21:01:03 <martial> #startmeeting Scientific-SIG 21:01:04 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 6 21:01:03 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is martial. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:01:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'scientific_sig' 21:01:18 <martial> #chair b1airo 21:01:19 <openstack> Current chairs: b1airo martial 21:01:30 <martial> Hi Blair, welcome 21:01:50 <b1airo> Hi martial 21:01:51 <martial> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Scientific_SIG#IRC_Meeting_February_6th_2018 21:02:03 <martial> The agenda is listed above 21:02:12 <martial> #topic Vancouver Summit - 2 days left for CFP 21:02:49 <martial> So as the topic indicate, if you are waiting to add a presentation for the Vancouver summit, you have two days to do so 21:03:14 <b1airo> Hop to it! 21:03:32 <b1airo> Anything interesting from Datamachines? 21:03:49 <martial> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/summit-categories 21:04:12 <martial> b1airo: so far not too much, we have things, but nothing ready for presentation at this summit 21:04:32 <martial> maybe later this year 21:04:45 <b1airo> Sounds good 21:05:21 <martial> not sure if other people have something to add to this PSA 21:05:22 <b1airo> Did u see zioproto has been doing some k8s as a service stuff - I hope he submits that for a talk 21:06:02 <martial> b1airo saw it, I agree, I look forward to the presentation (hopefully even accepted as a main talk) 21:06:30 <martial> (especially because it would be recorded) 21:07:25 <martial> if that is it or this topic, let's move to the next topic 21:07:41 <martial> #topic Dublin PTG - SIG time scheduled for development advocacy 21:08:26 <martial> This is something more relevant if Stif was with us 21:08:32 <martial> (Stig) 21:08:44 <martial> but Stig will be at the Dublin PTG at the end of this month 21:09:09 <martial> and we understand there will be 1/2 day scheduled for the Scientific SIG 21:09:18 <martial> we started collecting ideas on this topic last week 21:10:31 <martial> if you have information/topics to add to the conversation , please share them with us (Stig in particular) 21:11:38 <martial> going once :) 21:12:16 <martial> okay, moving on then 21:12:32 <martial> #topic HPCAC Lugano - 9-12 April 21:12:50 <martial> #link https://www.cscs.ch/publications/press-releases/swiss-hpc-advisory-council-conference-2018-hpcxxl-user-group/ 21:12:51 <b1airo> Pretty quiet today 21:14:06 <martial> I am not too aware of this, but it looks like a call for paper, unfortunately the CFP is closed at this point 21:14:33 <martial> so more a FYI than anything else (sorry) 21:14:56 <martial> so moving on 21:15:29 <martial> #topic P2302/ORCA meeting in March 21:15:43 <martial> this one I can talk about 21:16:25 <martial> I have been part of the P2302 effort as well as the ORCA efforts 21:16:55 <trandles> I'm here so you two don't think you're talking to each other :P 21:17:11 <martial> so we (P2302 and ORCA) plan to have a Cloud Federation meeting to continue the effort of the P2302 and ORCA independent conversations 21:17:36 <martial> by having a joint meeting on March 19th and 20th in Gaithersburg, MD 21:18:25 <martial> we are finalizing the location (hotel, not NIST) and will share the link to register shortly 21:18:55 <martial> we are also interested in discussing --as usual-- possible speakers 21:19:55 <martial> I had a meeting earlier Today about this topic and we are wondering if people such as trandles jmlowe rbudden priteau are interested in joining (it is US based) 21:19:55 <b1airo> trandles: o/ 21:20:28 <martial> the big difference being that this time, the meeting will be also in association with an IEEE effort 21:20:44 <trandles> I'm not sure I can make it martial 21:20:59 <trandles> I'm on travel now, I was on travel two weeks ago, I'm on travel first week of March 21:21:19 <trandles> b1airo: \o 21:21:22 <martial> trandles: bummer, let me know 21:21:35 <trandles> yeah I'll know more closer to early March 21:22:04 <martial> we are coordinating the meeting and will have a follow up at the Vancouver Summit 21:22:20 <trandles> in somewhat related news, containers in HPC is all the rage in the meetings I've been attending 21:22:34 <rbudden> martial: I need to confirm with my boss about Vancouver, but if I get the go ahead I’m in for helping 21:23:10 <martial> rbudden: happy to have you on board, we can talk about how you can help :) 21:23:29 <rbudden> :) 21:24:07 <martial> at this stage, we will confirm information as soon as possible 21:24:24 <martial> but basically the dates and general area (east coast) are set 21:25:28 <martial> and now for the one topic that we are opening to discussion to everybody around :) 21:25:32 <b1airo> trandles: new news in the HPC container world? 21:26:02 <martial> #topic AOB: containers in HPC is all the rage 21:26:11 <martial> all yours trandles :) 21:26:22 <martial> (we will go to the agenda item in a few minutes :) ) 21:26:57 <trandles> HPC container runtimes (Shifter, Charliecloud, Singularity) are generating a lot of interest. Consensus is building that using the docker toolchain for building and distributing images is the best path forward because all of the runtimes can work with it. 21:27:42 <martial> cool :) 21:27:52 <trandles> some of us DOE-types are attempting to get docker on board to do an HPC-friendly runtime 21:28:17 <martial> any luck? 21:28:28 <martial> the next DockerCon federal will be in DC in a few months 21:28:39 <trandles> i.e. unprivileged, no docker daemon required on local nodes, support for diskless nodes, scale-out to deploying big (10's of GB) images to thousands of nodes 21:29:12 <trandles> um, luck in that they're willing to listen and even start to poke at some of our pain points 21:29:45 <martial> okay it is a start 21:29:50 <trandles> this is all pretty new so we'll see if we can build momentum with them 21:30:24 <trandles> But, it's obvious enough to us on the HPC operations side that what our users want is docker. Not something docker-like...they want docker... 21:31:03 <trandles> that's all I have for now, I'll report more as it happens 21:31:29 <martial> thank you Tim, that is very good news, even if preliminary 21:31:39 <b1airo> Thanks trandles - useful to have an ear to the ground in this area 21:34:35 <martial> cool :) 21:34:37 <martial> thanks Tim 21:36:12 <martial> last topic 21:36:17 <martial> #topic Meltdown/Spectre performance impacts: does anyone have information to share 21:37:15 <martial> anybody has any examples/test cases to share with us? 21:38:27 <martial> this one in particular was more a request for information 21:39:27 <martial> I did not see any answer to my email 21:39:41 <martial> nor does it seem are there much content on the channel just now :) 21:39:59 <martial> maybe we can keep the call open for a further meeting 21:40:16 <martial> which would lead us to the last topic of the day for this meeting 21:40:22 <martial> going once ... 21:41:54 <martial> #topics AOB 21:41:56 <martial> open floor 21:44:24 <martial> okay well, then we might adjourn a little early 21:45:55 <martial> thank you everybody for joining our weekly meeting and talk to you at the next meeting 21:45:59 <martial> #endmeeting