05 but in the last cycles either someone stepped in and created the patches or i did it myself 14:31:41 but yes, we should probably update the 'Release Process Guide' if it is still like this 14:31:41 yes, that was mostly between you and me iirc ;) 14:31:57 yepp o:) 14:32:47 anyway, besides that, not that many tasks exist for next week 14:32:51 and all taken 14:33:35 #topic Review weekly countdown email 14:33:45 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/relmgmt-weekly-emails 14:33:48 please review ^^^ 14:34:48 +1 14:35:31 cool, thanks, will send it later today o/ 14:35:49 #topic Open Discussion 14:35:55 hoping to finally get around to flamingo signing key generation later today, so i guess keep an eye out for those changes 14:35:59 anything to talk about? 14:36:06 fungi: +1 14:39:28 okay, if nothing else, then let's end the meeting 14:39:43 thanks frickler fungi for participating o/ 14:39:52 #endmeeting