17:00:11 <tmcpeak> #startmeeting security 17:00:12 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 7 17:00:11 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmcpeak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:12 <tmcpeak> o/ 17:00:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 17:00:19 <ccneill> o/ 17:00:23 <michaelxin> o/ 17:00:44 <singlethink> o/ 17:00:45 <ccneill> I feel like I need a new greeting just to be different 17:00:51 <ccneill> ゚・✿ヾ╲(。◕‿◕。)╱✿・゚ 17:00:54 <ccneill> :D 17:00:57 <tmcpeak> ~o\ 17:01:11 <mdong> \o/ 17:01:24 <elmiko> o/ 17:01:34 <elmiko> ccneill: very nice /me tips fedora 17:01:36 <tmcpeak> no hyakuhei today, he passes his hello's 17:01:37 <ccneill> \m/(>_<)\m/ 17:02:17 <tkelsey> o/ 17:02:40 <tmcpeak> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-20160407-agenda 17:03:02 <tmcpeak> allright, let's roll it 17:03:07 <tmcpeak> #topic Anchor 17:03:10 <tmcpeak> tkelsey: anything new here? 17:03:19 <elmiko> imo, we really need to just use a single etherpad for all these agendas 17:03:26 <ccneill> +1 17:03:39 <ccneill> I end up bookmarking the new one every week lol 17:03:45 <elmiko> right... me too 17:03:52 <tkelsey> tmcpeak: nope, nothing on my radar 17:03:59 <elmiko> we could just have a long list (i've seen other projects do this) 17:04:15 <ccneill> would be easier to search 17:04:25 <ccneill> but you can still quickly see just the most recent stuff 17:04:33 <michaelxin> good point 17:04:38 <tmcpeak> allright 17:04:54 <tmcpeak> elmiko: like a wiki? 17:05:14 <elmiko> nah, we can keep it on etherpad. just a suggestion to make it more convenient 17:05:20 <tmcpeak> ahh cool 17:05:24 <michaelxin> it is easier to copy and paste 17:05:28 <ccneill> we can do it in reverse order so newest is still at the top 17:05:31 <elmiko> although, other projects do use the openstack wiki for their agendas 17:05:31 <michaelxin> :-) 17:05:37 <tmcpeak> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-agenda 17:05:43 <elmiko> \o/ 17:05:45 <ccneill> boom 17:05:46 <tmcpeak> we'll put new meetings at the top 17:05:47 <ccneill> making moves 17:05:48 <elmiko> progress! 17:05:58 <tmcpeak> :D 17:05:58 <michaelxin> +1 17:06:01 <tmcpeak> that's it, I can go back to bed 17:06:07 <elmiko> finally, an etherpad worth bookmarking ;) 17:06:11 <elmiko> hahaha! 17:06:20 <ccneill> lol DONE! 17:06:27 <tmcpeak> this is why they pay me the big bucks, I steal elmiko's good ideas for profit 17:06:38 <elmiko> i'm happy to share =) 17:06:46 <michaelxin> haha 17:06:48 <tmcpeak> allright 17:06:50 <tmcpeak> #topic Bandit 17:06:54 <tmcpeak> 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 17:06:55 <tmcpeak> woot 17:06:58 <elmiko> \o/ 17:07:10 <michaelxin> +2 17:07:13 <tkelsey> well 1.0.1 :P 17:07:19 <elmiko> hehe 17:07:20 <tmcpeak> bknudson: it working allright for you guys? 17:07:25 <tmcpeak> I assume I would have heard about it if it didn't 17:07:28 <tmcpeak> elmiko: you as well? 17:07:32 <bknudson> haven't seen any problems. 17:07:40 <elmiko> tkelsey: did you ever sort out the 1.0 tag to pypi? 17:07:41 <tmcpeak> have you gotten rid of the old config? 17:07:46 <elmiko> tmcpeak: yup, working on our end 17:07:53 <bknudson> someone should raise the requirement in global requirements. 17:08:05 <tmcpeak> browne proposed a change for that 17:08:10 <bknudson> so we can forget about support for the old bandit 17:08:10 <tkelsey> elmiko: nope, it seems jenkins/zuul whatever died 17:08:17 <elmiko> we still have the old bandit.yaml 17:08:21 <tkelsey> but the tag was taken then so i had to go with 1.0.1 17:08:23 <elmiko> tkelsey: that stinks =( 17:08:30 <tkelsey> elmiko: i know!! 17:08:32 <tkelsey> :( 17:08:37 <tmcpeak> well we could have manually pushed to PyPI but that sucks 17:08:46 <elmiko> ack 17:09:02 <tmcpeak> I'd like to help projects start getting rid of their config 17:09:20 <tmcpeak> for those that use it 17:09:23 <tkelsey> tmcpeak: I tried that, but it didnt like the manifest 17:09:31 <tmcpeak> ahh 17:09:35 <tkelsey> tmcpeak: yeah tis https://review.openstack.org/#/c/302234/ 17:09:39 <tkelsey> *this 17:09:52 <elmiko> tmcpeak: i'll take a look at removing ours, expect questions =D 17:10:01 <tkelsey> elmiko: :D 17:10:17 <tmcpeak> why are they using a config at all? 17:10:37 <tkelsey> in that path? 17:11:03 <tmcpeak> yeah, can just remove the bandit.yaml from that check in yeah? 17:11:04 <tkelsey> well the had pre 1.0 stuff, same as everyone else. Now thay can move to a bold new config free future :D 17:11:24 <ccneill> (ノ^_^)ノ 17:11:27 <tmcpeak> ahh 17:11:29 <tmcpeak> sick 17:11:56 <tmcpeak> allright what else for Bandit? 17:11:58 <tmcpeak> anything? 17:12:06 <tkelsey> so yeah, lets start helping people move over 17:12:15 <tmcpeak> cool, plan 17:12:19 <tkelsey> thats about it for bandit :) good work team 17:12:31 <tmcpeak> thanks for all the release guiding work tkelsey 17:12:37 <elmiko> +1 17:12:57 <tmcpeak> I will buy you beer$ at our next communal shindig 17:13:09 <michaelxin> excellent work 17:13:13 <ccneill> +1.0.1 17:13:15 <ccneill> ;) 17:13:16 <tkelsey> tmcpeak: sounds like a plan :) 17:13:18 <elmiko> haha 17:13:21 <tmcpeak> lol 17:13:25 <tmcpeak> allright 17:13:27 <tmcpeak> #topic Docs 17:13:34 <tmcpeak> elmiko sicarie 17:13:39 <elmiko> don't think there is much new to report here 17:13:50 <elmiko> we've had a few more patches coming in, and some minor updates 17:13:58 <tmcpeak> where da pdf at 17:14:00 <elmiko> but the big issue is still producing the new leaf version 17:14:02 <elmiko> yea... 17:14:02 <tmcpeak> ;) 17:14:09 <elmiko> we have top minds looking into it 17:14:33 <sicarie> it's true, elmiko is the brains of the outfit 17:14:44 <elmiko> haha, i meant you and pdesai! 17:15:05 <tmcpeak> I'm a man of the people and the people demand sec guide PDF 17:15:05 <sicarie> it's a huge pita and we were going to all get in a room at the summit and try to figure something out 17:15:06 <michaelxin> +1 17:15:35 <tmcpeak> what's wrong with it? 17:15:46 <sicarie> all the automated tools don't deal with mutliple files 17:15:51 <sicarie> they want to convert rst from a single file 17:15:52 <elmiko> yea, the rst move was awesome for making new content. but it makes generating a pdf really difficult 17:16:09 <tmcpeak> ahh 17:16:27 <elmiko> not to shed too much, but maybe we can developer a single-page html solution from the rst? 17:16:45 <tmcpeak> that or squash all the RST into one flat file and PDF that ;) 17:16:54 <elmiko> right 17:17:16 <tmcpeak> allright anyways 17:17:18 <tmcpeak> top minds and all that 17:17:19 <tmcpeak> onward 17:17:22 <tmcpeak> #topic Syntribos 17:17:26 <tmcpeak> lots going on here 17:17:32 <ccneill> yep :) 17:17:44 <tmcpeak> what it do? 17:17:56 <mdong> so ccneill has been working on documentation 17:18:06 <mdong> which is something we sorely needed 17:18:07 <ccneill> (thanks, elmiko, for getting us started!) 17:18:14 <tmcpeak> nice, docs are good 17:18:14 <mdong> +1 17:18:23 <ccneill> started doing code documentation with RST docstrings 17:18:39 <tmcpeak> it getting any love at the summit btw? 17:18:48 <ccneill> it's merged in master now, so if you wanna see what I've been playing with, do a tox -e docs 17:18:53 <ccneill> tmcpeak: mdong and I won't be there unfortunately :\ 17:19:02 <mdong> michaelxin is the only one of us going to summit 17:19:06 <tmcpeak> it's like 3 blocks away from the castle :P 17:19:15 <tmcpeak> (yes I know they are different cities) 17:19:16 <ccneill> sigh.. yeah 17:19:22 <mdong> it’s like 30 blocks from my apartment 17:19:25 <michaelxin> we do have austin office 17:19:36 <tmcpeak> you guys at least going to crash the party? 17:19:47 <ccneill> which partY? 17:19:54 <tmcpeak> summit party 17:20:01 <tmcpeak> Oo there's other partys? 17:20:09 <michaelxin> The summit party 17:20:18 * amrith wonders, the topic is "security" and they're talking about crashing a party ... 17:20:26 <ccneill> yeah I think someone mentioned there were a few evening parties, but I haven't done a summit before so I don't know much about it 17:20:35 <tmcpeak> amrith: it's how we roll :D 17:20:37 <elmiko> amrith: shhh 17:20:38 <ccneill> amrith: we'll bring hacked HID cards and all ;) 17:20:39 <elmiko> ;) 17:20:42 <mdong> i’ll bring my ski mask 17:20:53 <elmiko> mdong rolls serious! 17:20:54 <michaelxin> let's get back to Syntribos 17:20:58 <tmcpeak> lol 17:21:04 <tmcpeak> yep, back on topic 17:21:07 <mdong> go hard or go home 17:21:07 <mdong> anyway 17:21:13 <elmiko> haha 17:21:21 <michaelxin> rahul pushed code change for payloads of keystone 17:21:24 * amrith wanders away, I heard party and came here. no party and I'm off 17:21:32 <elmiko> amrith: +1 17:21:40 <michaelxin> ccneill and mcdong are working on improving reporting features. 17:21:40 <mdong> or rather, “request templates”, as we are calling them now 17:22:12 <mdong> we’ve also started the process of removing OpenCAFE dependencies 17:22:12 <ccneill> I think we've mostly got the finding/issue/defect/whatever schema figured out at this point 17:22:27 <tmcpeak> sweet 17:22:28 <ccneill> https://github.com/cneill/syntribos-schema 17:22:36 <ccneill> for anyone who's curious 17:22:38 <ccneill> sorry 17:22:40 <ccneill> #link https://github.com/cneill/syntribos-schema 17:23:10 <tmcpeak> yea looks reasonable 17:23:18 <michaelxin> That should cover what we are working on. 17:23:33 <ccneill> yep, we'll be rejoined by Rahul in a few weeks after training 17:23:36 <ccneill> so just mdong and I for the moment 17:23:56 <tmcpeak> still seems like you guys are flying through the work 17:24:00 <mdong> there’s a few places where it’s low hanging fruit to remove OpenCAFE, ccneill and rahulunair have ben working on that 17:24:22 <michaelxin> I want to talk a little more about the broken API that we talked last week 17:24:27 <ccneill> yep, removed OpenCAFE's custom TestSuite class, but it looks like other deps may take a little more work 17:24:47 <michaelxin> We want to use the broken API as a test bed for Syntribos 17:25:01 <michaelxin> What's your take on this? 17:25:08 <tmcpeak> makes perfect sense 17:25:34 <tmcpeak> are you planning to build up broken API as you go or write a lot of it and then build of Syntribos to detect? 17:25:52 <michaelxin> We already have one 17:26:01 <tmcpeak> no I know 17:26:06 <ccneill> we'll probably focus on Syntribos first 17:26:07 <tmcpeak> I assume you'll keep adding to it? 17:26:17 <michaelxin> We are thinking about adding defects while we are moving along 17:26:23 <elmiko> i would love to see an overlap of broken api and machine learning to predict bad behaviors 17:26:29 <ccneill> we need to robustify some of our tests before it'll be ready to reliably detect weird edge cases and stuff 17:26:31 <tmcpeak> ideally you'd have different developers work on the broken API and Syntribos so you aren't fitting Syntribos to the broken API 17:26:34 <tmcpeak> but that might not be practical 17:26:36 <ccneill> but it'll probably be some back-and-forth 17:26:44 <elmiko> tmcpeak: +1 to different devs 17:26:53 <ccneill> tmcpeak: true 17:27:01 <ccneill> so far mvaldes is our lead on the broken API 17:27:25 <michaelxin> https://github.com/mattvaldes/vulnerable-api/ 17:27:25 <ccneill> so not exactly a huge barrier between the two projects, but at least we're not literally copying/pasting or anything haha 17:27:54 <elmiko> nice 17:28:16 <michaelxin> Will OpenStack accept it as a project in the future? 17:28:26 <tmcpeak> it should 17:28:30 <michaelxin> Or does it make sense to make it a OWASP project? 17:28:39 <tmcpeak> don't mature security projects automatically get brought in? 17:28:58 <michaelxin> We have talked with OWASP and they showed strong interest. 17:28:59 <elmiko> not sure, i think we still need to propose their addition to the openstack tent 17:29:04 <ccneill> michaelxin: just thought of something. vulnerable API could be used for BOTH syntribos + bandit 17:29:10 <tmcpeak> michaelxin: up to you guys really 17:29:24 <michaelxin> The problem is that it is not mature enough yet. 17:29:30 <tmcpeak> ccneill: it would make a good demo 17:29:32 <michaelxin> ccneill: That's a good point. 17:29:34 <tmcpeak> for Bandit that is 17:29:47 <ccneill> <3 dat synergy 17:29:49 <michaelxin> Thanks all. 17:29:56 <tmcpeak> lol 17:30:11 <michaelxin> That's all for Syntribos and broken API 17:30:15 <tmcpeak> cool 17:30:21 <tmcpeak> thanks RAXers 17:30:22 <michaelxin> Time to think a cool name again 17:30:25 <tmcpeak> looking to be a cool tool 17:30:34 <tmcpeak> #topic Summit Planning 17:30:42 <tmcpeak> sdake: you around? 17:31:46 <tmcpeak> seems not :D 17:32:15 <tmcpeak> so I wanted to see how we're coming on the threat analysis sessions but given that sdake and hyakuhei are both not here let's punt 17:32:24 <elmiko> fair 17:32:27 <tmcpeak> anything else anybody wants to say for summit planning? 17:32:28 <sdake> tmcpeak yo 17:32:32 <tmcpeak> ahh there he is 17:32:35 <tmcpeak> he? she? 17:32:39 <tmcpeak> there it is 17:32:40 <sdake> tmcpeak he :) 17:32:46 <tmcpeak> haha ok cool 17:32:47 <tmcpeak> there he is 17:32:55 <sdake> tmcpeak so ta - our plan is still in place to have cross project and 1 koll asummit session on ta 17:33:05 <sdake> kolla deadline pushed to 15th, after that i work on diagrams for ta 17:33:11 <tmcpeak> ok cool, we get anywhere with setting up those sessions? 17:33:17 <tmcpeak> sdake: fair enough 17:33:31 <sdake> tmcpeak kolla's session is set, i submitted the cp session for review by the tc 17:33:35 <sdake> i am certain it will be accepted 17:33:41 <sdake> but its possible it may not be 17:33:43 <tmcpeak> awesome 17:33:58 <sdake> that will be on tuesday 17:33:58 <sdake> hui* will lead it 17:34:02 <tmcpeak> allright finger crossies 17:34:03 <sdake> i am just a facilitator ;) 17:34:12 <tmcpeak> cool seems reasonable 17:34:14 <michaelxin> +1 17:34:27 <tmcpeak> cool, that's all I wanted to check on summit 17:34:38 <sdake> thanks and o/ sorry i'm late ;) 17:34:42 <tmcpeak> I'm skipping publicity for now since I don't think anybody has done or is doing anything 17:34:42 <michaelxin> which project will we do TM? 17:34:44 <sdake> completely skipped my mind 17:34:45 <tmcpeak> thanks sdake 17:34:48 <tmcpeak> michaelxin: kolla 17:34:56 <michaelxin> tmcpeak: Thanks. 17:35:02 <tmcpeak> #topic OSSN 17:35:13 <elmiko> i started researching the mongo one 17:35:19 <tmcpeak> hyakuhei is working on an embargoed one 17:35:21 <tmcpeak> elmiko: sweet 17:35:33 <elmiko> but, some internal stuff started heating up and i wasn't able to start writing it yet :/ 17:35:55 <tmcpeak> looks like michaelxin is assigned on that one 17:35:56 <michaelxin> elmiko: you already started? 17:36:04 <michaelxin> I just signed up today. 17:36:12 <elmiko> michaelxin: just research, if you have a good handle on it, go for it 17:36:13 <michaelxin> I will not fight elmiko for this. 17:36:21 <elmiko> no no, it's fine 17:36:36 <tmcpeak> lol 17:36:36 <elmiko> i'm out next week anyways, so probably best if someone can work on it 17:36:36 <michaelxin> elmiko: Cool, I will take on this one. 17:36:41 <tmcpeak> sweet 17:36:44 <elmiko> great, thanks michaelxin ! 17:36:55 <michaelxin> elmiko: anytime 17:37:34 <michaelxin> The only remaining issue is that we do not know whether it impacted other versions. 17:37:46 <elmiko> yea 17:37:47 <michaelxin> Rob asked them did not get answer. 17:37:51 <michaelxin> I asked them again. 17:37:53 <elmiko> and other dbs too 17:38:17 <michaelxin> Once we have all infos, I can start working on it. 17:38:25 <michaelxin> elmiko: good point 17:38:41 <tmcpeak> cool 17:38:45 <elmiko> it seemed like they tried to limit the issue to mongo production stuff, the other dbs seemed like experimental 17:38:58 <tmcpeak> dave-mccowan: you working on this one still? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ossn/+bug/1523646 17:38:59 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1523646 in OpenStack Security Notes "Nova/Cinder Key Manager for Barbican Uses Stale Cache" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Dave McCowan (dave-mccowan) 17:40:09 <tmcpeak> allright we can follow up more next week 17:40:11 <tmcpeak> thanks for the work on those 17:40:15 <tmcpeak> #topic Blog 17:40:21 <tmcpeak> sicarie: you've been working on stuff, yeah 17:40:22 <tmcpeak> ? 17:40:53 <dave-mccowan> tmcpeak https://review.openstack.org/#/c/267800/ 17:41:21 <tmcpeak> elmiko dave-mccowan: ok, what do we need to unblock here? 17:41:27 <dave-mccowan> i'll update the patch description to mention the bug id, that's why it's not linked. 17:41:38 <tmcpeak> looks like cosmetic changes 17:41:49 <elmiko> i think we just need to figure out how we will handle project names 17:41:52 <tmcpeak> so it's in good shape 17:41:58 <sicarie> sorry, was multitasking 17:42:06 <elmiko> since rob went with capitalized for his, i'm ok with doing that on 0063 17:42:06 <sicarie> yes, I have two blog posts pending 17:42:15 <sicarie> one is a blurb about image signing 17:42:20 <elmiko> i'll take another look at that 17:42:26 <tmcpeak> lol, everybody woke up at once 17:42:33 <sicarie> the other will probably take quite a bit more work - i just threw up a rough draft 17:42:34 <tmcpeak> ok so first note 17:42:35 <sicarie> https://github.com/openstack-security/openstack-security.github.io/pulls 17:42:39 <tmcpeak> small changes and then this is done 17:43:11 <elmiko> dave-mccowan: minor spelling/grammer stuff aside, let's just go with capitalized project names 17:43:16 <elmiko> i'll add a comment to the reivew 17:43:20 <tmcpeak> sicarie: this looks good 17:43:50 <sicarie> Yeah, the shorter one should be pretty ready 17:44:01 <michaelxin> +1 17:44:08 <michaelxin> good job 17:44:13 <sicarie> the other one i was actually thinking about refactoring and looking at "traditional" vs something like an embedded team model 17:44:28 <sicarie> but yeah, please comment/nit/anything 17:45:11 <tmcpeak> sweet 17:45:29 <tmcpeak> so please have a look at sicarie's blog post if you get a chance 17:45:33 <tmcpeak> posts 17:45:36 <tmcpeak> #topic AOB 17:45:41 <tmcpeak> anything else? might wrap early today 17:45:49 <elmiko> those posts are pull requests in github currently? 17:46:00 <sicarie> yes 17:46:07 <elmiko> thanks! 17:47:05 <tmcpeak> allright well if nothing else let's roll it 17:47:09 <tmcpeak> #endmeeting