20:31:15 <prometheanfire> #startmeeting requirements 20:31:17 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 25 20:31:15 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is prometheanfire. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:31:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:31:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'requirements' 20:31:34 <prometheanfire> #topic rollcall 20:31:39 <prometheanfire> tonyb, prometheanfire, number80, dirk, coolsvap, toabctl, smcginnis, dhellmann 20:31:42 <prometheanfire> ping 20:31:45 <prometheanfire> o/ 20:31:47 <smcginnis> o/ 20:32:03 <tonyb> \o 20:33:07 <prometheanfire> #topic Any controversies in the Queue? 20:33:11 <prometheanfire> nope 20:33:31 <smcginnis> Nothing I know of. 20:33:56 <tonyb> I don't recall let me check this morning 20:34:45 <tonyb> nope looks pretty clean for a frozen repo 20:34:52 <prometheanfire> :D 20:35:03 <prometheanfire> #topic bugs 20:35:12 <prometheanfire> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-requirements 20:35:30 <prometheanfire> we only have 3 bugs 20:35:42 <prometheanfire> you know what needs to be done with https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-requirements/+bug/1753969 ? 20:35:42 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1753969 in trio2o "Transition away from tempest-lib" [Undecided,New] 20:36:19 <prometheanfire> I don't think it hits us at all... 20:37:38 <tonyb> I s'pose we could do some dump-and-run patches but it isn't really a blocker for us but it's kinda in our mission statement :/ 20:38:11 <prometheanfire> we are just listed because it's in openstack_requirements/tests/files/upper-constraints.txt:tempest-lib===1.0.0 20:38:21 <prometheanfire> we don't have it in our actual UC file 20:38:29 <prometheanfire> so, I'm going to mark it invalid to us 20:39:16 <smcginnis> ++ 20:39:23 <prometheanfire> and then there were two 20:39:25 <tonyb> Okay, if someone else is doign the work then that's cool. 20:39:51 <prometheanfire> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-requirements/+bug/1730776 20:39:51 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1730776 in OpenStack Global Requirements "git+https url requirement line produces error" [Low,New] 20:40:32 <prometheanfire> do we need to do anything here? I don't think we need to care about that format 20:40:51 <smcginnis> I'm pretty sure we explicitly say URLs aren't allowed, right? 20:41:22 <prometheanfire> global-requirements.txt supports a subset of pip requirement file contents. Distributions may only be referenced by name, not URL. Options (such as -e or -f) may not be used. 20:41:26 <prometheanfire> turns out yes 20:42:14 <prometheanfire> tonyb: you ok with me closing as wontfix? 20:42:25 <smcginnis> Always nice when you can respond with a link to existing docs. 20:42:26 <tonyb> prometheanfire: Yup 20:42:41 <prometheanfire> smcginnis: I did 20:42:45 <prometheanfire> yep 20:42:57 <prometheanfire> last bug 20:43:00 <prometheanfire> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-requirements/+bug/1719006 20:43:00 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1719006 in OpenStack Global Requirements "publish per branch constraints files to tarballs.o.o" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Tony Breeds (o-tony) 20:43:03 <tonyb> I guess they want to know what changed so the job went from +1 -> -1 20:43:19 <prometheanfire> should have done that this cycle to aid in the freeze 20:43:34 <tonyb> Oh rats, that's on my TODO list :( 20:43:45 <prometheanfire> tonyb: yourwelcome 20:43:49 <tonyb> It needs quite a lot on infra chnages to be made to work 20:44:05 <tonyb> and I kinda let that go off the boil because of it 20:44:19 <tonyb> I'll email the infra list or talk to clark on IRC today 20:44:26 <prometheanfire> it's a lower priority because optimization, but I agree 20:44:41 <prometheanfire> if that gets closed we'd be at 0 bugs 20:44:45 <prometheanfire> moving on 20:44:52 <tonyb> \o/ 20:45:08 <prometheanfire> #topic ptl nomination 20:45:21 <prometheanfire> I'm up to do it again if everyone is fine with it 20:45:44 <tonyb> Sure 20:45:50 <smcginnis> Absolutely 20:46:02 <prometheanfire> wfm, I'll send it in some time this week 20:46:16 <prometheanfire> #topic ptg 20:46:20 <tonyb> I have fallen fromthe loft heights of 2xPTL -> 0xPTL ... and I'm ok with that ;P 20:46:45 <prometheanfire> I'll send / create an etherpad after the freeze some time and send the link to the ML 20:46:50 <prometheanfire> tonyb: how many are you core on? 20:47:27 <prometheanfire> #topic Open Discussion 20:47:30 <tonyb> prometheanfire: not that many but given I'm stable-maint-core and a release-manager it look slike a lot ;P 20:47:36 <prometheanfire> tonyb: :P 20:48:06 <prometheanfire> I don't think we have anything else to discuss, given all the changes looking good so far 20:48:14 * prometheanfire kocked on wood 20:48:27 <smcginnis> prometheanfire: Do we have a topic etherpad for the PTG? 20:48:37 <smcginnis> I don't have any topics to add, but just curious. 20:48:50 <prometheanfire> smcginnis: not yet, waiting for freeze then I'll probably make one 20:49:14 <prometheanfire> oh! 20:49:16 <prometheanfire> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/vote-for-speakers#/22145 20:50:55 <prometheanfire> ok, going to end it now then 20:50:58 <prometheanfire> #endmeeting