14:13:09 <dirk> #startmeeting rpm_packaging 14:13:10 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 21 14:13:09 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dirk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:13:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:13:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'rpm_packaging' 14:13:28 <dirk> ping toabctl, dirk, apevec, aplanas, IgorYozhikov, jpena, jruzicka, number80, kaslcrof, ykarel 14:13:35 <jpena> o/ 14:13:53 <number80> o/ 14:14:35 <openstackgerrit> Javier Peña proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: update oslo.log to v3.40.1 https://review.openstack.org/605318 14:18:47 <dirk> #chair jpena number80 14:18:48 <openstack> Current chairs: dirk jpena number80 14:19:03 <dirk> welcome back from the openstack week of things :) 14:19:09 <dirk> and sorry for being late on the meeting 14:19:16 <number80> no worries :) 14:19:17 <dirk> do we have topics? please add them to the etherpad.. 14:19:51 <dirk> should we do the meeting an hour earlier? its still scheduled for 13:00 UTC 14:22:03 <jpena> I don't have any special topic 14:22:27 <jpena> I see number80 created a review for openstack-macros: https://review.openstack.org/619042 14:22:59 <dirk> can you share some insight in how rhel8 is gonna affect the gating? 14:23:07 <dirk> e.g. which python version etc? 14:23:35 <dirk> now that the beta was announced I hope you could share some insights? 14:23:40 <jpena> once we get centos 8 (which I assume will take some time), we could replace the fedora 28 gate with a centos8-based one 14:23:49 <jpena> rhel8 has python 3.6 14:23:49 <number80> dirk: python3 will be default but because of swift, we have to enable a specific en variable to enable python2 in buildroot 14:24:33 <dirk> jpena: awesome, so same like SLE15 (3.6.5). thats great news 14:24:59 <number80> (yes, we can disclose some details, the "between 7 and 9" is just a light joke against our marketing folks ;-) ) 14:25:26 <dirk> number80: so python2 is still available or only for swift? 14:25:42 <number80> only for swift which doesn't support python3 yet 14:25:49 <dirk> e.g. would we change renderspec to enable the py3 only flavor for singlespec purposes or both py2+py3 ? 14:26:13 <dirk> I think I would appreciate if we could change the renderspec defaults for rhel/centos8 quickly and do a new release.. 14:26:25 <number80> dirk: no need of renderspec change, swift is specific case 14:26:58 <number80> for CentOS 8, we have no timeline, and for RHEL 8, it's still unclear even for us 14:27:29 <number80> But yes, as soon as possible, we want it to be default base OS for us 14:28:18 <dirk> number80: well, currently renderspec defaults to py2 only for any rhel flavor 14:28:26 <dirk> I would think you would want it to default to py3 then 14:28:54 <number80> ack, I'll look at it this week 14:29:09 <number80> #action number80 look at setting py3 default for EL 14:29:49 <dirk> thanks 14:29:55 <dirk> #topic open floor 14:30:09 <dirk> next week toabctl should be back, so we'll get back to normal mode of working 14:31:58 <dirk> any other topic? 14:33:03 <jpena> nothing for me 14:33:23 <dirk> #endmeeting