12:04:38 <IgorYozhikov> #startmeeting rpm_packaging
12:04:39 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 18 12:04:38 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is IgorYozhikov. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
12:04:40 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
12:04:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rpm_packaging'
12:04:59 <IgorYozhikov> #chair IgorYozhikov toabctl jpena
12:05:00 <openstack> Current chairs: IgorYozhikov jpena toabctl
12:05:16 <toabctl> ping toabctl, dirk, apevec, aplanas, IgorYozhikov, jpena, jruzicka, number80, kaslcrof
12:05:17 <IgorYozhikov> let's spend some time on agenda
12:05:37 <dirk> hey
12:05:42 <toabctl> hey
12:09:05 <jruzicka> o/
12:09:14 <IgorYozhikov> so let's start
12:09:25 <IgorYozhikov> # topic - pbr as discussed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465918/
12:09:30 <IgorYozhikov> #topic - pbr as discussed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465918/
12:09:57 <IgorYozhikov> I uploaded commit and saw that some of dependencies are not found
12:10:23 <IgorYozhikov> so I can disable %check because most of them are required by tests
12:10:30 <IgorYozhikov> according to test-requirements
12:10:41 <IgorYozhikov> your thoughts colleagues? ^^^
12:11:40 <dirk> IgorYozhikov: I just fixed the suse ci bits
12:11:51 <IgorYozhikov> I saw, you are swift :)
12:13:00 <jpena> I'll need to add some stuff to the RDO CI, we always assumed a git repo in the openstack namespace, and pbr is openstack-dev
12:13:28 <IgorYozhikov> yes, I saw issues in dlrn job
12:13:28 <jruzicka> if test requirements aren't available, disabling %check until they are sounds OK to me
12:14:13 <IgorYozhikov> so, I'll cover test stuff with %if_with tests, ok?
12:15:03 <dirk> jpena: IgorYozhikov : ah, I misse dthat, maybe we want to move it to openstack-dev subdir on rpm-packaging?
12:15:24 <IgorYozhikov> dirk, not a problem
12:15:37 <jpena> no, I can fix it without too much trouble
12:15:38 <IgorYozhikov> I'll move it into openstack-dev
12:15:53 <IgorYozhikov> if necessary
12:18:53 <dirk> I think it would be more consistent but I'm not sure it would actually work out of the box without some hammering on the CI
12:18:56 <dirk> I can take a look at that
12:19:12 <IgorYozhikov> 2 questions: 1) should I disable tests? 2) move to openstack-dev folder?
12:19:21 <jpena> I'll patch the simple case (keeping it under openstack/), then we can look at the more complex
12:27:20 <IgorYozhikov> colleagues ?
12:27:46 <IgorYozhikov> I asked 2 questions and want to understand my next steps
12:28:04 <jpena> IgorYozhikov: I'd say yes to 1, but wait for 2
12:28:11 <dirk> +1
12:28:15 <toabctl> +1
12:28:18 <IgorYozhikov> ok
12:28:21 <IgorYozhikov> yey!
12:28:26 <toabctl> :)
12:28:51 <IgorYozhikov> let's move forward
12:29:02 <IgorYozhikov> #topic - singlespec
12:30:19 <IgorYozhikov> toabctl, is this your topic ^^^ ?
12:30:36 <toabctl> hm. I did not add it. is it from last week?
12:30:41 <toabctl> or maybe from dirk?
12:30:46 <IgorYozhikov> during previous meeting we discussed it
12:30:53 <dirk> sorry I added it
12:31:00 <dirk> I just felt reminded again because of the pbr review
12:31:18 <dirk> because in the SUSE distro we already converted pbr to singlespec, so it would not be upstreamable unless we decide to switch to it
12:31:35 <dirk> I think the action item was jpena  to talk to number80 , did that happen?
12:31:35 <toabctl> and there are requests from the opensuse community to provide packages which are singlespec'ed
12:31:38 <IgorYozhikov> ok we decided to use it but with if cases
12:31:59 <IgorYozhikov> let's listen our RH colleagues
12:32:06 <IgorYozhikov> jpena, jruzicka ^^^'
12:32:32 * jpena still waiting for input from the elders
12:34:36 <dirk> jpena: could you ask for input a bit more?
12:34:44 <jpena> dirk: yep, I will
12:34:56 <dirk> thanks a lot ! :)
12:39:24 <jpena> btw, https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/7978 should fix the RDO CI for the pbr review
12:42:08 <IgorYozhikov> +1
12:43:36 <dirk> next ?
12:43:42 <IgorYozhikov> yes
12:43:45 <jpena> yes
12:43:59 <IgorYozhikov> #topic - packages reviews (https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/rpm-packaging+status:open )
12:50:15 <toabctl> I don't think there is anything special in the queue...
12:50:18 <cousin_luigi> Greetings. I hope this is not invitation-only.
12:50:29 <toabctl> cousin_luigi, it is not. hey :)
12:50:47 <IgorYozhikov> :)
12:51:02 <IgorYozhikov> #topic - OpenFloor
12:51:09 <cousin_luigi> toabctl: I wanted to talk about that suggestion I had made some time ago about dealing with singlespec.
12:51:23 <cousin_luigi> I wrote something on the launchpad page too, but it must have been the wrong place.
12:51:50 <toabctl> cousin_luigi, where is the suggestion?
12:52:03 <cousin_luigi> In short: for the python modules that cannot be unified, I recommend adding a Provides: python2-%pypi_name, at least for opensuse.
12:52:58 <cousin_luigi> toabctl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rpm-packaging/+bug/1690199 <- was this the wrong place?
12:52:59 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1690199 in rpm-packaging "Add python2- provides to spec files" [Undecided,New]
12:53:47 <cousin_luigi> I tried doing it myself but I failed. I couldn't understand much about the internal workflow.
12:54:18 <IgorYozhikov> dirk, does singlespec provides something similar?
12:56:25 <IgorYozhikov> cousin_luigi, we just discussed singlespec and need to wait for feedback from RH side
12:56:52 <IgorYozhikov> to ensure that we can use it
12:57:12 <cousin_luigi> IgorYozhikov: Glad to hear that!
12:57:13 <dirk> IgorYozhikov: yes, singlespec automatically generates the python2- provides
12:57:30 <dirk> cousin_luigi: I remember the discussion we had a few days ago, thanks for bringing that up again. I forgot about it
12:57:48 <dirk> any objections to us adding a macro or some other way of providing python2-* for all thepackages?
12:57:55 <dirk> that would unblock the SUSE singlespec efforts somewhat
12:58:20 <dirk> while we haven't decided whether or not to adopt that
12:58:21 <jpena> dirk: do you have the python_provide macro? We're using it in Fedora
12:58:41 <dirk> no, whats that?
12:58:44 <IgorYozhikov> I'm fine and Fedora already uses provides py2
12:58:47 * jpena searches
12:59:16 <jpena> dirk: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Python#The_.25python_provide_macro
12:59:17 <dirk> jpena: if that does the job, then lets add it to the suse amcros. I'll make sure that we'll transpire it into opensuse then
12:59:45 <jpena> you can use it like:
12:59:45 <jpena> %{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-%{srcname}}
13:00:02 <toabctl> time over...
13:00:07 <jpena> and it provides python-xyz and python2-xyz for the pkg
13:00:08 <IgorYozhikov> yep
13:00:15 <dirk> jpena: I'll take a look at that, thanks for pointing it out
13:00:21 <dirk> jpena: can you post a review?
13:00:31 <jpena> dirk: for the macro? Sure, I will
13:00:40 <IgorYozhikov> good!
13:00:55 <IgorYozhikov> let's proceed at our channel
13:00:58 <IgorYozhikov> #endmeeting