14:00:30 #startmeeting sahara 14:00:30 Meeting started Thu Sep 7 14:00:30 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tellesnobrega. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:32 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:34 The meeting name has been set to 'sahara' 14:01:26 I'm not sure we will have quorum for today's meeting, so I'm giving a couple minutes, if people don't show up I'm ending early 14:01:40 o/ 14:01:43 o/ 14:02:09 good, we have people :) 14:02:50 #topic News/Updates 14:03:17 I'm currently just finishing up prep for PTG, not much upstream work going on 14:04:27 this is one of the community goals for Queens 14:04:29 most of time working on down stream task. and still investigate bug 1713012 14:04:30 bug 1713012 in Sahara "renamed cluster fail to scale" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1713012 - Assigned to Shu Yingya (felixshu) 14:04:30 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/501415/ 14:05:14 shuyingya: I was going to ask why you moved it to Invalid, but I see that you reopened it 14:05:48 not many updates, I'm in "general testing mode" (aka: deploy with tripleo and test) 14:05:59 shuyingya, I don't know if jeremy had a chance to test that yet 14:06:05 I will ping him later about it 14:06:09 yes, it works on scale up, but it will fail when scale down :( 14:06:32 tellesnobrega, you can take a look at what I commented under the bug 14:06:38 I will 14:07:11 #action tellesnobrega to take a second round of testing on bug #1713012 14:07:12 bug 1713012 in Sahara "renamed cluster fail to scale" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1713012 - Assigned to Shu Yingya (felixshu) 14:09:33 lets move on 14:09:51 #topic queens PTG 14:10:18 we are all set for PTG, schedule is set and we should be all there starting on wednesday 14:10:34 not much else on that topic 14:10:55 shuyingya, did you have a chance to look the topics? 14:11:21 if you want anything to be discussed that we missed please add there and we will do our best to accommodate it 14:11:23 which topic? 14:11:31 for ptg 14:11:36 you mean etherpad? 14:11:37 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sahara-queens-ptg 14:11:43 yes 14:11:44 yep, I will 14:11:59 thanks 14:12:16 you are welcome 14:12:46 and tellesnobrega, you have test sahara over baremetal, right? 14:13:20 in a manner yes. I tried it using fake baremetal nodes (vms) 14:13:29 but yes 14:13:59 have you taken some notes about it? 14:14:15 or you follow nikita's notes? 14:14:20 what kind of notes? how to do it? 14:14:43 just the step to deploy cluster on baremetal 14:14:58 I didn't follow nikita's notes, but it was a fairly flow 14:15:22 I want to try it and test the performance. But not sure the limitation. 14:15:41 OK, maybe I will consult you if I got any problem :) 14:15:47 I can check nikita's notes (can you paste the link) and if needed I will update with my deployment process 14:15:54 sure 14:16:03 thanks 14:16:27 and/or our documentation 14:16:46 tosky, yeah 14:16:54 +1 14:17:35 #topic Open Discussion 14:18:01 i guess this should've been done earlier but lets see if we have any more discussion topics 14:18:10 I have no other questions, and I will review the PTG etherpad later or tomorrow. 14:18:20 thanks shuyingya 14:18:40 tellesnobrega, If you test the scale down renamed cluster, please let me know 14:18:56 shuyingya, I will do for sure 14:19:48 user_domain_name=Default 14:19:48 project_domain_name=Default 14:19:54 And If it possible, can you investigate the RDO issue about the default value of user_domain_name 14:20:36 I am not familiar with this, and I have deployed RDO with packstack two times. The bug can reproduce 100% 14:20:59 shuyingya, can't promise much at this point (traveling in 2 days) 14:21:09 but I will take a note to do it once I'm back 14:21:56 thanks, I will try to solve it this weekend :) but can't promise too 14:22:28 good 14:24:52 anything else for today? 14:24:55 not from me 14:25:19 not from me too 14:25:48 and just now, I commented the step to reproduce the bug 14:26:03 shuyingya, thanks 14:26:22 I guess we can close early today and have 34 minutes back 14:26:44 thanks tosky and shuyingya for being here and next week we won't be having irc meeting 14:26:49 so happy vacation tellesnobrega 14:26:55 "vacation" :D 14:27:15 "vacation" is the right way to phrase it 14:27:25 thanks all 14:27:33 bye 14:27:37 o/ 14:27:42 #endmeeting