17:00:57 <hyakuhei> #startmeeting Security 17:00:58 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 6 17:00:57 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hyakuhei. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:59 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:02 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 17:01:03 <tmcpeak> yo yo 17:01:05 <browne> hi 17:01:05 <hyakuhei> sup peeps! 17:01:09 <elmiko> heyo/ 17:01:11 <tkelsey> o/ 17:01:12 <Daviey> Hola \o 17:01:21 <gmurphy> hi 17:01:33 <tmcpeak> lol, hola 17:02:02 <hyakuhei> Right, first off thanks for tmcpeak for filling in during these meetings, from what I’ve read he’s done a stand up job! 17:02:16 <tmcpeak> that's way overblown, but my pleasure :P 17:02:19 * hyakuhei has to talk to these pesky customers! 17:02:19 <elmiko> here here 17:02:33 <hyakuhei> :) 17:02:43 <hyakuhei> I’m actually on the road again today 17:02:45 <hyakuhei> so 17:02:47 <hyakuhei> #chair tmcpeak 17:02:48 <openstack> Current chairs: hyakuhei tmcpeak 17:02:51 <elmiko> lol 17:02:55 <dg_> hey 17:02:55 <gmurphy> hah 17:02:58 <hyakuhei> Just in case my internet explodes :) 17:03:00 <tmcpeak> :) 17:03:35 <hyakuhei> ok, lets get an agenda going, we’ve got the standard activities: OSSN, Anchor, Bandit + That intel CVE stuff + Some wiki stuff + mid cycle 17:03:37 <hyakuhei> What else? 17:03:50 <tmcpeak> sounds like a reasonable lineup 17:03:57 <elmiko> sec doc 17:04:01 <hyakuhei> good call 17:04:10 <tkelsey> api fuzzing ? 17:04:11 <hyakuhei> I think Nathaniel is PTO atm 17:04:23 <hyakuhei> tkelsey: yes if michaelxin is here 17:04:24 <elmiko> hyakuhei, yea, i've been filling in for him 17:04:30 <hyakuhei> elmiko: superb 17:04:47 <hyakuhei> No nkinder either 17:05:13 <hyakuhei> #topic OSSN 17:05:24 <hyakuhei> We have 14 OSSN open at the moment, that’s pretty high 17:05:27 <hyakuhei> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ossn 17:05:29 <tmcpeak> :\ 17:05:41 <elmiko> ooph 17:05:52 <elmiko> i'll make an effort to pick another one up 17:05:53 <dg_> gosh 17:06:01 <hyakuhei> If we’re offering this service to the community and to the VMT we need to be able to close these out 17:06:06 <gmurphy> i haven't written one yet.. so I could probably step and and do one.. 17:06:14 <hyakuhei> Awesome 17:06:24 <hyakuhei> I doubt you need any mentoring gmurphy but reach out if you need any help 17:06:31 <tmcpeak> yeah, I'll prioritize taking one also 17:06:35 <Daviey> I've got two inflight that need to be closed out.. blocked on me now i think 17:06:43 <hyakuhei> I’ll try to get one written on the plane 17:06:56 <gmurphy> is there a priority to these or is it just pick one at random? 17:06:57 <hyakuhei> If you’re stuck on one, send a mail to -dev 17:07:01 <hyakuhei> link to the review 17:07:18 <hyakuhei> Plenty of developers like to correct OSSNs :) I’m sure they’ll help 17:07:23 <gmurphy> lol 17:07:25 <hyakuhei> No one expects security to be experts on everything. 17:07:38 <hyakuhei> (They do, they shouldnt) 17:07:52 <elmiko> +1 17:07:54 <hyakuhei> Ok, So yeah, lets see if we can close out on a bunch of OSSN before the mid-cycle that would be great 17:08:07 <hyakuhei> tkelsey: much to say on Anchor this week? 17:08:20 <tkelsey> nope, lots of stuff in review though 17:08:28 <tkelsey> i've been kinda busy this week 17:08:38 <hyakuhei> #topic Anchor 17:08:39 <Daviey> Anchor now has working Keystone Auth.. if a little crappy still. 17:08:58 <Daviey> The Devstack integration has been tested with dg.. but other feedback welcome! 17:09:04 <hyakuhei> I think this #link https://review.openstack.org/#/projects/openstack/anchor,dashboards/important-changes:review-inbox-dashboard will work for anyone who wants to look at anchor, it might only work for cores though ? 17:09:06 <tkelsey> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/anchor+status:open,n,z 17:09:25 <hyakuhei> tkelsey: that’s a better #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/anchor+status:open,n,z 17:09:27 <Daviey> hyakuhei: link works for sll 17:09:36 <Daviey> *all 17:09:40 <hyakuhei> Did you discuss the API changes last week? 17:09:54 <tmcpeak> a little 17:09:55 <dg_> yes 17:09:59 <dg_> we decided jfdi 17:10:00 <hyakuhei> Basically, we’re about to break the API, kthnxbye. 17:10:05 <tmcpeak> oh yeah, JFDI 17:10:07 <Daviey> +1 17:10:08 <elmiko> lol 17:10:12 <hyakuhei> Rolling on... 17:10:14 <hyakuhei> #topic Bandit 17:10:22 <tmcpeak> new version of Bandit (0.13.0) 17:10:24 <tmcpeak> hit yesterday 17:10:39 <tmcpeak> mostly good, but there seems to be some cases where old profiles don't have what they need for new tests 17:10:50 <tmcpeak> so we're working on more sensible notification rather than spamming exceptions 17:10:56 <tmcpeak> then we'll get (sigh) 0.13.1 out 17:11:09 <tmcpeak> also Bandit landed in Cinder 17:11:16 <tmcpeak> well landed as in there is now a tox profile 17:11:21 <tmcpeak> not gate yet, but browne is working on it 17:11:30 <tmcpeak> tkelsey is a mad man with docs... 17:11:44 <tmcpeak> and we've discovered we really need some gates that test integration points with other project 17:11:49 <tkelsey> tmcpeak: heh yeah, i'll be back on those soon :) 17:11:54 <tmcpeak> will probably hack on that in midcycle 17:12:23 <tmcpeak> I think that's it.. anything I'm forgetting? 17:12:39 <Daviey> tmcpeak: is .1 being done for teh config issue? 17:13:10 <tmcpeak> Daviey: yeah 17:13:17 <Daviey> ta 17:13:24 <browne> at what point would we ever update g-r with a newer bandit? 17:14:02 <tmcpeak> browne: I don't think we need to 17:14:07 <bknudson> when I change keystone to use any new config or tests I'll update g-r. 17:14:08 <tmcpeak> most projects should pull the latest 17:14:33 <bknudson> or if any other project wants to do it then they can update g-r 17:14:46 <tmcpeak> do we need to? projects can use whatever Bandit they want 17:14:50 <tmcpeak> no reason they can't use older if they want 17:15:07 <tmcpeak> 0.10.0 was broken, but other than that they're all good 17:15:38 <bknudson> g-r has bandit>=0.10.1 17:15:41 <Daviey> g-r contains bandit>=0.10.1 17:16:03 <tmcpeak> yeah, so that should be fine, right? 17:16:26 <Daviey> Yeah, any version above that is good.. but most projects will take latest 17:16:32 <browne> so if g-r is >=0.10.1, can a project only support 0.10.1 checks. or is it ok to support newer checks found in say 0.13? 17:16:34 <tmcpeak> even better :D 17:16:43 <Daviey> ERR 17:16:52 <Daviey> *STOP PRESS*.. upper-requirements has bandit===0.12.0 17:16:55 <bknudson> browne: no, you can't expect 0.13 to be used unless g-r has 0.13.0 17:16:56 <Daviey> SO that does need updating 17:16:59 <tmcpeak> wut 17:17:14 <tmcpeak> yikes 17:17:19 <Daviey> bknudson: g-r is not the issue here 17:17:27 <tmcpeak> well if that's the case how did Cinder even get 0.13.0? 17:17:27 <bknudson> does upper-requirements get updated automatically? 17:17:47 <tmcpeak> nobody knows ;) 17:17:53 <tmcpeak> I heard elves come in and update it randomly 17:17:53 <Daviey> Shall we take this offline? :) 17:17:56 <bknudson> I thought there was a job that updated it. 17:18:00 <tmcpeak> yeah fair enough 17:18:13 <tmcpeak> cool, so that's good for Bandit I think 17:18:19 <hyakuhei> Sweet 17:18:21 <hyakuhei> #topic CVE Check tool 17:18:26 <hyakuhei> #link http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cloud.openstack.devel/60983 17:18:30 <hyakuhei> Thoughts on this ? 17:18:53 <Daviey> It can't belong in/near bandit IMO.. which was an idea.. 500MB of metadata to download? :o 17:18:57 <tmcpeak> it could be useful, but it's got a big download requirement, so we really want to make sure we run it as infrequently as possible 17:19:06 <tmcpeak> yeah, definitely shouldn't be part of Bandit 17:19:11 <bknudson> CVEaaS 17:19:14 <hyakuhei> I responded on list, honestly I’m not sure it makes as much sense in the infra gates as it does as a tool for vendors - perhaps even on the customer side as the libraries you ship with might become vulnerable over time 17:19:15 <gmurphy> Doesn't this tool just work for .deb / .rpm packages? 17:19:23 <gmurphy> I haven't really checked it out. 17:19:25 <hyakuhei> gmurphy: no, it looks at the lib versions I think 17:19:26 <dg_> hyakuhei +1 17:20:06 <hyakuhei> I mean, if say, Nova explicitly requires a very specific, very broken library, I guess that’s a good change to flag ahead of +2 and integration 17:20:08 <tmcpeak> hyakuhei: sure, but I think there's arguably some value to making sure blessed versions don't have CVE's upstream supposing it works reliably 17:20:11 <bknudson> Are they trying to get this picked up by the OSSG? 17:20:14 <hyakuhei> So I can see where it might be used 17:20:20 <bknudson> as in, OSSG owns it now? 17:20:20 <hyakuhei> bknudson: we swallow up everything! 17:20:23 <hyakuhei> bknudson: no 17:20:33 <hyakuhei> but it’s relevant to our conversations 17:20:43 <tmcpeak> yeah, we don't have bandwidth for it, we can't even write notes reliably :P 17:20:48 <bknudson> do they want us to submit CVEs for openstack to it? 17:20:51 <hyakuhei> tmcpeak: back in the corner! 17:20:56 <tmcpeak> :# 17:21:12 <hyakuhei> bknudson: No - it’s mainly a back-stop tool 17:21:26 <bknudson> I'm just wondering what they wanted... just to tell us it exists? 17:21:35 <gmurphy> hang on where is a link to this tool.. is it this? https://github.com/ikeydoherty/cve-check-tool 17:21:39 <Daviey> I think the discussion was going down, should openstack/requirements changes have a gate check on it 17:21:40 <bknudson> if I was an operator I'd be interested just like I'm interested in nessus, etc. 17:21:42 <hyakuhei> To see if there was interest in it and how to leverage it 17:21:44 <tmcpeak> bknudson: good point, maybe they wanted validation that it's useful first? 17:21:49 <hyakuhei> or where might be best to leverage it 17:21:53 <hyakuhei> tmcpeak: +1 17:22:12 <tmcpeak> and yeah, as hyakuhei said, to find the best integration points 17:22:22 <bknudson> it's written in c. 17:22:27 <Daviey> It seems entirely reasonable for the project to do some validation of known bad libraries... but not the project as a whole-job. That is what vendors are for IMO :) 17:22:29 <bknudson> these people are masochists 17:22:39 <hyakuhei> lol 17:22:54 <tmcpeak> C is an interesting choice for something like this 17:22:58 <tmcpeak> bknudson: lol 17:23:10 <hyakuhei> We work with those tools that are closest to us 17:23:29 <tmcpeak> fair enough 17:23:37 <hyakuhei> ok, so I guess continue discussion on thread, keep an eye on it to see if it turns into something more useful 17:23:46 <tmcpeak> sounds good 17:23:48 <dg_> lol c 17:23:53 <hyakuhei> Write an exploit that uses a BOF in a CVE to wown the C based CVE tool 17:23:56 <bknudson> there's lots of useful security tools out there. 17:24:04 <elmiko> hyakuhei, ouch... 17:24:13 * elmiko is an old school C hacker =( 17:24:20 <hyakuhei> Ok, lets move swiftly along 17:24:25 <hyakuhei> #topic Wiki 17:24:42 <hyakuhei> I’ve spent some time trying to update our wiki 17:24:44 <hyakuhei> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security 17:24:49 <hyakuhei> I think it’s a lot less crap now 17:25:03 <tkelsey> ruh roh, hit another issue with Barbican/Cinder/Nova in devstack. http://paste.openstack.org/show/411216/ 17:25:13 <tkelsey> damn, wrong room, sorry! 17:25:16 <hyakuhei> but my writing skills aren’t perfect so please jump in and tidy it as required. 17:25:43 <hyakuhei> Anyway yeah, please feel free to add or correct content on the wiki 17:25:45 <elmiko> ack 17:25:54 <bknudson> hyakuhei: it looks good! 17:25:57 <tmcpeak> hyakuhei: thanks! less crap is good 17:26:14 <tmcpeak> oooooh, you've sprinkled shinies in it 17:26:32 <hyakuhei> I tried to order it a bit more sanely, highlight more of what we do, spread the credit around etc but yes, someone who’s good at technical writing needs to go through it 17:26:44 <gmurphy> looks better. we should probably figure out what needs to be done with security.o.o too.. 17:26:49 <tmcpeak> hyakuhei: looks legit 17:26:50 <Daviey> ooo, that is a pretty picture. 17:26:51 <elmiko> gmurphy, +1 17:27:00 <elmiko> and yea, the intro pic is nice on the wiki =) 17:27:18 <hyakuhei> Old version for reference : https://wiki.openstack.org/w/index.php?title=Security&oldid=75645 17:27:25 <hyakuhei> (and in case I missed anything) 17:27:30 <tmcpeak> eww 17:27:32 <Daviey> hyakuhei: Blog coming soon? Is this news? 17:27:35 <elmiko> night and day 17:27:39 <hyakuhei> Yeah 17:27:49 <hyakuhei> So I’m attempting to get us some proper blog space 17:27:55 <elmiko> cool! 17:28:04 <hyakuhei> Over on #link http://www.openstack.org/blog/ 17:28:18 <Daviey> Somewhere to announce OSSN's! :) 17:28:20 <hyakuhei> There’s some discussion as to wether our content would be too technical, the blog is for higher level stuff 17:28:25 <hyakuhei> Daviey: exactly 17:28:49 <tmcpeak> hyakuhei: a subdomain of that maybe? 17:28:52 <bknudson> we already do have ways to advertise our stuff. 17:28:52 <hyakuhei> So we’ll see what happens, we will have a multi-user blog somewhere soon. openstack.org is my preference but if not we’ll put it elsewhere 17:29:09 <bknudson> e.g. our stuff winds up on openstack-announce. 17:29:11 <tmcpeak> I'd like to read a security blog but maybe not some of the rest of that stuff :P 17:29:16 <hyakuhei> tmcpeak: So my preference is to have Security as one of the listed catagories on the blog 17:29:22 <hyakuhei> Failing that we have lots of options 17:29:35 <hyakuhei> Potentially hanging something off of security.openstack.org for example 17:29:43 <tmcpeak> http://i1.wp.com/openstackreactions.enovance.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/h3imQSu.gif?resize=320%2C240 17:29:44 <hyakuhei> Though that’s fraught with potential issues 17:30:14 <elmiko> thanks tmcpeak, i'm scarred now... 17:30:18 <tmcpeak> :D 17:30:20 <hyakuhei> So anyway yes, exciting super sexy blog on its way 17:30:28 <elmiko> hyakuhei++ 17:30:28 <hyakuhei> To which you’ll all be invited to attend 17:30:36 <tmcpeak> sounds good 17:30:40 <hyakuhei> s/attend/write 17:30:47 <elmiko> haha 17:30:49 <hyakuhei> Ok, next up lets have elmiko talk about docs 17:30:53 <hyakuhei> #topic Security Docs 17:30:56 <elmiko> alrighty 17:31:05 <elmiko> we are closing in on the last few fixes for the rst conversion 17:31:17 <bknudson> might be interesting to get a blog about how OSSG is helping companies deploying / developing openstack 17:31:27 <bknudson> e.g., if you're running bandit, etc. 17:31:27 <elmiko> i think we just have 2 outstanding issues, and then some smaller fixes that can be done once the rst is in place 17:31:36 <tmcpeak> bknudson: +1 17:31:36 <elmiko> bknudson, awesome idea +1 17:31:48 <Daviey> The last blocker on the theme is about to be merged, which was something else we were blocking on. 17:31:55 <hyakuhei> That’s excellent 17:32:00 <hyakuhei> well done elmiko 17:32:04 <elmiko> we will most likely wait until sicarie is back from black hat/defcon before we make the jump to hyperspace (siwtch to rst) 17:32:06 <hyakuhei> So glad to see this progressing 17:32:13 <hyakuhei> bdpayne would be so proud :’( 17:32:22 <tmcpeak> :'( 17:32:33 <elmiko> yea, good point Daviey 17:32:43 * elmiko sniffles 17:32:45 <hyakuhei> So is there anything we can do to help elmiko ? 17:33:07 <elmiko> i don't think so, we are steadily moving towards the big unfreeze and switchover 17:33:29 <elmiko> maybe more reviews, when things go up. but it's pretty small at this point 17:33:44 <Daviey> elmiko: Wasn't it agreed that it was now unfrozen, just don't expect to see changes until the switchover? 17:33:50 <elmiko> oh, and we'll need eyes to check the consistency of the final rst stuff, but we have been trying to do that as well 17:33:55 <hyakuhei> Great, I’m looking forward to getting some reviews in. When’s the expected date for the switchover? 17:34:20 <elmiko> Daviey, good question, i think we can unfreeze but all new changes should go to RST only 17:34:38 <elmiko> although we probably shouldn't do that until we switch 17:34:45 <elmiko> hyakuhei, i'm guessing another week, perhaps 17:34:53 <elmiko> gotta find out when sicarie is back 17:35:04 <hyakuhei> coolio 17:35:10 <hyakuhei> Anything else elmiko ? 17:35:13 <dg_> elmiko i think he is back next week 17:35:24 <elmiko> i don't think so, unless Daviey has something more 17:35:29 <elmiko> dg_, ack, thanks 17:35:40 <Daviey> Just that the current draft switchover can be reviewed already, http://docs.openstack.org/draft/security-guide-rst/ 17:35:57 <Daviey> catch stuff early etc. 17:35:58 <elmiko> excellent, thanks Daviey 17:36:26 <elmiko> we're using this etherpad for collecting bugs if people find any 17:36:29 <elmiko> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/sec-guide-rst 17:36:37 <hyakuhei> looks good 17:37:00 <elmiko> agreed, i really like the rst format for the guide 17:37:09 <bknudson> rst >> xml 17:37:20 <Daviey> * > xml 17:37:24 <elmiko> so true.... 17:37:36 <hyakuhei> RST is going to make this so much easier 17:37:43 <hyakuhei> ok, so - mid-cyle? 17:37:46 <hyakuhei> #topic Mid-Cycle 17:37:53 <hyakuhei> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-liberty-midcycle 17:37:59 <hyakuhei> #tlink https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints/SecurityLibertySprint 17:38:23 <tmcpeak> thans for getting the agenda started hyakuhei 17:38:24 <hyakuhei> I’ve put some agenda stuff up, I think the way we ran things last time went well 17:38:32 <tmcpeak> +1 17:38:57 <tmcpeak> so day one we can do an initial description and see what people are interested in? 17:39:03 <hyakuhei> Put some vauge feel for how much effort is required for each activity and we can break them up so that people get involved with as many things as they want 17:39:06 <elmiko> looks nice 17:39:22 <tmcpeak> how about social gathering? we doing one? 17:39:26 <hyakuhei> People proposing topics should fill out the ether pad, we’ll use them as the basis for an unconference 17:39:44 <hyakuhei> tmcpeak: I’m not asking HP to sponsor as they’re covering the room and breakfast/lunch 17:40:16 <hyakuhei> Social gatherings are normally a good idea though, we could pay for ourselves? *gasp* 17:40:16 <tmcpeak> yeah fair enough, I don't think HP needs to sponsor. Maybe we can just all go out somewhere/ 17:40:19 <tmcpeak> ? 17:40:32 <tmcpeak> yeah, +1 pay for ourselves 17:40:43 <dg_> so I will go to a bar at some point in that week, you are welcome to join tmcpeak ;) 17:40:45 <hyakuhei> Works for me, I’ll get someone seattle based to look into it. Plenty of nice places for food 17:40:55 <hyakuhei> We could go to whatever von-trapps is called now and play some bocce 17:40:59 <tmcpeak> dg_ Tuesday early morning per normal? :P 17:41:00 <hyakuhei> I think we did that last time though? 17:41:04 <dg_> standard 17:41:15 <tmcpeak> von-trapps is always fun 17:41:16 <hyakuhei> Anyway, any questions about the mid-cycle ? 17:41:19 <dg_> kells? 17:41:32 <tkelsey> dg_ +1 17:41:33 <tmcpeak> elmiko: you coming? 17:41:47 <hyakuhei> Lets work out which bar to drink dry in the #openstack-security room 17:41:48 <elmiko> still wish i knew... 17:41:58 <bknudson> http://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2014/08/von-trapps-changes-name-to-rhein-haus-following-name-dispute/ 17:41:59 <elmiko> i keep pestering, but i keep getting the brush off 17:42:07 <hyakuhei> Though I don’t have much else to cover over today :P 17:42:14 <hyakuhei> #topic Any Other Business 17:42:26 <Daviey> No API fuzzing demo? 17:42:43 <hyakuhei> So the votes are in for the Security track, I’ve not been able to do much analysis other than to recognise that voting just doesn’t work very well. 17:42:56 <elmiko> boo =( 17:43:05 <elmiko> hyakuhei, is any of this public yet? 17:43:06 <tmcpeak> hyakuhei: you know when we'll find out? 17:43:12 <hyakuhei> Thankfully we’ve got some good track chairs and some great content so I’m confident of a good show at the conference, its just a lot of work for the chairs 17:43:23 <bknudson> so the vote doesn't matter? 17:43:24 <hyakuhei> elmiko: no 17:43:29 <hyakuhei> bknudson: It’s a guide 17:43:36 <hyakuhei> but when there’s 1500 things to vote on 17:43:40 <hyakuhei> It’s a pretty terrible guide 17:43:54 <bknudson> 1500 things all with 1 vote by the submitter 17:43:57 <hyakuhei> We do our best to represent interest, deconflict talks and make a compelling track 17:44:17 <tmcpeak> who's on security track (where do I send bribes)? 17:44:19 <hyakuhei> The votes don’t get made public but the track selections do 17:44:24 <bknudson> I'm glad it's not just the votes. 17:44:34 <hyakuhei> bknudson: +1 17:44:41 <hyakuhei> one second I’ll see if I can find the release date 17:44:46 <elmiko> bknudson, yea, that would be rough 17:45:21 <bknudson> otherwise we'd wind up with donald trump 17:45:26 <elmiko> haha 17:45:30 <tmcpeak> :) 17:45:37 <browne> ha! 17:45:40 <hyakuhei> My understanding is that the official notifications go out the week of august 26th though that’s subject to slippage etc 17:45:57 <tmcpeak> not leaving a ton of time for booking, is it 17:46:37 <browne> tmcpeak: is your attendance dependent on an approved session? 17:46:49 <tmcpeak> browne: yeah 17:46:55 <elmiko> ooph =( 17:46:55 <browne> ouch 17:47:10 <tmcpeak> Japan flights don't come cheap ;) 17:47:12 <hyakuhei> Off US soil… 17:47:24 <hyakuhei> My vote is for hawaii next 17:47:28 <elmiko> +1 17:47:30 <browne> +2 17:47:31 <gmurphy> +1 17:47:35 <tmcpeak> yeah, that'll work 17:47:47 <hyakuhei> fwiw Chairs are from Intel, HP, Redhat and one other I dont remember 17:48:08 <hyakuhei> We’re going to have a summit track too 17:48:08 <tmcpeak> it'll probably end up being like Philadelphia or something ;) 17:48:25 <hyakuhei> We’ll discuss more about that after the mid-cycle unless forced to do it sooner by the scheduling gods 17:48:29 <hyakuhei> tmcpeak: hush 17:48:46 <elmiko> next is austin i thought? 17:48:53 <bknudson> austin and then barcelona 17:48:54 <Daviey> Nah, Mars One. 17:48:59 <elmiko> haha 17:49:04 <hyakuhei> What’s the Tokyo +1 location ? 17:49:09 <hyakuhei> Cool 17:49:15 <hyakuhei> Not been to either of those places yet 17:49:21 <elmiko> likewise 17:49:37 <browne> Tokyo, Austin, then Barecelona 17:49:42 <hyakuhei> Tidy 17:49:54 <hyakuhei> Then USA then Asia I guess? 17:50:05 <bknudson> north america 17:50:14 <bknudson> or south america? 17:50:15 <hyakuhei> HK was really under-subsribed iirc 17:50:27 <hyakuhei> *subscribed 17:50:38 <elmiko> i feel that won't be the case for tokyo 17:50:42 <hyakuhei> tmcpeak: As we’re on AOB do you want to talk about your PyPI stuff? 17:50:46 <hyakuhei> elmiko: I hope so 17:50:50 <tmcpeak> hyakuhei: sure 17:51:08 <browne> surprised Chicago hasn't been selected yet. right in the middle of the US 17:51:20 <bknudson> hopefully we can have a more productive design summit to make the flight worth it 17:51:29 <tmcpeak> so I worked with dstufft and got a change merged into PyPI that blocks IP and user after 10 failed logins 17:51:31 <elmiko> browne, yea curious 17:51:41 <bknudson> but it's always hard to get a lot done in a short amount of time 17:51:47 <elmiko> tmcpeak, nice! 17:52:01 <tmcpeak> primary concern is that somebody will target a crap password in one of the upstream requirements and merge some malicious code, etc 17:52:10 <tmcpeak> so this is one step closer to preventing that attack 17:52:27 <tmcpeak> next up I'm going to set up email notifications for repo owners when a new package is uploaded or their password is changed 17:52:35 <bknudson> tmcpeak: sounds like you're talking about a cve checking tool 17:53:03 <tmcpeak> bknudson: no, basic security controls for PyPI is what I'm currently thinking about :) 17:53:23 <tkelsey> tmcpeak: good stuff 17:53:38 <Daviey> tmcpeak: How many Users does that help vs just developers? 17:53:59 <Daviey> I mean, it sounds like a good control to have. 17:54:00 <bknudson> I think there are groups planning to continuously deploy from master and using pypi for packages 17:54:01 <elmiko> tmcpeak, that's awesome 17:54:18 <hyakuhei> Yeah it’s pretty useful 17:54:28 <tmcpeak> yeah, it's kind of scary how central PyPI is in everything 17:54:32 <hyakuhei> +1 17:54:34 <tmcpeak> dstufft is doing great work, but he's so understaffed 17:54:56 <tmcpeak> PyPI has kind of grown to massive importance over time, was never designed for the key role in open source software it currently has 17:55:33 <tmcpeak> so yeah, until PyPI 2.0 (warehouse) hits, might as well get the one everybody is using to implement some basic controls 17:55:39 <elmiko> is it a one person operation? 17:55:44 <tmcpeak> elmiko: yeah, basically 17:55:49 <elmiko> oh wow... 17:55:51 <Daviey> crikey 17:56:06 <tmcpeak> if you ever meet dstufft buy him beers :) 17:56:07 <elmiko> they have a bug log, or accept patches or anything? 17:56:12 <hyakuhei> All the beer 17:56:16 <elmiko> hyakuhei++ 17:56:24 <tmcpeak> elmiko: yeah, you can talk to dstufft, he was very helpful in getting my change merged 17:56:26 <hyakuhei> ok, I think that’s a wrap! 17:56:29 <tmcpeak> he hangs in in #openstack-security too 17:56:37 <tmcpeak> cool, thanks hyakuhei 17:56:40 <elmiko> tmcpeak, awesome, thanks. i might hit you up later for some info 17:56:49 <tmcpeak> elmiko: sounds good 17:57:02 <Daviey> lets go home? 17:57:05 <hyakuhei> #endmeeting