21:01:18 <martial> #startmeeting scientific_wg 21:01:18 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 22 21:01:18 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is martial. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:01:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'scientific_wg' 21:01:34 <martial> Hello everybody 21:01:41 <armstrong> Hello 21:01:44 <martial> I hope everybody is doing fine 21:01:56 <StefanPaetowJisc> Buonasera, @zioproto. ;-) 21:02:02 <StefanPaetowJisc> Evening folks! 21:02:04 <martial> Blair and Stig are on well deserved vacations without internet :) 21:02:45 <StefanPaetowJisc> *slackjawed* You mean someone actually managed to persuade them to go on holiday? 21:03:00 <martial> I "blame" significant others 21:03:07 <trandles> hello 21:03:13 <martial> Hi Tim 21:03:27 <StefanPaetowJisc> ROFL 21:03:44 <martial> so we have a short list of topics today, so we can add extra items at the end 21:03:47 <martial> but basically 21:03:55 <hogepodge> o/ 21:04:11 <martial> #topic Updated edition of the Scientific OpenStack book 21:04:36 <hogepodge> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/scientific-computing-book-update-2017 21:04:37 <martial> And it looks like Mr Hoge is here :) 21:04:52 <hogepodge> Yes, new information from the last week, I'll update the etherpad 21:05:49 <hogepodge> We're switching format, so editing should be easier 21:06:01 <hogepodge> Diagrams need to be in AI format, we need an expert in that 21:06:23 <hogepodge> Reminder that we're one month away from the HARD deadline of September 22 21:06:32 <hogepodge> Are there any updates from the content side? 21:06:43 <hogepodge> Do we need to schedule a meeting to organize that? 21:07:02 <martial> well Today's meeting was another call for volunteers 21:07:16 <martial> but you can see the list --so far-- at the bottom of the Etherpad 21:07:41 <trandles> We should probably have a draft deadline in a couple weeks. I hate getting feedback then having to rush to integrate it. 21:07:44 <jmlowe> I need to do the globus auth federation work before I can add the piece I said I would 21:08:45 <martial> jim: we need to think of a hard deadline for review 21:08:57 <martial> at least a week before 21:09:19 <martial> jim: do you think this is possible? 21:09:33 <hogepodge> cool :-D I'm playing very much a deadline enforcer role here. 21:09:38 <jmlowe> Maybe, pushing it here 21:09:44 <StefanPaetowJisc> Will try to get my hands on this... 21:09:54 <hogepodge> I'm happy to facilitate in any other way you can direct me to 21:09:54 <trandles> hogepodge: just to clarify, Sept. 22 deadline means whatever Kathy has on Sept. 22 is set in stone? 21:10:01 <martial> Jim: we can help by doing iterative review 21:10:13 <martial> stefan: please do 21:10:19 <jmlowe> put we actually need to get it done Sept. 15 to review 21:10:25 <jmlowe> ? 21:10:27 <rbudden> hello 21:10:36 <martial> Hello Robert 21:10:41 <hogepodge> Yeah, the real real deadline is the 29th, but I'm saying the 22nd to emphasize that it _has_ to be ready by the 29th, no exceptions whatsoever, so the 22nd for final copy editing. 21:11:43 <martial> Mr Hoge, if you think we need a phone conversation to discuss content with possible content publishers, I am sure we can accommodate this 21:12:03 <martial> it is more a matter of getting volunteers for now 21:12:52 <martial> the people present here today is mostly our regular team 21:12:55 <hogepodge> martial: ok 21:13:23 <martial> crowd ... I think if we want/need to outreach it, we should 21:14:02 <martial> maybe a post on the mailing list (although I believe it was done already) 21:14:33 <martial> and maybe our friends here can reach out to some of their colleagues and get some content 21:15:05 <martial> we do not have a hard deadline on pages I believe 21:15:38 <hogepodge> martial: probably a good idea, plus a good plan and assignment of content :-D 21:16:11 <StefanPaetowJisc> I'll block out some of my calendar to do some of this... 21:16:14 <hogepodge> even if it's just mostly a content refresh with a few new stories, that's good. Reflect the current state of the art in the sc community 21:16:21 <martial> okay I will send an email to the mailing list to be safe 21:16:48 <rbudden> i will have updates for Bridges and our move to Ocata Ironic and local boot 21:17:12 <rbudden> not sure if just a google doc is a good place for the content or if you want it directly in the etherpad 21:17:36 <rbudden> ah, I see a google doc linked in the etherpad. i’ll check that out 21:17:57 <martial> thanks Robert, I was just checking that 21:18:22 <martial> Robert: are you listed at the bottom of the etherpad? 21:18:36 <martial> stefan: thank you as well, we appreciate your help on this matter 21:19:15 <rbudden> yes, I’m in the updates section 21:19:21 <martial> Pierre: any update? 21:19:24 <martial> robert: thanks 21:19:39 <martial> I think we also ought to work on a reviewer process 21:20:10 <martial> ie assign people to review content when it is ready to do so 21:20:22 <martial> scratch "assign" ... "request" ? 21:20:40 <martial> :) 21:21:25 <martial> okay anything else on the book chapters to share? 21:22:03 <martial> Mr Hoge, we can have a email conversation if that is useful to you 21:22:27 <martial> seems like nothing, so I am going to move to the next topic 21:22:43 <martial> #topic ORC Update and planning 21:23:09 <martial> So I know Tim was at the last meeting, and so was I 21:23:33 <martial> the conversation is still ongoing and we are discussing the content at this point for presentations 21:23:43 <martial> there was a request for scientific content if at all possible 21:24:25 <martial> any idea/comment so far? 21:24:52 <trandles> martial: are they encouraging remote presentations or just on-site? I can't make it to Amsterdam, but I might be able to put something together (or find someone who will) 21:25:12 <martial> both are welcome 21:25:18 <jmlowe> You want scientific work being done using openstack clouds? 21:25:39 <martial> they are also trying to build the working group effort 21:25:50 <martial> and have created google group to start the communication 21:26:08 <martial> there next meeting will be collocated with the Sydney meeting 21:26:09 <trandles> jmlowe: scientific use cases for open research cloud iirc 21:26:28 <martial> jim: actually ... (thansks Tim) 21:26:41 <jmlowe> we have a pile of that 21:26:43 <trandles> something that sounds a lot like jetstream ;) 21:28:07 <StefanPaetowJisc> Hmmm... Open Research Cloud, how is this related to the EOSC project in the EU? 21:28:27 <martial> well they are trying to built a global model with a lot of areas to cover ... more deails on the areas https://groups.google.com/a/openresearchcloud.org/forum/?pli=1#!forumsearch/ 21:28:42 <StefanPaetowJisc> Ahh, was about to ask for the Google Group name ;-) 21:30:01 <jmlowe> ok, yep, we did nearly a whole day of use cases for our annual review, should be able to recycle 21:30:33 <martial> You can contact Khalil or Enol 21:30:51 <martial> Enol Fernández <enol.fernandez@egi.eu> 21:30:52 <jmlowe> I was profoundly unhappy with the meeting in Boston so I've been ignoring ORC 21:31:10 <martial> K Yazdi <khalilyazdi@outlook.com> 21:31:50 <martial> jim: it is still an effort in progress and I expect it to be for a litlte bit of time, until they get the momentum needed 21:32:11 <martial> but there are a few people from Industry in particular that are interested in helping build a model 21:32:55 <martial> there was also a conversation about there being a more technical meeting right before the ORC meeting 21:33:11 <martial> and the briefs from that meeting being presented at the ORC one 21:34:47 <martial> I expect we will get more content as the weeks progress 21:34:54 <zioproto> martial: you mean https://wiki.geant.org/display/CISS/1st+SIG-CISS+meeting ? 21:35:15 <martial> yes thank you, I was looking for that 21:36:18 <martial> so that is that for the ORC update for now 21:36:21 <StefanPaetowJisc> Ahhh... was not aware of the second congress... Will run this past my management to see if I can attend 21:36:24 <StefanPaetowJisc> Thanks! 21:36:50 <martial> Tim and Jim, if you have content to provide and are willing to do so, feel free to contact Enol or Khalil 21:37:02 <martial> #topic Community Voting 21:37:20 <martial> so I understand that the vote is completed (I voted) 21:37:44 <martial> and unless I misread the results... congratulations Saverio 21:38:08 <zioproto> martial: thanks ! 21:38:33 <martial> can you tell us a litlte bit more about what it means, for you and the SWG? 21:38:51 <trandles> yeah, congrats zioproto ! 21:38:54 <zioproto> sure 21:39:08 <StefanPaetowJisc> Congrats, Saverio! :-) 21:39:34 <zioproto> so I will be in the User Committee for a 1 year term 21:39:39 <zioproto> https://www.openstack.org/foundation/user-committee/ 21:39:54 <zioproto> The user committee is led by a core group five individuals, who provide oversight and guidance to a number of working groups that target specific areas for improvement. 21:40:26 <zioproto> It is still a lot to learn also for me, I had my first meeting with those folks yesterday 21:40:51 <zioproto> The user committee mission is to: 21:41:03 <zioproto> Consolidate user requirements and present these to the management board and technical committee 21:41:33 <zioproto> Provide guidance for the development teams where user feedback is requested 21:41:37 <zioproto> Track OpenStack deployments and usage, helping to share user stories and experiences 21:41:41 <zioproto> Work with the user groups worldwide to keep the OpenStack community vibrant and informed 21:41:52 <zioproto> I have done some cut and paste from https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/UserCommittee#Working_Groups 21:42:08 <martial> so when do you sleep in all that? :) 21:42:40 <zioproto> yes it is a lot of work :) Lets see :) 21:43:07 <martial> It looks to me that it will be a very rewarding position 21:43:51 <trandles> zioproto: are there any changes with the User Committee and the new SIGs? 21:44:44 <zioproto> trandles: I understood the User Committee is something that stays. The Working Groups (WG) are going to be replaces by SIGs in the long term. That is what I understood. 21:45:26 <trandles> ok, good... :) 21:45:28 <zioproto> trandles: User Committee is at the governance level https://governance.openstack.org/ 21:47:27 <martial> Saverio, this looks to me that you will have a lot of good opportunities to make a significant impact, congratulations 21:48:14 <zioproto> Thanks. The experience running Openstack is that the gap between devs and operators is still big. I hope to make this gap smaller. 21:48:23 <StefanPaetowJisc> *applause* 21:48:34 <martial> If we are okay, after we are done, I would like to give the floor to Tim 21:48:59 <martial> Saverio: I look forward to your oversight and influence, Sir 21:49:17 <martial> and now before AOB 21:49:19 <martial> #topic SC17 21:49:24 <martial> Tim? 21:49:55 <martial> sorry Jim 21:49:59 <jmlowe> I have the green light for a round of lightning talks in the IU booth just like last year 21:50:27 <jmlowe> so, probably time to gather volunteers and start planning 21:50:27 <martial> that is great news 21:51:03 <martial> how "lightning are we talking about" 21:51:04 <martial> ? 21:51:27 <jmlowe> I'll have 1 to 1.5 hours, so divide by volunteers and... 21:51:31 <rbudden> i believe last year they were 10-15 min each? 21:51:31 <martial> I am planning to be there, so I will be happy to contribute 21:51:52 <rbudden> i’m happy to give a short lightning talk as well 21:52:09 <trandles> count me in if there's space 21:52:16 <martial> :) 21:52:27 <jmlowe> excellent, surely there's an etherpad somewhere for this? 21:52:28 <jmlowe> That's two 21:52:51 <martial> we had one for SC17 did we not? 21:52:57 <martial> let me check the meeting notes 21:53:02 <jmlowe> It was the best attended and best received thing at our booth last year, so well done 21:53:03 <hogepodge> We're happy to help promote anything from SC 21:53:30 <jmlowe> We are all set to distribute updated books as well 21:53:43 <martial> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SWG-SC17 21:53:53 <hogepodge> If you reach out to me I can be sure our marketing team tweets out and blogs timely info 21:53:55 <jmlowe> I know PSC is in for books 21:54:11 <rbudden> yep 21:54:30 <rbudden> I can still ask about booth space for talks if we have too many for one slot of want a second go around 21:54:49 <rbudden> *or want* 21:54:56 <rbudden> w/e people would like 21:55:05 <jmlowe> ok, marking you two down on the etherpad 21:55:12 <martial> I know GWU is going to be at SC17, I was going to go talk to them early september 21:56:32 <martial> jim: added myself as well 21:57:29 <martial> Jim: thank you very much for sharing this piece of information 21:58:11 <jmlowe> np 21:58:17 <martial> well we are running close to the clock 21:58:24 <martial> #topic AOB 21:58:40 <martial> anything short that we need to discuss? 21:59:15 <zioproto> thanks for the meeting ! see you guys in Amsterdam at SIG-CISS for who will be there :) 21:59:29 <zz9pzza_> ttfn 21:59:36 <rbudden> ttyl! 21:59:42 <StefanPaetowJisc> I hope to be there (and actually be mentally present) 21:59:43 <trandles> later 21:59:46 <StefanPaetowJisc> See ya! 21:59:52 <martial> if not, thank you kindly for coming. Once again congratulations to Saverio and Sorry tim/jim -> John 22:00:22 <martial> #endmeeting