11:00:44 <oneswig> #startmeeting scientific-wg 11:00:45 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 16 11:00:44 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is oneswig. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:00:46 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 11:00:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'scientific_wg' 11:00:56 <oneswig> Hello 11:01:02 <martial_> Hello Stig 11:01:08 <oneswig> #chair martial_ 11:01:09 <openstack> Current chairs: martial_ oneswig 11:01:11 <oneswig> Morning martial_ 11:01:11 <zz9pzza> Hi :) 11:01:16 <verdurin> Afternoon. 11:01:20 <enolfc> Hi 11:01:23 <oneswig> Hi zz9pzza verdurin enolfc 11:01:24 <daveholland> hello! 11:01:28 <oneswig> and daveholland! 11:01:44 <oneswig> #link agenda for today (such as it is) https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Scientific_working_group#IRC_Meeting_August_16th_2017 11:02:00 <priteau> Hello 11:02:11 <oneswig> Main item of interest this week is the second edition of the book 11:02:13 <martial_> my, quite a good turnout of people I do not remember before. Welcome all 11:02:14 <oneswig> Hi priteau 11:02:44 <oneswig> Indeed, welcome everyone 11:03:00 <oneswig> #topic Scientific OpenStack book revision 11:03:02 <daveholland> @oneswig possibly for that (or for AOB) I would like to ask people's opinions and experiences about reporting "availability" of an entire Openstack platform (not just nagios) 11:03:30 <oneswig> daveholland: good topic, lets keep time for AOB 11:04:00 <daveholland> TY 11:04:18 <oneswig> So, the book was created for Supercomputing 2016 and handed out by various people at the conference 11:04:27 <oneswig> I think it was really popular and well received 11:04:42 <oneswig> I've seen a number of people since with copies of it 11:04:52 <oneswig> So this is a great way we can make a difference 11:05:22 <oneswig> The plan is to revise / improve / extend the book for SC2017 11:05:28 * johnthetubaguy enjoyed reading the previous edition 11:05:44 <zz9pzza> hi john congrats btw 11:05:45 <oneswig> Hi johnthetubaguy, good to see you 11:05:50 <martial_> #link Working document to organize resources https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/scientific-computing-book-update-2017 11:05:50 <oneswig> :-) 11:06:09 <oneswig> thanks martial_ 11:06:23 <oneswig> I missed last week's meeting, can you recap the discussion from the US timezone? 11:06:33 <oneswig> Or should I just read the etherpad :-) 11:07:29 <martial_> sorry, copying data, but basically 11:07:38 <oneswig> OK, there's some very useful contributions offered there. 11:07:38 <martial_> Mr Hoge said "With time running out, real-time update from Kathy regarding the book. Deadline is Sept 22" 11:08:20 <zz9pzza> Dave has been grabbed by someone, "Sangar multi-tenant Lustre integration ?" I will talk with him later as my English skills are minimal 11:08:40 <martial_> a few people offered to work on updates of previous chapters 11:09:02 <martial_> and we have --so far-- a short number of new papers to to add 11:09:29 <oneswig> #link document source is here https://github.com/openstack/scientific-wg 11:09:58 <oneswig> martial_: one of the hoped-for contributions is a section on federation, right? 11:10:02 <enolfc> oneswig: who's contributing to the federated identity chapter? 11:10:23 <oneswig> enolfc: well volunteered? :-) 11:10:38 <oneswig> How is EGI federation going BTW? 11:10:50 <martial_> oneswig: I tried to reach out to Dr Bohn but he will not be able to do one, so there is a possibility about the ORC 11:10:51 <enolfc> oneswig: I guess I have volunteered :) 11:11:22 <oneswig> I believe there was jmlowe from Indiana University looking to make a contribution. 11:11:36 <enolfc> EGI is now ready to move to federated identity with OpenID Connect and planning to do so in production in the next months 11:11:36 <zioproto> hello, sorry I guess I am 10 minutes late 11:11:37 <oneswig> thanks enolfc, that'd be great to have your input 11:11:45 <noggin143> I'll have a chat with Jose. We could certainly review the federation chapter but may not have time to write it. 11:11:46 <oneswig> Hi zioproto, welcome 11:11:46 <martial_> and Mr Fernandez just did volunteer :) 11:12:01 <enolfc> I can also check with INDIGO colleagues as I see you also mention it in the current text 11:12:30 <martial_> welcome zioproto 11:12:34 <oneswig> Hi noggin143, thanks, that would be a great help. What tends to happen is a body of text is written followed by 2-3 case studies. A case study is typically half a page with a picture 11:13:03 <oneswig> Perhaps that might not be too onerous for Jose? 11:13:09 <noggin143> That sounds OK. 11:13:45 <noggin143> A sample configuration on how to do federated id with Edugain and Active Directory 11:13:53 <oneswig> I recall much of the existing text came from the user story zioproto put together last year 11:13:55 <noggin143> we could do that. 11:14:17 <oneswig> noggin143: that would be brilliant. 11:14:59 <oneswig> martial_: do you recall the ID federation jmlowe was discussion - was it Globus via OIDC? 11:15:22 <martial_> that sounds right 11:15:58 <oneswig> martial_: who can we approach wrt a closing paragraph on ORC? 11:16:17 <oneswig> Or should we wait for results first there? 11:16:17 <martial_> enol is involved with it 11:16:26 <enolfc> oneswig, nogging143: we can have 3 use cases, Edugain, AD and EGI 11:16:27 <oneswig> Ah, great, of course. 11:17:27 <enolfc> oneswig: I can provide the ORC text 11:17:39 <oneswig> Ideally we'd have diverse approaches in the case studies. Any keycloak users out there? I recall that was discussed positively 11:18:00 <oneswig> Thanks enolfc, appreciated 11:18:29 <daveholland> not sure who added Sanger Lustre integration to the etherpad (it wasn't us!) but as I'm presenting it at LAD in October then - given guidance on number of words/diagrams, expected audience, etc - that might be do-able. Is it too niche? 11:19:08 <martial_> Enol: I missed the last ORC meeting but I will be able to join the next one. We can add this conversation to the agenda for the next meeting 11:19:11 <oneswig> daveholland: Not at all. We have a whole chapter on filesystems IIRC, this would make a great case study 11:19:25 <martial_> daveholland: I would love to see this paper 11:19:26 <zz9pzza> We are going to spend a chunk of time going over things and writing it up as a paper ish could be done. 11:19:27 <daveholland> OK, I will have to read the current version :) 11:19:42 <enolfc> martial_: sure, I think will start joining again next week also 11:20:01 <martial_> as we get closer, we are going to need to make sure we have reviewers also 11:20:04 <oneswig> Can those who volunteered add their names + details to the end of the etherpad so we can keep track? thanks 11:20:40 <verdurin> martial_: given everything else I'm doing at the moment, I'm unlikely to be able to submit new material, but happy to be a reviewer 11:21:05 <martial_> maybe we should request for the deadline to be made shorter (vs the official 22nd) to get a couple reviewers per chapter 11:21:09 <oneswig> Thanks verdurin, that would be appreciated 11:21:58 <martial_> the 22nd is a Friday so our meeting is likely the 19th that week ... 2 days to review, 2 days to fix 11:22:07 <oneswig> martial_: We'll probably need all the time we can, but definitely want to avoid a massive body of unreviewed documentation come the 21st 11:23:18 <oneswig> Excellent - any more to cover here? 11:23:40 <oneswig> Thanks for everyone's volunteering :-) 11:23:57 <oneswig> #topic OpenStack London 11:24:27 <oneswig> Not much defined here but for those who are planning to attend OpenStack Days UK on 26th September, we have a slot booked for the WG. 11:24:41 <oneswig> I was wondering how we should fill it... 11:24:55 <martial_> how long are you talking about? 11:25:06 <zz9pzza> Dave has a hurdy gurdy. 11:25:31 <martial_> (that seems to be about the same time as the ORC meeting?) 11:25:33 <oneswig> It's probably an hour, might be 40 mins. Will need to check 11:25:51 <oneswig> zz9pzza: Thanks for your input :-) 11:26:04 <noggin143> I'll be there too. 11:26:09 <martial_> 10 minutes intro to the group, a stig-sentation follow by a couple lighting talks? 11:26:29 <noggin143> but I think I'm talking in another slot. 11:26:51 <oneswig> noggin143: at the same time? We can't have that. I haven't seen timing but I'll try to get things shuffled if so 11:27:05 <noggin143> don't know the schedule yet 11:27:24 <oneswig> martial_: That's a good model, has worked previously. 11:27:40 <noggin143> +1 for the lightning talks 11:28:25 <martial_> stig: you can make a tease about the meeting in Sydney as well :) 11:28:44 <oneswig> Do we have volunteers for talks? 11:28:55 <oneswig> I might know one or two interested people 11:29:17 <zz9pzza> Tim or Pete are doing the lustre talk as a separate slot. 11:29:26 <oneswig> zz9pzza: daveholland: Is Tim C presenting? Ah OK 11:30:13 <oneswig> I'll sound out some people 11:30:44 <martial_> sounds like it is going to be a great pesentation, will it be streamed? 11:30:46 <oneswig> We can also offer to people on the day, but that's uncertain 11:31:07 <oneswig> martial_: The talks were filmed last year, so I would expect so 11:32:17 <oneswig> OK, was there anything more on OSD UK? Nothing here 11:32:37 <oneswig> #topic Open Research Clouds 11:32:50 <oneswig> How is it going? 11:33:14 <martial_> I missee the last meeting, maybe enol can let us know? 11:33:50 <enolfc> I also missed last meeting 11:34:13 <enolfc> but from EGI we have the logistics ready for having the congress in Amsterdam 11:34:17 <martial_> okay, well the last meeting I attended, things were still in definition 11:34:21 <enolfc> registration is already open 11:34:30 <martial_> working groups were forming' 11:34:34 <oneswig> enolfc: It's end September, right? 11:34:34 <enolfc> Now there is some discussion about sponsorship 11:34:40 <enolfc> yes, 27-29 11:35:14 <enolfc> I plan to have AAI wg starting to meet from next week 11:35:28 <martial_> #link http://www.openresearchcloud.org/orc-events/amsterdam-september-2017/ 11:35:28 <oneswig> enolfc: can you link to the EGI page for it? 11:35:30 <enolfc> when some EGI people is back from holiday 11:35:40 <oneswig> Ah, thanks :-) 11:35:49 <enolfc> https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/3414/ 11:35:56 <oneswig> Intriguing fish 11:36:48 <enolfc> We now need to start moving things in the other wg, and finalise agenda 11:36:52 <oneswig> Who should attend? 11:37:12 <martial_> here are the latest happenings (had to find the link) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NdcuKlSKnQU_RqWI3lcgpJWwg6a0qhaJra-wN8zCqg8/edit 11:38:25 <oneswig> OK, thanks martial_ enolfc - any more to add here? 11:38:53 <martial_> oneswig: as to who should attend, I think anybody that can contribute to the effort 11:39:06 <enolfc> martial_ +1 11:39:17 <enolfc> oneswig: no more updates from me so far 11:39:31 <martial_> oneswig: there was a request to contribute from the point of view of scientific computing as well 11:39:57 <martial_> oneswig: so it is going to depend on the narrative of that conversation 11:40:09 <martial_> I think Tim mentioned he might be able to make it 11:40:19 <martial_> I am possibly going to be there as well 11:40:30 <oneswig> martial_: The timing is possible for me, however my level of contribution is uncertain 11:41:06 <oneswig> OK - next item? 11:41:13 <martial_> Khalil requested a small presentation on the state of scientific computing and why an ORC would be welcome 11:41:20 <martial_> oneswig: go ahead 11:41:27 <oneswig> #topic AOB 11:41:39 <oneswig> daveholland: take it away mr music 11:41:46 <martial_> I wanted to share this link ... a cool program I discussed with Flanders 11:42:00 <martial_> #link http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/openstack-mentor-mentee-program/ 11:42:43 <daveholland> ta :) so, we are happy measuring e.g. "is the API up" with nagios. But we are dancing around a measurement for "availability" for an OpenStack platform. e.g. if one user cannot deploy a large flavour instance because of hypervisor memory fragmentation, that's a showstopper for him, but the platform is still available. 11:42:48 <martial_> and for those who have not seen it so far ... 11:42:50 <daveholland> anyone got thoughts, experiences, opionions? 11:42:52 <martial_> #link http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/scientific-wg-update/ 11:43:31 <zz9pzza> What happens if say I can't create new volumes but everything else is working ... 11:43:33 <johnthetubaguy> daveholland: did you look at using rally to regular test if you can create an instance? 11:43:35 <noggin143> For those interested in nested quotas, I have posted the CERN model proposal to https://openstack-in-production.blogspot.ch/2017/07/nested-quota-models.html. Happy to discuss if there are other proposals too. 11:44:07 <daveholland> @johnthetubaguy an "end to end" nagios test (maybe using heat) is on my radar, not thought of rally, I'd mentally got that as a post-deploy benchmark - am I wrong? 11:44:09 <noggin143> At CERN, we run Rally to give the availability. A sample set of workloads runs constantly, creating VMs, attaching volumes etc. It works great. 11:44:44 <oneswig> noggin143: is it on CERN ops github? 11:44:44 <johnthetubaguy> I knew someone told me about that before, must have been noggin143 11:45:16 <daveholland> OK I will take a look. (it will inflate the headline "12345 instances launched to date" number, but hey) 11:45:17 <noggin143> old presentation is at https://indico.cern.ch/event/407658/contributions/968467/attachments/1126441/1608329/150330_rally_deployment_cern.pdf for details. 11:45:30 <zz9pzza> Thanks 11:45:35 <noggin143> It's great for the VMs/hour graphs too :-) 11:45:43 <daveholland> @noggin143 thanks! 11:46:25 <johnthetubaguy> noggin143: quota wise, I guess that is going to come up at the PTG, I might try sync up with that effort again, are other folks there to discuss that already? 11:46:29 <oneswig> I thought this was pretty cool from Nectar: https://status.rc.nectar.org.au/capacity/ 11:46:47 <oneswig> It's not directly related, but plugs the gap of revealing the available capacity on a private cloud 11:47:14 <noggin143> For quota, I'd passed the information to Sean Dague who was looking for the 'rulesets'. 11:47:26 <daveholland> @oneswig that's something else we've been asked for, in the context of a small host aggregate/ceph-backed flavour for "pets" 11:47:36 <johnthetubaguy> noggin143: cool, he is leading that discussion AFAIK 11:48:40 <johnthetubaguy> the placement API should help some with capacity queries: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/placement.html#rest-api 11:49:47 <johnthetubaguy> #link https://developer.openstack.org/api-ref/placement/ might be the better link 11:50:15 <priteau> johnthetubaguy: What is the default access policy to discover capacity? 11:50:18 <oneswig> This autogenerated documentation is really good johnthetubaguy 11:50:46 <johnthetubaguy> oneswig: its largely hand written now, to get it better, ups and downs 11:50:58 <johnthetubaguy> priteau: its admin only API at the moment 11:51:10 <oneswig> In which case, I should say this hand-written documentation is really consistent :-0 11:51:38 <daveholland> even an admin API is fine for populating metrics to produce a user-visible graph/number 11:51:41 <priteau> johnthetubaguy: That's a sound default, but it would be nice if most academic/community clouds allowed users to query it 11:52:21 <johnthetubaguy> priteau: its got a policy rule you can change, as usual, I think, that should just be the default 11:52:30 <johnthetubaguy> daveholland: +1 11:53:04 <johnthetubaguy> I think its probably better to build graphs like the nectar ones from that info 11:53:21 <johnthetubaguy> it used to be crazy hard to extract that data, should be easier / more portable now 11:54:26 <noggin143> Placement stuff looks promising... time to throw away the nasty local legacy database scripts... 11:55:07 <priteau> +1 11:55:57 <oneswig> johnthetubaguy: are you looking at the resource provider inventories here? 11:56:40 <johnthetubaguy> oneswig: that is one way, you can also query what resource providers have space for a particular flavor you are interested in 11:56:58 <johnthetubaguy> well, its a resource request, rather than a flavor, but there is a mapping 11:57:10 <oneswig> and in response you'd get a 'yes' or 'I can accommodate 800 of those'? 11:57:42 <johnthetubaguy> I think you get a list of candidates where it can fit, with info on how many you could fit in each candidate (not sure how obvious the second part is) 11:58:31 <oneswig> johnthetubaguy: sounds very good for this case (and not at all what a public cloud would want to share) 11:58:42 <johnthetubaguy> the real answer is probably need to add some APIs to make life easier, but I think its possible without 11:59:13 <oneswig> OK we are nearly upon the hour - any more to add? 11:59:15 <daveholland> lots to think about and try out. thanks all 11:59:15 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, its currently not exposed externally by default (I would recommend) 12:00:13 <oneswig> OK time to close the meeting - thanks everyone, very useful discussion 12:00:29 <martial_> very good conversation, the meeting notes are going to be fun :) 12:00:36 <oneswig> #endmeeting