12:00:50 <tonyb> #startmeeting requirements 12:00:51 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 19 12:00:50 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tonyb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:53 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 12:00:55 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'requirements' 12:01:03 <tonyb> #topic rollcall 12:01:15 <coolsvap> o/ 12:01:16 <tonyb> Who's here? 12:01:31 <prometheanfire> o/ 12:01:44 <tonyb> \o/ 12:02:13 <tonyb> number80, dirk, toabctl ? 12:03:57 <tonyb> Give them 90seconds more .... 12:04:22 <tonyb> #topic Meeting poll 12:04:34 <tonyb> coolsvap: did I drop the ball there? 12:04:49 <tonyb> coolsvap: I'm not 100% certain where we got to with the doodle poll 12:04:53 <toabctl> hi 12:05:10 <tonyb> toabctl: hi 12:05:21 <coolsvap> Tony 12:05:29 <coolsvap> tonyb: let me check 12:06:03 <dirk> o/ 12:06:04 <prometheanfire> I should probably update that, as I have times open even earlier 12:06:27 <prometheanfire> after the dst changes I can go one hour earlier still 12:07:08 <coolsvap> 1000 & 1100 utc seems to be working for 4 people 12:07:54 <dirk> share the link again= 12:07:59 <dirk> please? 12:09:11 <coolsvap> tonyb: do not see your vote 12:10:09 <tonyb> coolsvap: okay so I did drop the ball 12:10:38 <tonyb> coolsvap: Can you drop the link here 12:11:18 <tonyb> Ahh I found it 12:11:21 <tonyb> #link http://doodle.com/poll/qq4wxkvgaaricqts 12:11:47 <coolsvap> Wait I'm on mobile 12:11:55 <coolsvap> Oh good 12:12:51 <coolsvap> Same times seem to work for everyone 12:13:22 <tonyb> okay so 1000 or 1100 UTC seem okay for most people. Can I just pick 1000am UTC does that work for most people after local DST changes? 12:13:33 <dirk> +1 12:13:59 <toabctl> +1 12:14:15 <prometheanfire> updated, I can do 2PM local as well 12:14:44 <prometheanfire> but yes, that times is fine too 12:14:46 <prometheanfire> +1 12:14:50 <tonyb> coolsvap: IIUC you don't DST 12:15:18 <coolsvap> tonyb: yes no dst 12:15:32 <tonyb> okay so I think 1000 is the new meeting time. 12:15:42 <coolsvap> Works for me 12:15:49 <prometheanfire> kk 12:16:02 <prometheanfire> when will that go into effect? 12:16:14 <tonyb> We'll skip next week because summit so in 14days from now we'll meet 2 hours earlier 12:16:22 <prometheanfire> kk 12:16:39 <tonyb> Nov 2nd? 12:17:06 <dirk> tonyb: will you do the review with the adjusted time? 12:17:12 * dirk wants to +1 it 12:17:26 <tonyb> Thanks everyone. We'll have this discussion again in 6moths when everyone does the opposite DST chnage 12:17:43 <tonyb> dirk: if you do the review I can +2 it ;P 12:17:59 <dirk> deal! 12:18:10 <tonyb> dirk: #winning 12:18:16 <coolsvap> Hopefully we have more participation in the poll then :) 12:18:39 <tonyb> :) 12:18:52 <tonyb> okay ... 12:18:56 <tonyb> #topic Any controversies in the Queue? 12:19:04 <tonyb> . gunicorn 12:19:41 <prometheanfire> it sounds like they have gunicorn as a runtime dep in their code 12:19:46 <prometheanfire> which complicates maters 12:20:00 <dirk> tonyb: https://review.openstack.org/388662 12:20:15 * dirk hasn't fully read the mail thread yet 12:20:29 <dirk> runtime or testing dep? 12:20:37 <tonyb> Yeah I need to see the code. for that. my take is it's a dependancy for the reference implementation but a deployer could use anything? 12:20:48 <dirk> I'm personally fine with adding it although it is probably a debate about the "is this functionality already provided elsewhere" topic 12:21:24 <prometheanfire> tonyb: that's not how I understand it (or how it's being presented), I'd just ask in the bug 12:21:32 <dirk> I'd certainly be happer to draw a line and have it outside the line. and I understood there was someone saying "I'm not entirely vetoing it not being in g-r" 12:21:35 <tonyb> prometheanfire: bug? 12:21:48 <prometheanfire> review, sorry, gentoo language 12:22:31 <dirk> lol 12:23:21 <tonyb> dirk: yeah there are a lot os weakly held weak opinions which makes it hard to come to consensus 12:23:59 <dirk> I personally don#t have the time this week to spend the research on it 12:24:05 <prometheanfire> ya, I'm still not sure why not pecan 12:24:27 <prometheanfire> either do I, my next two weeks are very full to overflowing... 12:24:31 <tonyb> prometheanfire: they don't like it? 12:24:46 <tonyb> prometheanfire: IIRC it's too bg for a service VM 12:25:02 <prometheanfire> ya, that was what I gathered 12:25:45 <prometheanfire> I don't really see how that's the case though (it's not that big) 12:26:14 <prometheanfire> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/386758/12/octavia/cmd/agent.py 12:26:19 <prometheanfire> that's how they are using it 12:27:31 <tonyb> prometheanfire: Thanks. I just asked for that on list .... so now I'll go back cap in hand 12:28:06 <prometheanfire> :D 12:28:25 <prometheanfire> it's a long thread 12:29:26 <tonyb> okay so please review the thread and then +/- vote on the review 12:29:29 <tonyb> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/386790/ 12:30:18 <prometheanfire> k 12:32:58 <prometheanfire> next? 12:33:18 <tonyb> ... sorry I was looking at the meeting review 12:33:24 <tonyb> dirk can you respin? 12:33:54 <tonyb> Any other controversies? 12:34:54 <dirk> tonyb: done 12:35:26 <tonyb> I'm going to skip Tasks from Etherpad 12:35:33 <dirk> ohhh 12:35:36 <tonyb> #topic Open Discussion 12:35:36 <dirk> I have an update :) 12:35:52 <tonyb> dirk: for the tasks? 12:35:55 <dirk> the check-uc job is now voting 12:36:05 <tonyb> \o/ 12:36:11 <prometheanfire> if it's fine with people I'll be +2+W the oslo changes and rebasing today (most likely) 12:36:13 <tonyb> dirk: Awesoem work 12:36:22 <dirk> so I'd move that one done.. 12:36:33 <prometheanfire> dirk: ah, right :D 12:36:34 <tonyb> dirk: please do the honnors :) 12:36:36 <prometheanfire> doubleplusgood 12:37:36 <tonyb> prometheanfire: Sure go nuts on the oslo u-c chnages 12:37:59 <dirk> prometheanfire: If you can do an inital pass I can do the 2nd review 12:38:05 <dirk> I don't have time for the initial pass righ tnow 12:38:39 <prometheanfire> k 12:40:43 <tonyb> any else to discuss openly? 12:41:46 <prometheanfire> non 12:42:05 <tonyb> okay I have something ... less discusion more request .... 12:42:59 <tonyb> If you have any feedback on how I'm doing as a PTL or how we're doign as a team (good or bad) I really encourage you to reach out and let me know. 12:43:20 <prometheanfire> you good bro 12:43:22 <tonyb> I can't promise I will chnage but I can promise to listen and try 12:43:59 <tonyb> prometheanfire: I'd reply in kiwi but it may not translate ;p 12:44:09 <tonyb> so with that if there is nothgin else? 12:44:48 <tonyb> Thanks everyone 12:44:55 <tonyb> #endmeeting