18:00:34 <SergeyLukjanov> #startmeeting sahara
18:00:34 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 16 18:00:34 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is SergeyLukjanov. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:35 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
18:00:38 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'sahara'
18:00:46 <huichun> hello
18:00:47 <SergeyLukjanov> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/SaharaAgenda
18:00:50 <elmiko> yo/
18:00:59 <SergeyLukjanov> #topic sahara@horizon status (crobertsrh, NikitaKonovalov)
18:01:12 <NikitaKonovalov> ok, so now the liberty is open
18:01:24 <SergeyLukjanov> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sahara-reviews-in-horizon
18:01:29 <NikitaKonovalov> our changes have got -2s removed
18:01:55 <NikitaKonovalov> not much reviews there yet, but I hope they'll come soon
18:02:18 <SergeyLukjanov> crobertsrh, any comment on sahara@horizon things?
18:02:19 <SergeyLukjanov> crobertsrh, hi
18:02:37 <NikitaKonovalov> I've update the event_log change to work with new Django
18:02:45 <crobertsrh> Not a ton at the moment.  I need to tweak my template editing patches a bit and I'm going back fixing a few bugs that have been around awhile.
18:03:05 <crobertsrh> Have your UI ideas ready for summit!
18:03:39 <elmiko> javascript, javascript everywhere.... ;)
18:04:11 <SergeyLukjanov> :)
18:04:19 <SergeyLukjanov> #topic News / updates
18:04:22 <SergeyLukjanov> folks, please
18:04:49 <sreshetnyak> o/
18:04:51 <vgridnev_> i'm working with deprecation of direct engine in sahara
18:04:53 * SergeyLukjanov now working on adding gates for images of all plugins and adding gate job to run fake-plugin based tests
18:05:02 <elmiko> i've been working on a possible bug in the domain proxy stuff, also looking into mapr config hints, and rewriting the external secret storage spec
18:05:02 <sreshetnyak> no updates from me
18:05:10 <elmiko> also writing more topics for summit =)
18:05:22 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: fake-plugin tests in addition to full-cluster tests?
18:05:49 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, fake plugin based in upstream gerrit (user Jenkins)
18:05:59 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, sahara-ci will still running all plugins
18:06:02 <vgridnev_> it would be nice have reviews here
18:06:07 <vgridnev_> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+branch:master+topic:bp/deprecate-direct-engine,n,z
18:06:16 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: ah, I see
18:06:16 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, we're going to rework list of tests that sahara-ci is now running
18:06:27 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, but it'll test all plugins for sure
18:07:07 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, in a few words - we'd like to move testing of different topologies (direct vs. heat, nove-net vs. neutron) to upstream gate based on fake plugin
18:07:15 <elmiko> vgridnev_: ack
18:07:34 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, and test heat-neutron-distributed in sahara-ci for latest versions of all plugins
18:07:52 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, I will write down ideas and changes today and share it
18:08:19 <tmckay> hi folks, sorry I'm late
18:08:25 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: thanks!
18:08:59 <tosky> oh, I have few questions about sahara-image-elements, I guess for later (no kilo branch yet? Should we backport the extjs fix to juno branch?)
18:09:04 <tosky> (Pino can do it)
18:09:29 <elmiko> tosky: nice, signing pino up for more work ;P
18:09:40 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, it's a good question, probably yes, we need it
18:10:16 <SergeyLukjanov> I think there are no critical fixes for sahara itself
18:10:28 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: and the kilo branch? Right now it's missing
18:10:43 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, stable/kilo branch will be created at April 30
18:10:52 <SergeyLukjanov> with a release
18:11:09 <SergeyLukjanov> I will create proposed/kilo branch if we'll need to backport something
18:11:15 <SergeyLukjanov> and sounds like we need to do it
18:11:17 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: ah, ok, so different than the other repositories where the branch is already there
18:11:30 <tosky> weren't proposed/ branches killed?
18:11:32 <tmckay> update for me -- currently running through a list of small (medium?) bugs and blueprint ideas for Liberty.  Trying to register them all
18:11:38 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, hm, do you have an example?
18:11:44 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: I read an email about the process being changed a lot, let me find it
18:12:11 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, oh, I got it
18:12:17 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, yeah, I'm wrong
18:12:17 <tosky> SergeyLukjanov: for example https://github.com/openstack/cinder/branches
18:12:27 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, yeah, yeah, I understant
18:12:29 <huichun> tmckay: we can help on these bugs and bps ;)
18:12:32 <tosky> oki :)
18:13:10 <tmckay> huichun, sure! :)  Some of them are things that I just haven't had a chance to log.  But, I figured now was the time to list them all as we plan ahead
18:13:34 <tmckay> huichun, I would love to see EDP (and Sahara in general) come out of Liberty very polished
18:14:06 <tmckay> get rid of the little things around the edges, in addition to adding "cool new features"
18:14:08 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, I'll create stable branches after the meeting
18:15:59 <SergeyLukjanov> okay, let's move on
18:16:18 <SergeyLukjanov> #topic Design summit
18:16:49 <SergeyLukjanov> so, we have 2-5-2 slots on summit
18:17:00 <SergeyLukjanov> 2 big sessions, 5 small and the whole day on Friday
18:17:09 <huichun_> tmckay: we can talk offline :)
18:17:17 <tmckay> huichun_, sure
18:17:31 <SergeyLukjanov> folks, please share your thoughts - is it enough or too much in your opinion?
18:17:55 <elmiko> i thought it seems kinda small, but given the state of the etherpad, maybe not
18:18:06 <tmckay> SergeyLukjanov, re sessions, we have had an EDP planning session for the last few summits but I think given the other topics on the table, we can just carve out some time on Friday to prioritize EDP goals for Liberty.
18:18:11 <elmiko> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sahara-liberty-proposed-sessions
18:18:38 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, ++
18:19:09 <elmiko> i'm guessing that ui and security are our fishbowls?
18:19:11 <tmckay> SergeyLukjanov, we also might have some big topics from the intel guys -- scheduling, coordinated job manager.  But, no proposals submitted yet (bps)
18:19:21 <SergeyLukjanov> elmiko, if we'll not have more proposals
18:19:24 <tmckay> but I think Friday is good for that stuff
18:19:37 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, yup
18:19:53 <tmckay> elmiko, I think UI and security are good topics.  Ease of use, and secure secure secure
18:20:06 <tmckay> this imho is what people want ;-)
18:20:09 <SergeyLukjanov> currently we should understand that it's not too much for us and if it isn't - than just feel it with our topics
18:20:10 <elmiko> i'm just going based on whats in the pad currently
18:20:41 <weiting> tmckay, we can add the proposals to liberty session.
18:20:49 <elmiko> SergeyLukjanov: given what we have proposed, it seems appropriate (2-5-2)
18:21:33 <tmckay> weiting, okay. SergeyLukjanov, weiting might have proposals for other working sessions? ....
18:21:45 <jvrbanac> exit
18:22:17 <SergeyLukjanov> weiting, it'll be great if you add proposals to the etherpad
18:22:26 <elmiko> +1
18:22:36 * SergeyLukjanov should dump thoughts to etherpad as well :) I have ~ 5-7 items
18:23:04 <elmiko> oh nice, maybe we'll need more sprint sessions then?
18:23:19 <elmiko> it sounds like space is at a premium for this summit
18:23:46 <tmckay> we could adjourn to a local restaurant :)
18:24:23 <SergeyLukjanov> :)
18:24:46 <elmiko> would be fun to do a meetup outside the summit
18:24:51 <SergeyLukjanov> I think that we all should dump all ideas to etherpad and on next meeting try to align it to 2-5-2 slots
18:25:12 <elmiko> sounds good to me
18:25:42 <SergeyLukjanov> because at least some topics are not for the full slot and some could be or should be moved to the meetup
18:26:00 <elmiko> would also be nice if people could create separate pads for the larger topics to help refine the focus
18:26:01 <SergeyLukjanov> okay, sounds like everything is ok with summit
18:26:27 <SergeyLukjanov> who will go to summit?
18:26:47 <SergeyLukjanov> from Mirantis - /me, alazarev and aignatov will be their this time
18:26:47 <elmiko> o/
18:27:27 <tmckay> me
18:27:33 * tosky not this time
18:27:36 <tmckay> crobertsrh
18:27:43 <elmiko> not sure if egafford is going
18:27:47 <tmckay> mattf I believe
18:27:51 <SergeyLukjanov> will mattf join us this time?
18:27:53 <elmiko> yea
18:27:55 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, ok ;)
18:28:10 * crobertsrh will be there
18:28:46 <weiting> We got another topic in liberty session called "sahara-versionedobject".
18:29:01 <SergeyLukjanov> #topic Open discussion
18:29:06 <weiting> Ken just added a sample code, please help to review it. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173654/
18:30:28 <tmckay> I was looking at that this morning, looks like a lot of projects are going this way
18:30:42 <tmckay> I intend to study it more
18:32:54 <tmckay> I am unclear though how using versioned objects help migration.  I'll have to read up on it.  The alembic migrations work pretty well as it is.  But I suppose it can help with backwards compatibility
18:34:12 <tmckay> oh, if we intend to ever implement distributed conductor (local vs remote), maybe we should do it in Liberty :)
18:34:29 <elmiko> tmckay: maybe the bp has a little more info, #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahara/+spec/versioned-objects
18:34:32 <tmckay> just a thought.  The Local/remote API classes have been sitting there for quite a while
18:35:00 <tmckay> elmiko, yeah, I took a look at that, I want to dig through the oslo lib stuff too
18:35:05 <tmckay> sounds interesting
18:35:15 <elmiko> tmckay: i'd say the distributed conductor is an excellent topic for summit ;)
18:35:35 <tmckay> ack.  Implement it, or state why it should be abandoned
18:35:45 <tmckay> I'll add it to the pad
18:35:50 <elmiko> at least we can have more discussion about it
18:36:04 <elmiko> i have to admit, i could learn more about the reasoning for using it
18:36:29 <tmckay> "By using objects, the code will be insulated from the actual database schema, making it easier rolling upgrades."  See, my contention is that with sqlalchemy and alembic, we'
18:36:37 <SergeyLukjanov> IMO we don't need distributed conductor
18:36:38 <tmckay> we're already insulated enough
18:36:47 <SergeyLukjanov> we're not going to run sahara-engine on computes
18:36:48 <elmiko> tmckay: oh, i meant the conductor
18:37:12 <elmiko> as for versioned objects, i'm not so sure on the wider implications
18:37:14 <tmckay> elmiko, I know, mixing thoughts :)
18:37:18 <elmiko> hehe
18:37:23 <elmiko> stop confusing me!   ;)
18:37:24 <tmckay> I was just explaining my stance for wanting to dig more
18:38:13 <tmckay> how much more insulation do we need? is my question.  Another layer could be nice, but it could be just another layer
18:38:22 <tmckay> to dig through
18:38:25 <tmckay> and change
18:38:49 * tmckay has late adopter hat on today ;-)
18:38:55 <elmiko> lol
18:39:48 <tmckay> hmm, rolling upgrades, maybe as in "hot upgrades".  That might be the difference
18:40:03 <tmckay> don't take the db down, leave Sahara running.  That could be cool.
18:40:16 <tmckay> like I said, time to read more
18:40:33 <tmckay> and stop armchair quarterbacking
18:40:39 <tosky> live upgrade to major version when the rest of openstack falls apart in that scenario? :D
18:40:39 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, ++
18:41:11 <tmckay> tosky, as long as Sahara works, we've done our part ;-)
18:41:15 <tosky> (nothing to do with HA for sahara-api and -engine, right? I guess I will have to read a bit about this)
18:41:38 <SergeyLukjanov> IMO one of the biggest discussions for this summit will be the HA
18:41:46 <SergeyLukjanov> (after API v2 sure)
18:42:21 <tmckay> We need API v2 T-shirts "V2, just do it!"  hmm, copyright?
18:42:26 <elmiko> lol
18:42:34 <tosky> ...
18:42:47 <elmiko> i'm curious to hear more about HA
18:43:14 <tmckay> HA and security are big, I agree.  True enterprise stuff.
18:43:24 <tosky> I'm not so curious to hear more, but I will take what will be implemented :)
18:43:37 <elmiko> nice tosky
18:43:38 <SergeyLukjanov> :)
18:44:26 <SergeyLukjanov> BTW alazarev is working on HDP 2.2 support and sreshetnyak working on Hadoop HA for CDH and HDP
18:44:37 <elmiko> nice
18:44:58 <tosky> oh
18:45:00 <elmiko> speaking of HDP, what's up with the hwx folks?
18:45:04 <tmckay> SergeyLukjanov, you mean alazarev is adding HDP 2.2 version to the HDP plugin?
18:45:04 <tosky> of course this is  Liberty
18:45:16 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, yup
18:45:27 <SergeyLukjanov> elmiko, they aren't intended to support hdp plugin
18:45:36 <tosky> but given the timeframe, doesn't it make sense to look at the upcoming HDP 2.3 later this year? (not sure about the date)
18:45:40 <elmiko> ahh, too bad =(
18:45:54 <tmckay> SergeyLukjanov, I should talk to him.  I looked at the resource files a bit -- I believe they were sniffed from the REST api on a runnig/installing cluster
18:45:58 <SergeyLukjanov> tosky, we already have a working version with base functionality
18:46:01 <tmckay> not maintainable
18:46:26 <tmckay> maybe we should try to  use blueprints, instead of the resource-style files from 2.0.6
18:46:34 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, I think alazarev think the same way :)
18:46:35 <huichun_> SergeyLukjanov: hi Serygey, is there any bps related to the HA for CDH and HDP?
18:46:57 <SergeyLukjanov> huichun_, not yet I think, sreshetnyak should create some soon
18:47:21 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, it'll mean to write plugin from scratch
18:47:47 <huichun_> SergeyLukjanov: ok ,cause we just raise the same bp today, so sreshetnyak is working on that now ?
18:48:19 <tmckay> SergeyLukjanov, yes, I could see that.  But I think going forward it would be much easier to maintain
18:49:23 <SergeyLukjanov> huichun_, yeah, he's working on HA for CDH already, so, I think you should discuss it with him
18:49:33 <SergeyLukjanov> huichun_, have you already started working on it too?
18:49:56 <elmiko> SergeyLukjanov: are there specs up for any of this work?
18:50:13 <huichun_> SergeyLukjanov: we are currently not, just raised the bp today, but not start working
18:50:39 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, in theory - yes, but alazarev said that exported blueprint from working cluster failing to create the same cluster :)
18:51:08 <tmckay> bah.  Okay, but that's a bug in Ambari
18:51:29 <sreshetnyak> huichun_: i'm not start working on implementation HA for CDH
18:51:34 <SergeyLukjanov> huichun_, elmiko, sreshetnyak is now investigating the right way to do it and experimenting with CDH to write a better spec
18:51:35 <sreshetnyak> only research
18:51:43 <SergeyLukjanov> sreshetnyak, hey :)
18:52:08 <elmiko> ok, ack. just thinking about better communication for work
18:52:27 <huichun_> sreshetnyak: ok, we can talk this topic detail offline
18:52:41 <SergeyLukjanov> huichun_, sreshetnyak, yeah, please discuss it
18:52:47 <sreshetnyak> huichun_: ok
18:52:57 <SergeyLukjanov> elmiko, probably we all should try to share plans in a single place
18:53:06 <SergeyLukjanov> like etherpad for internal plans / roadmaps
18:53:18 <elmiko> SergeyLukjanov: +1 great idea
18:53:24 <tmckay> +!
18:53:26 <SergeyLukjanov> w/o many details, just to now that we're not doing the same :)
18:53:28 <tmckay> heh
18:53:49 <elmiko> SergeyLukjanov: agreed, that's what i was thinking
18:53:55 <SergeyLukjanov> okay, I'll create an etherpad today and share it with overview of mirantis team plans for liberty
18:54:01 <elmiko> maybe something on the roadmap page for the wiki?
18:54:08 <elmiko> ack
18:54:12 <SergeyLukjanov> elmiko, it's too official
18:54:17 <elmiko> ok
18:54:29 <SergeyLukjanov> team's plans aren't so official, could be changed and not accepted :)
18:54:34 <elmiko> yea, for sure
18:54:46 <SergeyLukjanov> but probably we should resurrect the roadmap page
18:54:55 <elmiko> +1
18:55:03 <SergeyLukjanov> because sometimes people ask me about it and I'm answering oops ;)
18:55:08 <elmiko> hehe
18:55:18 <SergeyLukjanov> the good topic for summit's friday
18:55:23 <elmiko> i'm all for increased transparency with regards to our plans, even if they are unofficial
18:55:34 <SergeyLukjanov> or probably it could be highlights from team's roadmaps
18:55:43 <SergeyLukjanov> elmiko, ++
18:56:16 <SergeyLukjanov> elmiko, tmckay, crobertsrh, do you have some kind of internal plan / roadmap ?
18:56:17 <tmckay> SergeyLukjanov, can alazarev push HDP 2.2 base patch as WIP?  I'm interested in it
18:56:28 <elmiko> SergeyLukjanov: we'll be working on it in the next week or so
18:56:30 <crobertsrh> we're working on it :)
18:56:59 <SergeyLukjanov> cool, that'll be great to sync our plans and understand how to achieve the max results
18:57:09 <elmiko> agreed
18:57:27 <tmckay> SergeyLukjanov, yes, next week or two we'll have something.
18:57:31 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, it's currently done for Juno :) so, need to be ported to master
18:57:40 <SergeyLukjanov> tmckay, that's really great
18:57:40 <tmckay> gotcha
18:57:59 <SergeyLukjanov> for my team we already have it and I'll dump it to etherpad
18:58:06 <tmckay> oh, elmiko already said that, sorry :)
18:58:35 <SergeyLukjanov> few mins left
18:59:20 <tmckay> nothing left for me, have to run
18:59:27 <SergeyLukjanov> thank you folks, have a good day / night!
18:59:32 <SergeyLukjanov> #endmeeting