17:00:03 <tmcpeak> #startmeeting security 17:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Sep 1 17:00:03 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmcpeak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:07 <elmiko> ha 17:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 17:00:10 <tmcpeak> #chair elmiko 17:00:11 <jasonhullinger> hola 17:00:14 <tmcpeak> boom, beat you elmiko 17:00:15 <openstack> Current chairs: elmiko tmcpeak 17:00:16 <openstack> elmiko: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. Use #endmeeting first. 17:00:17 <elmiko> no no, you take it tmcpeak =) 17:00:20 <tmcpeak> wassup jasonhullinger :) 17:00:22 <lhinds> heyup 17:00:28 <elmiko> #chair lhinds 17:00:28 <openstack> Current chairs: elmiko lhinds tmcpeak 17:00:31 <singlethink> o/ 17:00:37 <tmcpeak> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/security-agenda 17:00:41 <tmcpeak> jasonhullinger: ^ 17:00:47 <unrahul> o/ 17:00:49 <elmiko> tmcpeak: i was mainly just making sure there was someone here =) 17:00:59 <tmcpeak> nope, too late. You're a chair now elmiko 17:01:07 * elmiko sighs 17:01:10 <elmiko> ;) 17:01:29 <browne> o/ 17:01:36 <elmiko> tmcpeak: i just copied an old agenda, hope it's somewhat accurate 17:01:49 <tmcpeak> yep, looks good 17:01:51 <lhinds> lgtm 17:02:00 <tmcpeak> althought we don't do anchor anymore 17:02:09 <elmiko> ah, gotcha 17:02:11 <elmiko> why not? 17:02:16 <tmcpeak> it's mature! 17:02:24 <elmiko> sweet =) 17:02:48 <browne> anchor does have a bunch of patches in limbo waiting for +2 17:02:58 <tmcpeak> ahh, well crap 17:03:20 <tmcpeak> I put it back in topical :P 17:03:31 <tmcpeak> allright, let's get started 17:03:53 <tmcpeak> let's do topical stuff first 17:03:56 <sdake> o/ :) 17:03:56 <tmcpeak> #topic Bandit Jenkins Plugin 17:04:00 <tmcpeak> jasonhullinger: take it away 17:04:05 <jasonhullinger> Cool thanks 17:04:29 <jasonhullinger> So I've been working on integrating Bandit into the Jenkins build process. 17:04:53 <jasonhullinger> So in a Jenkins build process, you can git clone, do other things, then run Bandit on the new source code. 17:05:12 <jasonhullinger> Here is an example of the output from a forked version of Barbican: 17:05:19 <tmcpeak> #link 17:05:46 <redrobot> No vulns \o/ 17:05:47 <lhinds> nice graph 17:05:50 <tmcpeak> this looks really cool, I think OpenStack largely uses Jenkins Job Builder, right? 17:06:06 <jasonhullinger> It uses git data to see what has changed, points you to the source file and line of code, etc. Basically a bunch of great free stuff that Jenkins gives you that can be added to the build from Bandit. 17:06:08 <tmcpeak> redrobot: lol 17:06:44 <jasonhullinger> So anyway, I'll be in Barcelona. In a breakout session I'd like to demo it, if that would be okay? 17:06:55 <tmcpeak> jasonhullinger: would be really cool to get these results aggregated and pushed somewhere for large stacks of OpenStack projects 17:06:58 <tmcpeak> jasonhullinger: definitely 17:07:13 <lhinds> jasonhullinger: I would be intersted in that 17:07:39 <tmcpeak> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/barcelona-security-sessions 17:07:40 <jasonhullinger> Yeah, I'd like to format it better and such, but I think it would really help teams see security results if it were ran in the build process 17:07:50 <tmcpeak> I'm going to create a new etherpad to start tracking our security stuff in Barcelona 17:07:54 <jasonhullinger> Instead of them manually running it 17:07:56 <tmcpeak> jasonhullinger: can you please add something about it there? 17:07:58 <unrahul> jasonhullinger: it looks cool! 17:08:02 <jasonhullinger> Sure 17:08:05 <jasonhullinger> Thanks! 17:08:05 <sdake> jasonhullinger ++ 17:08:37 <tmcpeak> it would be REALLY cool to get a bunch of those graphs and stats pushed somewhere central to get a 10K view of OpenStack project open issues 17:08:51 <tmcpeak> really good work jasonhullinger 17:09:09 <jasonhullinger> Yeah, that would be really great to aggregate the info as well. 17:09:10 <jasonhullinger> thanks 17:09:18 <sdake> tmcpeak - I think that would be a new one for openstack-infra, although they do have elasticsearch in the infra iirc 17:09:56 <tmcpeak> sdake: ahh cool 17:10:19 <tmcpeak> yeah, think Infra is using JJB a lot. Would be cool to get some boiler plate template stuff in there to make it easy for projects to set this up 17:10:45 <sdake> tmcpeak ya a per-project publish job would probaby be pretty easy 17:10:48 <sdake> but not certain 17:11:29 <tmcpeak> jasonhullinger: this looks really cool, definitely looking forward to seeing this applied to other projects and what kind of cool stuff we can drag out of it :) 17:11:36 <browne> ++ 17:11:45 <tmcpeak> really like the links part too 17:11:54 <tmcpeak> so I can just click on the issue and get the code snippet 17:11:56 <jasonhullinger> Yeah thank, I think it will be helpful for developers too to see immedate results for every build 17:12:11 <tmcpeak> we wanted to get this with our HTML reports but never quite got there :P 17:12:40 <tmcpeak> another thing that would be cool is a docker container that deploys your project and small jenkins and does magics behind the scenes to make all this work 17:12:40 <jasonhullinger> Yeah, Jenkins gives you a bunch of cool free stuff. You just have to work your way around the annoying Java frameworks 17:12:48 <sdake> tmcpeak I htink a model that could be used is much like the coverage jobs 17:13:02 <tmcpeak> jasonhullinger: I'm glad you've done that so we don't have to… Java (shudder) 17:13:18 <jasonhullinger> (shudder indeed) 17:13:24 <tmcpeak> cool, thanks man 17:13:29 <tmcpeak> looking forward to the session 17:13:35 <jasonhullinger> Yup, thanks! 17:13:39 <tmcpeak> please throw something up on the page about what you've got planned 17:13:42 <tmcpeak> #topic Anchor 17:13:50 <tmcpeak> browne: open reviews you say? 17:14:23 <browne> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+p:openstack/anchor 17:14:39 <browne> lots of +2, but no +W 17:14:57 <tmcpeak> who are the +A's for Anchor these days? 17:15:19 <tmcpeak> yeah, yikes 17:15:22 <browne> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/498,members 17:15:24 <tmcpeak> lots of stuff needs to land 17:15:56 <tmcpeak> well, dg can't make meeting today, he's got a call and sends his regards and all that 17:16:07 <tmcpeak> same with hyakuhei, so let's revisit this next week 17:16:19 <browne> ok cool. 17:16:21 <tmcpeak> good point though browne 17:16:29 <tmcpeak> #topic Threat Analysis for Kolla 17:16:34 <tmcpeak> sdake: what's our status? 17:16:43 <tmcpeak> we've worked out something that seems useful with Barbican at our last midcycle 17:16:49 <tmcpeak> would be cool to take you guys through it too 17:16:55 <tmcpeak> have you seen our Barbican TA? 17:16:56 <sdake> tmcpeak status iss swe hae been on fire in olla 17:16:56 <sdake> fires are putout 17:16:58 <sdake> i have not 17:17:06 <sdake> if you gie me link it would bee fantastically helpful :) 17:17:06 <tmcpeak> actually we're not calling it TA anymore :P 17:17:08 <tmcpeak> security review 17:17:18 <tmcpeak> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/barbican-threat-analysis 17:17:26 * sdake groans at having to change the governance repo again 17:17:36 <tmcpeak> don't worry about that 17:17:51 <tmcpeak> we'd like to get a basic DFD for you guys like this: http://i.imgur.com/P0RSo5R.png 17:18:10 <tmcpeak> from there we enumerate data assets and then discuss the impact of a breach of CIA for each of those assets 17:18:14 <sdake> tmcpeak the short of it is - now i hae a few weeks to sortou thte documentation 17:18:27 <tmcpeak> which documentation? 17:18:38 <sdake> tmcpeak the security review docs? 17:18:42 <tmcpeak> I'm happy to jump on a call with you and a couple from your team to push through this 17:18:43 <sdake> (for kolla) 17:18:44 <tmcpeak> shouldn't take long 17:18:55 <tmcpeak> can probably smash the whole thing out in 2-3 hours 17:18:56 <sdake> tmcpeak cool - let me set something up with our coresec team 17:19:02 <tmcpeak> ok awesome 17:19:07 <sdake> tmcpeak i'll contact you offline to schedule a time 17:19:12 <tmcpeak> sounds good, thank you 17:19:17 <sdake> thanky ou :) 17:19:26 <sdake> tmcpeak note I may need to rebuild the coresec team 17:19:35 <tmcpeak> why, what happened? 17:19:43 <sdake> mirantis left kolla project 17:19:51 <tmcpeak> ahh, interesting 17:19:56 <sdake> so weneed more recruits in our coresec project 17:19:59 <sdake> coresec team i mean 17:20:03 <tmcpeak> we've been struggling a bit with active members in OSSP too 17:20:19 <sdake> kolla has too much input ;) 17:20:27 <tmcpeak> haha 17:20:39 <sdake> 800 commits this cycle so far 17:20:45 <sdake> anyway - i think thats it :) 17:20:51 <tmcpeak> ok sounds good, thanks sdake 17:20:56 <sdake> oh real quick 17:20:56 <tmcpeak> #topic Syntribos 17:21:00 <tmcpeak> what's up? 17:21:04 <sdake> we have got our bandit gat operational 17:21:10 <sdake> and i am making it voting today 17:21:15 <sdake> thats it :) thankss 17:21:17 <tmcpeak> sdake: sweeeeet! 17:21:22 <tmcpeak> thanks man :) 17:21:33 <unrahul> hey tmcpeak , so ccniel is out, I am filling in for syntribos 17:21:37 <tmcpeak> unrahul: 17:21:42 <tmcpeak> was just about to call you :) 17:22:03 <unrahul> As discussed last week, we are testing all core projects this week (till October) 17:22:08 <unrahul> this week its keystone 17:22:30 <unrahul> and the basic results are a bunch of 500 errors as expected, nothing major.. 17:23:07 <unrahul> we also got some initial thoughts on modifying syntribos..,major thing being the time it takes to run syntribos across all the api is too long.. 17:23:08 <tmcpeak> a bunch of 500 errors are expected? 17:23:41 <unrahul> from syntribos tmcpeak , the tests we have now.. are not that complex to get other things..i guess 17:24:00 <tmcpeak> 500's are still bugs though, surprised you got a ton of them 17:24:05 <unrahul> we were expecting that syntribos will capture 500 errors from the projects at the minimum, in that way. 17:24:33 <unrahul> yeah.. in most of the endpoints.. we got 500 errors when the body was big and also for a specific string.. 17:24:34 <unrahul> :D 17:24:39 <tmcpeak> nice 17:24:51 <tmcpeak> those are at least hardening opportunities 17:25:13 <tmcpeak> what do you mean by "long" 17:25:17 <tmcpeak> like hours, days? 17:25:26 <unrahul> no.. like 3.5 hrs or so 17:25:30 <tmcpeak> ahh ok 17:25:40 <tmcpeak> you have any progress indicators? 17:25:43 <unrahul> so I dont think any team would be okay keeping syntribos as part of their ci pipeline. 17:25:56 <tmcpeak> yeah, good point 17:25:58 <unrahul> me myt look into celery tmcpeak :P 17:26:01 <unrahul> we* 17:26:20 <unrahul> to speed things up and also to implement some sort of pause funcionality 17:26:24 <tmcpeak> good, everytime somebody uses celery gmurphy smiles awkwardly 17:26:35 <unrahul> well indicators..? like making the tests better?? 17:26:52 <tmcpeak> no, like "6/80 tests complete" 17:27:02 <tmcpeak> cute little ascii art progress bar, that kind of stuff 17:27:08 <unrahul> we have some pointers.. so would be modifying our tests a lil bit and see if we are able to capture a bit better.. 17:27:10 <unrahul> oh yeah.. 17:27:12 <tmcpeak> 5/20 endpoints 17:27:13 <unrahul> we have that now 17:27:21 <tmcpeak> estimated time remaining... 17:27:31 <unrahul> it will show how many failures/tests etc run.. 17:27:57 <unrahul> no estimated remaining time though.. will need to see and include that, good point tmcpeak 17:28:25 <tmcpeak> unrahul: good point on the CI pipeline though 17:28:35 <tmcpeak> maybe you can have a dialed back version that runs in CI and a periodic longer running version 17:28:35 <sdake> tmcpeak best practice in openstack-infra is 1 hour gate jobs 17:28:36 <unrahul> ryt now the progress is estimated /templates(each req) 17:28:46 <sdake> tmcpeak infra willing to go to 90 minutes with negotation :) 17:28:51 <tmcpeak> sdake: yeah, I know they get upset if they take longer 17:29:14 <sdake> tmcpeak option hee is a periodic job 17:29:15 <tmcpeak> can use a specifically configured syntribos instance to check most important stuff in CI 17:29:19 <unrahul> tmcpeak: yeah.. we need to do something like that, may be run only the post requests or something like that.. 17:29:24 <tmcpeak> sdake: yep yep 17:29:33 <unrahul> tmcpeak: yup.. 17:29:53 <tmcpeak> cool, thanks unrahul. Anything else for Syntribos today? 17:30:10 <unrahul> nop thats it for now tmcpeak ! 17:30:40 <unrahul> will keep u guys posted if we find some cool vulnerabilities. 17:30:59 <tmcpeak> awesome, thank you! 17:31:11 <tmcpeak> #topic OSSN 17:31:16 <tmcpeak> lhinds: you're up! 17:31:21 <lhinds> k.. 17:31:37 <lhinds> OSSN 0070 Published (XSS in Bandit) 17:31:55 <lhinds> OSSN 0068 is close to being published, needs some +1 from neutron core 17:32:25 <tmcpeak> awesome 17:32:32 <lhinds> had a good meeting with nkinder to pick his brains on how he had been looking after things 17:32:33 <tmcpeak> our usual problem, we don't know neutron cores :P 17:32:54 <lhinds> I know a couple of guys at RH, but everyone seems PTO atm. 17:33:11 <lhinds> I will keep pushing there though for someone 17:33:38 <lhinds> Dustin is happy though, which is good, as he knows the topic well having been the original reporter 17:33:53 <tmcpeak> awesome 17:34:04 <tmcpeak> I sent an embargoed note a couple of days ago that will be released to public Sept 13th 17:34:08 <tmcpeak> signed up a new one today 17:34:23 <tmcpeak> seems like embargoed notes are becoming more of a thing so we really need 4 active sec cores 17:34:33 <lhinds> I saw that, I need to email you about how we reach downstream stakeholders. 17:34:34 <tmcpeak> we currently have three since elmiko hasn't been able to participate as much 17:34:39 <jasonhullinger> OSSN 0070 is interesting. I was just wondering myself who was responisble for sanitizing that. If I HTML encode the 'message', and Bandit does, then it woudl be double encoded. Maybe this should be to the Bandit team, but will Bandit be responsible for proeprly encoding HTML output? 17:35:15 <tmcpeak> jasonhullinger: yeah, it should be 17:35:26 <jasonhullinger> Okay, thanks, good to know 17:35:44 <elmiko> sorry =( 17:35:53 <lhinds> tmcpeak: I will query you in private about some of the embargo ones we have right now 17:36:05 <tmcpeak> elmiko: it's all good brotha, you've done a lot of good work for a while 17:36:09 <tmcpeak> day jobs are pesky :P 17:36:12 <tmcpeak> lhinds: sounds good 17:36:14 <elmiko> totally 17:36:19 <lhinds> talking of embargo, do we want to discuss reviews using google docs? 17:36:31 <lhinds> or should we wait for rob? 17:37:21 <tmcpeak> lhinds: we don't have to discuss it here 17:37:28 <tmcpeak> it's just the three of us now and we're all in agreement 17:37:33 <tmcpeak> thumbs up for Google Docs from now on 17:37:41 <lhinds> sure, I will eek out a process and send it to you 17:37:50 <tmcpeak> sounds good, thanks man 17:38:00 <tmcpeak> #topic Docs 17:38:14 <tmcpeak> elmiko: did you find any replacements? 17:38:23 <tmcpeak> we should probably take this out as a standing item 17:38:48 <elmiko> sadly, no 17:39:07 <tmcpeak> ok no worries 17:39:11 <elmiko> but, i have had zero time for docs 17:39:15 <tmcpeak> #topic Blog 17:39:18 <tmcpeak> lhinds: again 17:39:31 <lhinds> oh that was quick 17:39:36 <tmcpeak> :P 17:40:14 <lhinds> so I have that blog PR up, I was going to wait for OSSN-0068 to be up 17:40:23 <lhinds> but I could just change the link to another 17:40:44 <lhinds> I think I fixed the comments you had tmcpeak, so its near ready to go 17:41:51 <lhinds> is there a review procedure for blog posts (two or more people?) 17:42:21 <tmcpeak> not really 17:42:28 <tmcpeak> let me ping dg about it 17:42:42 <lhinds> k 17:43:05 <tmcpeak> I don't think we have much for TA this week since dg and hyakuhei aren't here 17:43:08 <tmcpeak> #topic AOB 17:43:16 <tmcpeak> open floor... 17:44:55 * elmiko starts break-dancing 17:45:23 <tmcpeak> lol 17:45:25 <tmcpeak> thanks elmiko 17:45:28 <tmcpeak> #endmeeting