14:00:50 <tellesnobrega> #startmeeting sahara
14:00:51 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Nov 29 14:00:50 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is tellesnobrega. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:52 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:54 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'sahara'
14:01:24 <tosky> o/
14:01:53 <jeremyfreudberg> o/
14:02:00 <tellesnobrega> o/
14:02:06 <tellesnobrega> hi jeremyfreudberg, good to see you around
14:02:59 <tellesnobrega> I'm giving a couple more minutes to see if anyone jumps in
14:03:54 <tellesnobrega> #topic News/Updates
14:04:26 <tellesnobrega> Split plugins got out of my plate and jumped into tosky's
14:04:40 <tosky> for now, until I find bugs :)
14:04:55 <tellesnobrega> I wrote the payload response patch on apiv2
14:04:58 <tellesnobrega> it is up for review
14:05:11 <jeremyfreudberg> yes, i will review it soon
14:05:32 <tellesnobrega> and that is all I did
14:05:50 <jeremyfreudberg> i don't have much to report either
14:06:50 <tosky> I deployed devstack with sahara/split plugin  (tellesnobrega, remember to fix the URL of the repositories in the devstack plugin)
14:07:19 <tellesnobrega> will do, by the way, I worked the devstack plugin to deploy the split plugin
14:07:26 <tosky> I tested two images so far, working (exception: EDP, thanks to a broken radosgw on my system, which I'm trying to fix)
14:07:41 <tosky> I'm planning to test other images too
14:08:11 <tosky> I also sent an email to rdo-dev@ asking for advices for the packaging, and when I have a plan there I will send the more complete email to openstack-discuss@
14:08:36 <tosky> I also need to complete the patch which adds support for S3 testing to sahara-tests
14:08:38 <tosky> and that's it
14:09:16 <tellesnobrega> moving on...
14:09:21 <tellesnobrega> #topic APIv2
14:09:35 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, since you are here, we have some questions on APIv2
14:09:44 <tellesnobrega> what is the current status, considering the payload patch is fine
14:09:53 <tellesnobrega> what is left to do? how can we make this happen
14:10:16 <tellesnobrega> M2 is around the corner, January 10th, we need to get it asap
14:11:42 <tosky> do I remember correctly that we just need to deploy with unversioned endpoints? Do we need to do anything else to enable it (say) in devstack? And with other deployment tools?
14:11:50 <jeremyfreudberg> according to my notes:
14:13:28 <jeremyfreudberg> on the server side 1)tenant_id->project_id , 2)proper microversioning, 3)fix 500 on malformed query string
14:13:46 <jeremyfreudberg> 4) get as much of boot from volume enhancements and health repair done now, so we don't have to change the api again
14:14:43 <jeremyfreudberg> on the client side, there is 1) OSC 2) adding new features like decomission of a specific node and keypair replacement to where they are missing
14:14:50 <jeremyfreudberg> and of course, proper testing and API REF
14:15:10 <tellesnobrega> we have a patch for OSC
14:15:25 <tellesnobrega> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/584110/
14:15:37 <jeremyfreudberg> oh, right
14:15:56 <tellesnobrega> please review it :)
14:16:10 <tellesnobrega> along side #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/620307/
14:16:17 <jeremyfreudberg> yes, it needs a re-review by me, certainly
14:17:12 <tosky> about testing, tempest tests requires a new version of the client, but what about scenario tests? As they use saharaclient, should they be able to use v2 if we enable it?
14:17:18 <jeremyfreudberg> so, if those two patches go in soon, the next big priorities are the other server-side patches 2,3,4
14:17:20 <tosky> I think you tried to hack them to work with v2
14:18:18 <tellesnobrega> can you explain more what the 500 on malformed query string is?
14:18:42 <tellesnobrega> is it all around, or specific call?
14:18:49 <jeremyfreudberg> tosky: to answer your earlier question about deployment: with unversioned endpoints, yes, and a new-enough python-saharaclient (although it should still be able to discover v2 from the old endpoint)
14:19:13 <jeremyfreudberg> tosky: the scenario tests require some tweaks, because some of the names have changed in v2
14:20:35 <jeremyfreudberg> tosky: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/536157 was a very haphazard/rushed/sloppy attempt
14:20:40 <tosky> shouldn't saharaclient mostly abstract from the changes?
14:20:42 * tosky checks
14:21:08 <jeremyfreudberg> tosky: it abstracts from the changes except for stuff like job/job template/job execution where we had to rename in order to have some amount of sense
14:21:15 <jeremyfreudberg> tellesnobrega: for any call
14:21:29 <tosky> oh, right
14:21:53 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, ok
14:23:11 <jeremyfreudberg> tellesnobrega: any unexpected value in the query string besides the ones used for pagination eventually throw an error in sqlalchemy about not being able to find a table with the name of whatever value was in the string
14:23:39 <tosky> do we have all the items (1-4 for server, 1-2 for client, + fixing the API, scenario tests and tempest tests) documented on storyboard?
14:24:10 <jeremyfreudberg> tellesnobrega: it should be simple enough to fix, just have a whitelist of allowed things in query string which can be checked in flask.before_request (I'll take care of the patch when I have time)
14:24:12 <jeremyfreudberg> tosky: uh, maybe
14:24:40 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, thanks, do you think you will have time anytime soon?
14:25:36 <tosky> so: does anyone take the time to check if we have everything tracked on storyboard? :)
14:26:13 <tellesnobrega> tosky, I will do that
14:26:19 <tosky> oki, thanks
14:26:27 <tellesnobrega> and update accordingly
14:26:43 <jeremyfreudberg> there definitely is something somewhere (some individual stories?)
14:26:57 <jeremyfreudberg> tellesnobrega: maybe not, until the end of the semester (3 weeks)
14:27:04 <jeremyfreudberg> you can give that patch a try if you want
14:27:23 <tellesnobrega> we need to organize some stuff
14:27:41 <tellesnobrega> so maybe microversioning should take more time and would be more important to work on now
14:28:55 <jeremyfreudberg> microversioning is definitely the trickiest (to have it really work and not only imitated), i have ideas in my head which are putting me on the right path to solving it, i think i should be able to accomplish it after the semester is over
14:29:19 <jeremyfreudberg> i think it would be most helpful if you took the query string stuff off my plate so that i don't have to worry about it when i actually have free time
14:29:40 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, ok, I will leave microversioning to you and work ont he query stuff
14:29:51 <jeremyfreudberg> email me if you have questions
14:29:55 <tellesnobrega> will do
14:30:37 <tellesnobrega> what about unversioned deployment? what do we need to do on that? devstack deployment? what else?
14:32:00 <tosky> I had few patches but they were mostly not working
14:32:13 <tosky> for puppet, packstack, kolla and tripleo
14:33:36 <jeremyfreudberg> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bug/1782147 right?
14:33:42 <jeremyfreudberg> or are there more with a different topic?
14:34:00 <tellesnobrega> that is it
14:35:01 <tosky> yep, probably the topic is not correct, but let's not debate it
14:35:54 <tellesnobrega> ok, so we have a plan on apiv2
14:36:06 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, tosky please review the patches we have asap
14:36:16 <tellesnobrega> I will start working on 500 issue
14:36:23 <tellesnobrega> and update storyboard
14:36:55 <tellesnobrega> lets try to make this happen, I don't want to postpone one more cycle on apiv2
14:37:41 <jeremyfreudberg> agree
14:38:06 <tellesnobrega> I have a question on the unversioned endpoint
14:38:14 <jeremyfreudberg> yes
14:38:27 <tellesnobrega> how it works, what do I need to do to have it working on devstack?
14:40:42 <jeremyfreudberg> having the latest client is essentially enough for basic operation
14:41:05 <jeremyfreudberg> assuming that you tell the client that's the version you want
14:41:21 <jeremyfreudberg> same for osc and dashboard, you have to tell it, i think (I can't remember what we did for dashboard, actually)
14:41:33 <jeremyfreudberg> i also realized that we are still doing unversioned endpoints in devstack: https://github.com/openstack/sahara/blob/master/devstack/plugin.sh#L38
14:41:56 <jeremyfreudberg> probably that should be changed (the client can still discover v2 from the old kind of endpoint)
14:42:36 <jeremyfreudberg> about dashboard--
14:42:36 <jeremyfreudberg> Enable it by setting the "data-processing" API version to "2" in the `OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS` dictionary found in Horizon's local_settings.py.
14:42:48 <tellesnobrega> we need to change that to "$SAHARA_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$SAHARA_SERVICE_HOST:$SAHARA_SERVICE_PORT/\$(tenant_id)s" \
14:42:51 <tellesnobrega> ???
14:42:57 <tosky> at this point we can assume the latest client (that's what we do in master)
14:43:32 <tellesnobrega> ok
14:43:44 <jeremyfreudberg> i think we didn't do it yet because grenade had been breaking for other reasons, and we wanted to write a grenade test
14:43:48 <jeremyfreudberg> but i may be misremembering
14:44:09 <tosky> uh, you wrote "we are still doing unversioned endpoint in devstack", did you mean  "we are still doing versioned endpoint in devstack"?
14:44:48 <tosky> grenade should work, because the new version should still work when you have the old endpoint only
14:44:50 <tellesnobrega> I think he meant versioned
14:44:56 <jeremyfreudberg> yes, yes, the endpoints are still versioned right now, and need to be made UNversioned
14:45:03 <jeremyfreudberg> an earlier typo
14:45:04 <tosky> unless grenade requires us to write the code to also add the new endpoints
14:45:28 <jeremyfreudberg> yes, i don't expect the changes to break grenade
14:45:39 <tosky> one question about endpoints (maybe for keystone): can you have multiple endpoints for the same type (public, etc) and service type (data-processing)?
14:45:59 <tosky> or should upgraded deployment change the existing endpoints instead of adding new ones?
14:46:29 <jeremyfreudberg> it should probably change them
14:47:40 <tosky> good to hear, as we need to tell people who works on deployment tools that support upgrades (like tripleo)
14:47:50 <tosky> not sure whether openstack-ansible supports upgrades
14:48:04 <jeremyfreudberg> tosky: out of curiosity, i just did this: http://paste.openstack.org/show/736419/
14:48:12 <jeremyfreudberg> not sure what the resulting behavior would be
14:50:33 <tellesnobrega> those are the same endpoint for different types, not sure if you can do it with the same type
14:50:53 <jeremyfreudberg> tellesnobrega: there are two "admin"
14:50:54 <tosky> they are for the same type (admin)
14:51:13 <tellesnobrega> oh, I see
14:51:21 <tellesnobrega> yes, maybe we need to test the output of that
14:51:50 <tosky> or ask on #openstack-keystone
14:53:42 <tellesnobrega> I guess we have a plan, I will send a patch on devstack plugin soon
14:54:06 <jeremyfreudberg> yep
14:54:11 <jeremyfreudberg> thanks
14:54:30 <tellesnobrega> 6 minutes left
14:54:38 <tellesnobrega> any other topics to discuss?
14:55:35 <jeremyfreudberg> not from me
14:55:46 <tosky> not from me
14:56:02 <tellesnobrega> ok
14:56:12 <tellesnobrega> thanks you both
14:56:18 <tosky> thank you!
14:56:21 <tellesnobrega> this was a really good meeting
14:56:24 <tellesnobrega> see you all next week
14:57:35 <tellesnobrega> jeremyfreudberg, wait on some emails on the 500 stuff, I will definitely need help
14:57:42 <jeremyfreudberg> sure
14:57:44 <jeremyfreudberg> thanks all
14:58:12 <tellesnobrega> #endmeeting