17:02:20 <tmcpeak> #startmeeting security 17:02:21 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jun 11 17:02:20 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmcpeak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:02:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 17:02:28 <tmcpeak> role call 17:02:32 <tmcpeak> o/ 17:02:38 <nkinder__> hi everyone 17:02:42 <singlethink> hi 17:02:44 <michaelxin> o/ 17:02:45 <tmcpeak> hey nkinder__: glad you could make it 17:02:48 <fletcher_> hola 17:02:51 <shohel> hi 17:02:57 <tmcpeak> shohel - long time 17:03:00 <sicarie> o/ 17:03:03 <shohel> yah 17:03:10 <tmcpeak> start throwing up topics everybody 17:03:14 <tmcpeak> midcycle 17:03:23 <shelleea007> O/ 17:03:41 <bknudson> hi 17:03:42 <michaelxin> no update for me. This week is crazy. Sorry. 17:03:53 <tmcpeak> cool, no worries 17:04:07 <tmcpeak> -bandit 17:04:22 <tmcpeak> nkinder__: note update? 17:04:38 <nkinder__> not much on notes lately really 17:05:16 <tmcpeak> ok 17:05:24 <tmcpeak> maybe a short meeting today then 17:05:26 <tmcpeak> #topic midcycle 17:05:33 <tmcpeak> let's do one! 17:05:49 <michaelxin> sounds great 17:05:54 <fletcher_> Is that the meetup thing I attended? :) 17:06:04 <tmcpeak> fletcher_ yep, already time to start planning the next one :) 17:06:06 <nkinder__> what do we want to cover? 17:06:23 <fletcher_> ah snap, that'd be cool. I found the last one useful/fun 17:06:31 <tmcpeak> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-liberty-midcycle 17:06:39 <nkinder__> nathaniel and I were discussing working towards v2 of the security guide at the Summit 17:06:57 <tmcpeak> that would be awesome 17:07:04 <sicarie> +1 a sec guide sprint would be useful 17:07:39 <tmcpeak> cool so first things first - put your name on the etherpad if you are interested in attending 17:08:01 <tmcpeak> when are we looking at? towards beginning of august probably? 17:09:03 <michaelxin> late august is better? 17:09:44 <michaelxin> early august is defcon and blackhat 17:10:11 <tmcpeak> michaelxin: good point 17:10:20 <tmcpeak> we don't want to run too close to summit though 17:10:33 <tmcpeak> anybody know when the other midcycles are? 17:10:49 <bknudson> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints#Liberty_sprints 17:11:23 <fletcher_> link to etherpad? 17:11:32 <tmcpeak> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-liberty-midcycle 17:11:34 <bknudson> other midcycles I'm interested in are in mid-july 17:11:48 <bknudson> so august works for me 17:11:56 <tmcpeak> ok yeah, so maybe mid August early Sept? 17:11:57 <fletcher_> thanks! 17:12:03 <nkinder__> I would prefer late august too 17:12:36 <michaelxin> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-liberty-midcycle shows loading... to me? Does it work for anyone else? Thanks. 17:12:47 <tmcpeak> michaelxin: works here 17:12:54 <nkinder__> works here too 17:12:59 <nkinder__> michaelxin: shift-reload it 17:13:03 <michaelxin> tmcpeak: nkinder__ Thanks. 17:13:09 <tmcpeak> ok so let's do this 17:13:16 <tmcpeak> if you are interested in attending, please add your name to the top 17:13:22 <tmcpeak> also add your name under any dates that you could attend 17:13:48 <tmcpeak> we'll likely need some time to figure this out, and I want hyakuhei to drive this, just wanted to get people thinking about it early 17:14:00 <michaelxin> Thanks. Firefox worked but Chrome failed. :-) 17:14:16 <tmcpeak> cooo 17:14:17 <tmcpeak> cool 17:14:20 <tmcpeak> @topic Bandit 17:14:25 <tmcpeak> #topic Bandit 17:14:38 <tmcpeak> so we've had a lot of good work being done this week 17:15:01 <tmcpeak> one thing I would like to call attention to are jogo's comments here: https://review.openstack.org/179566 17:15:11 <tmcpeak> browne has been trying to get other projects to implement a Bandit gate 17:15:14 <bknudson> still making progress on enabling keystone projects (keystoneclient) -- needs reviews 17:15:36 <michaelxin> +1 17:15:37 <bknudson> getting reviews in keystone is not as easy as bandit 17:15:43 <tmcpeak> bknudson: awesome 17:15:45 <tmcpeak> ! 17:15:49 <tmcpeak> (can't type today) 17:16:35 <bknudson> browne noticed a problem in keystone bandit.yaml where we weren't actually running something... 17:16:42 <nkinder__> I like the proposal to make bandit use threading for parallel scanning 17:16:59 <tmcpeak> chair6: thoughts on this? I haven't read the threat yet 17:17:08 <nkinder__> I wonder if that would meet jogo's performance expectations 17:17:17 <tmcpeak> it could certainly help 17:17:27 <bknudson> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/187360/ -- Replace blacklist_functions with blacklist_calls 17:17:34 <bknudson> would have been nice if bandit had warned us 17:17:50 <bknudson> that we were using the wrong name 17:18:24 <tmcpeak> bknudson: ++ we should throw a big nasty warning if we're trying to include a plugin that doesn't exist 17:18:25 <bknudson> nobody has complained about performance on keystone 17:18:51 <bknudson> gate-keystone-tox-banditSUCCESS in 2m 25s (non-voting) 17:19:02 <bknudson> gate-keystone-pep8SUCCESS in 5m 01s 17:19:26 <tmcpeak> I think the nova job is scanning like 3 times the files or something 17:19:34 <tmcpeak> actually 2m25s is longer than I would have guessed 17:19:43 <bknudson> that must include some setup 17:20:00 <tmcpeak> oh right 17:20:18 <tmcpeak> in particular I'm interested in his comment that printing out the whole statement is too much 17:20:22 <tmcpeak> do you guys agree with that? 17:20:27 <bknudson> 2015-06-03_22_15_10_331 -> 2015-06-03_22_15_27_030 17:20:46 <bknudson> so it's 17 seconds and the rest is overhead 17:20:51 <tmcpeak> ahh 17:20:58 <tmcpeak> that makes more sense 17:21:42 <tmcpeak> ok cool, moving right along here 17:21:46 <tmcpeak> #topic Other Business 17:21:53 <tmcpeak> anybody have anything else they'd like to mention here? 17:22:24 <michaelxin> one of my guys asked how to get involved with code review. 17:22:36 <michaelxin> Do we have a guidance somewhere? Thanks. 17:22:51 <tmcpeak> oh cool michaelxin: I assume you mean security code review? 17:22:58 <fletcher_> http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#code-review 17:23:01 <michaelxin> tmcpeak: yes 17:23:03 <michaelxin> Thanks. 17:23:03 <tmcpeak> nkinder__ was driving something like this a while back 17:24:06 <michaelxin> It is the same process as other review? 17:24:18 <tmcpeak> which other review? 17:24:29 <tmcpeak> michaelxin: does he want to get involved in one project, or kind of any project? 17:24:44 <michaelxin> Right now, it is any project. 17:25:00 <michaelxin> He just wants to get involved and learned about openstack. 17:25:08 <michaelxin> openstack security 17:25:08 <nkinder__> michaelxin: he should look for issues tagged with SecurityImpact 17:25:20 <nkinder__> michaelxin: this is basically what is on the openstack-security ML 17:25:35 <michaelxin> got it. Thanks. nkinder__ 17:26:06 <tmcpeak> what else, anything? 17:26:10 <tmcpeak> looks like we might wrap early 17:26:18 <sicarie> Yeah, I'm about to propose a rather significant change to the secguide 17:26:28 <sicarie> The current Compute chapter has always bothered me 17:26:32 <tmcpeak> sicarie: cool, what's that 17:26:32 <bknudson> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/message:SecurityImpact,n,z 17:26:39 <sicarie> #link http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/content/compute.html 17:26:57 <sicarie> The chapter is entirely a discussion of spice vs vnc consoles 17:27:08 <sicarie> so I've written an intro that gives a brief outline, and that's been merged 17:27:10 <tmcpeak> yeah looks a little thin 17:27:15 <bknudson> what else is there in compute other than the console? 17:27:28 <sicarie> And in addition to a few other things, I plan on pulling the hypervisor chapter in 17:27:31 <sicarie> #link: http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/content/hypervisor.html 17:27:33 <tmcpeak> shouldn't this mention sVirt and such? 17:27:39 <bknudson> like getting metadata and such? 17:27:46 <sicarie> tmcpeak: +1 it's in the Hypervisor chapter 17:28:13 <bknudson> setting passwords 17:28:19 <tmcpeak> ahh ok cool 17:28:39 <bknudson> you must be able to inject a ssh key rather than have a password assigned 17:28:40 <tmcpeak> yeah, sicarie - compute chapter could definitely be better :) 17:29:03 <sicarie> And the rest of what I want to create is here 17:29:08 <sicarie> #link: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/secguide-compute 17:29:23 <tmcpeak> sicarie: nice! 17:29:25 <sicarie> So input on combining the chapters and currently planned sections would be appreciated 17:29:42 <tmcpeak> this looks like it will be a great change 17:29:44 <sicarie> Please feel free to edit the etherpad, and if you want co-authored credit make sure you leave your name 17:30:14 <tmcpeak> lol: 6) Containers 17:30:14 <tmcpeak> - Please don't (yet) 17:30:31 <sicarie> Yeah, that's going to have quite a bit more in it than that 17:30:37 <tmcpeak> containers - don't do it 17:30:53 <michaelxin> haha 17:31:07 <sicarie> it's going to have a breakdown of containerization types as well as coreos+container recommendations 17:31:14 <tmcpeak> cool, this is good work sicarie 17:31:25 <michaelxin> sicarie: +1 17:31:33 <sicarie> thanks 17:31:49 <tmcpeak> allright cool, anything else to mention? 17:31:58 <tmcpeak> otherwise we'll call it for the week 17:32:32 <bknudson> thanks 17:32:38 <nkinder__> thanks all 17:32:38 <tmcpeak> allright good stuff.. everybody remember to hit the etherpad if you want to go to the midcycle 17:32:40 <tmcpeak> #endmeeting