15:00:29 <n0ano> #startmeeting scheduler 15:00:30 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 14 15:00:29 2013 UTC. The chair is n0ano. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:31 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:33 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'scheduler' 15:00:40 <rerngvit> hello all 15:00:44 <n0ano> Show of hands, anyone here for the scheduler meeting? 15:00:45 <n0ano> o/ 15:00:51 <rerngvit> :) 15:01:45 <n0ano> Hmmm, rerngvit so far it looks like it's just you & I :-) 15:02:01 <rerngvit> oh seems to be a busy day for everyone else 15:02:43 <n0ano> I moved this weekend and only got internet back about 30 min ago 15:02:55 <rerngvit> oh lucky you. 15:03:05 <jgallard> hi 15:03:10 <n0ano> you better smile when you say that :-) 15:03:15 <rerngvit> :) 15:03:26 <rerngvit> I did now 15:03:31 <rerngvit> ok more people, cool 15:03:37 <n0ano> I only have half my machines up and I'll be routing cables for a week. 15:04:14 <rerngvit> half of your machines? Are you running a data center at home? :) 15:04:15 <n0ano> As I remember, we left off at `the future of the scheudler' and seemed to cover that pretty well 15:04:28 <rerngvit> yeah, we were going through the list 15:04:37 <n0ano> we only have ntework bandwidth aware scheduling & ensembles to do a first pass over 15:04:56 <n0ano> unfortunately, I don't think the people involved in those two areas are here to day yet. 15:05:09 <rerngvit> what should we do then? 15:05:15 <jgallard> :/ 15:05:34 <jgallard> perhaps we can wait few minutes more? 15:05:40 <rerngvit> ok agree. 15:05:52 <n0ano> well, if there's not burning issues, I'm willing to wait a few and then defer to next week. 15:06:09 <n0ano> My internet should be better so I can send out a proper meeting notice then also 15:06:10 <jgallard> sounds good to me 15:07:23 <rerngvit> sound good to me as well 15:07:57 <alaski> I'm here, but distracted with other things 15:08:09 <n0ano> OK, if there's no objections let's close for today (I'll take the blame for not sending out a notice) and we'll try to do better next week. 15:08:29 <jgallard> n0ano, ok for me 15:09:16 <rerngvit> ok, but you should not take any blame, we made a schedule :) 15:09:27 <jgallard> yes, no blame at all :) 15:09:28 <alaski> works for me. I just want to mention that I just posted https://review.openstack.org/#/c/29091/ as an indication of where I'm thinking the scheduler can be called from when it's a queryable entity. 15:09:33 <alaski> still WIP 15:10:04 <n0ano> alaski, aah, the silent partner, OK let's try again next week, we should do better. 15:10:23 <n0ano> #endmeeting