14:00:05 <tellesnobrega> #startmeeting sahara 14:00:06 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Dec 21 14:00:05 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tellesnobrega. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'sahara' 14:00:14 <tosky> o/ 14:00:48 <shuyingya> o/ 14:02:40 <tellesnobrega> waiting just a couple more minutes to see if anyone else shows up 14:04:36 <tellesnobrega> I guess we can start 14:04:43 <tellesnobrega> #topic News/Updates 14:05:05 <tellesnobrega> I'm currently working mainly on image gen for ambari and mapr 14:05:09 <shuyingya> most of time spend on downstream tasks this week. And also take time to solve problem in vanilla upgrading. hopefully can commit it in this weekend. 14:05:26 <tellesnobrega> decommission is a little on the background until beginning of next year 14:05:47 <tellesnobrega> that is good to hear shuyingya 14:06:15 <tosky> I'm working on the new jobs, hopefully the native zuulv3 jobs for sahara-tests are ready (with one exception: the experimental multinode job, due to infrastructural limitations) 14:07:13 <tosky> and I'm going to try to tackle the other missing jobs for sahara-extra, including publishing the oozie jar the cleanup of sahara-files (I'm tired from waiting for the changes in the publishing part, it can be fixed later) 14:08:05 <tellesnobrega> sounds good 14:08:19 <shuyingya> nice tosky 14:09:03 <shuyingya> If I put the change, I will not commit SIE related changes util new jar can upload to tarball.openstack.org 14:09:19 <tosky> I will try to have the job ready quickly 14:09:39 <tosky> apart from that, I'm also catching up with a bug about CLI tests (thanks to Shi Yan for the ping) 14:11:36 <tellesnobrega> if we don't have any more news, lets move on 14:12:01 <tellesnobrega> #topic Priority List for next month 14:12:27 <tosky> ... before Q-3 14:12:35 <tellesnobrega> I talked with tosky yesterday about what we have to do for queens-3 14:13:47 <tellesnobrega> we got down to we need to focus on image gen (i'm working on it), vanilla upgrade ( shuyingya ), APIv2, S3 14:14:11 <tellesnobrega> am I forgetting anything tosky? 14:14:23 <tosky> APIv2 because it's the biggest item on the list, and having it out at least as experimental would help 14:14:29 <shuyingya> my colleague also focus on keypair injecting too. But he ask for a leave this week 14:14:46 <tellesnobrega> cool 14:14:53 <tosky> APIv2, of course absolutely not stable for this cycle, but at least we can start building on it and have it ready for Rocky (hopefully) 14:15:15 <tellesnobrega> yeah 14:15:26 <tellesnobrega> APIv2 is our highest priority for sure 14:15:34 <tellesnobrega> S3 is a close second 14:15:54 <tellesnobrega> the rest is up and close to finish 14:16:25 <tellesnobrega> jeremy is working on those features, so I will get an update from him 14:16:38 <tellesnobrega> but looks like it should be good as well 14:16:47 <tosky> if we make all of those, it would be a good percentage of the plan from the PTG, which is not bad 14:17:01 <tellesnobrega> yes 14:17:03 <tosky> we can have then a big doc party before the release 14:17:04 <tellesnobrega> we did plan big 14:17:12 <shuyingya> wish we have a perfect release :) 14:18:05 <shuyingya> btw, hbase integrated can be finished too before Q3 I think. 14:18:25 <tellesnobrega> we can always learn from last cycle, we are going a great job, but I fear we aimed too high 14:19:19 <tellesnobrega> but lets try to get the most of what we planned 14:19:49 <tosky> and we have a direction for Rocky 14:19:52 <shuyingya> thanks for tellesnobrega's good plan and leadship 14:19:58 <tellesnobrega> true 14:20:09 <tellesnobrega> shuyingya, I was just a part of it 14:20:14 <tosky> especially removing APIv2 will help freeing resources (even if we would need to still stabilize it) 14:20:41 <tellesnobrega> yes 14:22:35 <tellesnobrega> I guess that closes the topic 14:23:00 <tellesnobrega> #topic Open Discussion 14:23:35 <shuyingya> do you know how to test a hive job? I didn't find it in sahara-tests' example 14:23:49 <tosky> uhm, we may have had some issues with them 14:24:13 <shuyingya> I want to ensure all of jobs can be successfully running on new vanilla 14:24:18 <tosky> there is an old review about adding hive jobs for ambari which was consistently failing 14:24:45 <tosky> this one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/299358/ 14:24:58 <tosky> check my comment 14:25:06 <tosky> the one were I put -1 14:25:15 <tosky> the review can be a starting point, I guess 14:25:36 <shuyingya> thanks tosky 14:27:03 <shuyingya> I also encounter problem that mapreduce job finished in Killed status 14:27:40 <shuyingya> but the job was sucessfully finished in yarn and marked as success. I think it may cause by the swift interface issue. 14:28:07 <shuyingya> not sure the reason in this patch, will investigate it 14:28:17 <tellesnobrega> thanks shuyingya 14:29:42 <shuyingya> Another thing is : do we have plan about ubuntu and centos or fedora image. I don't have too much energy to test all linux distribution 14:30:14 <tosky> that's part of "rebuild the Sahara CI" 14:30:17 <shuyingya> do you have some experience to share about the image test 14:30:47 <shuyingya> oh, thanks tosky. At least, I will take effort to ensure sahara-ubuntu-image run 14:30:55 <tellesnobrega> I would say priorities are ubuntu and centos 14:31:15 <tellesnobrega> but try to get ubuntu done, and if you can't I will test out centos 14:32:03 <shuyingya> yes, it is really hard to me to build an image domestically 14:33:22 <tellesnobrega> I can help out for sure 14:33:35 <shuyingya> thanks, tellesnobrega 14:35:05 <tosky> when the jobs are converted, and multinode jobs work, we can automated at least the scenario tests for vanilla 14:35:43 <tosky> right now the blocker is on the zuul+devstack side, and the incomplete support of multinode jobs 14:35:50 <tosky> that should help a bit 14:36:03 <shuyingya> that would be good enough for sahara 14:36:08 <tellesnobrega> for a start 14:36:13 <shuyingya> :) 14:36:34 <tellesnobrega> once we have a third party CI we should add spark, cdh, mapr, ambari and storm 14:36:39 <tellesnobrega> but one step at a time 14:36:42 <tosky> yep 14:36:55 <tosky> also, with zuulv3 we can reuse the same jobs 14:37:14 <shuyingya> sounds good 14:38:47 <tellesnobrega> ok, do we have anything else to discuss? 14:38:58 <shuyingya> not from me 14:39:33 <tellesnobrega> tosky? 14:41:04 <tosky> tellesnobrega: nothing else from me 14:41:13 <tellesnobrega> cool 14:41:28 <tellesnobrega> thanks guys, we can call it short 14:41:56 <tellesnobrega> we get 19 minutes back 14:42:05 <tellesnobrega> #endmeeting