17:00:30 <hyakuhei> #startmeeting security 17:00:36 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 20 17:00:30 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hyakuhei. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:37 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:40 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 17:01:00 <gagehugo> o/ 17:01:20 <hyakuhei> Hey! 17:01:36 <hyakuhei> Have we met before gagehugo ? 17:01:36 <mdong_> o/ 17:01:40 <hyakuhei> hey mdong_ 17:01:56 <gagehugo> hyakuhei were you in the keystone meeting about VMT coverage? 17:02:05 <mdong_> gagehugo is here from the keystone team, they reached out to us a while ago about VMT 17:02:09 <hyakuhei> Nope, that one passed me by 17:02:10 <mdong_> us being OSIC 17:02:13 <hyakuhei> Ah ok :) 17:02:23 <gagehugo> ah ok 17:02:45 <mdong_> with OSIC now gone, I figured this would be the right place to discuss it moving forward 17:03:12 <hyakuhei> Yeah for sure 17:03:25 <hyakuhei> Looks like it's a quiet room today - security folk are always (busy?) late :P 17:03:41 <hyakuhei> #topic Keystone VMT 17:03:48 <hyakuhei> gagehugo how can we help ? 17:03:50 <gagehugo> I had a quick lunch and had just sat down right at 12 heh 17:03:53 <gagehugo> so 17:04:08 <gagehugo> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/447139/ 17:04:31 * hyakuhei looks 17:04:37 <lhinds> hey, sorry folks 17:04:39 <gagehugo> knikolla and I have an inital draft for keystonemiddleware, unfortunately I'm not familiar with the process and was wondering what the next steps are supposed to be 17:05:06 <hyakuhei> Excellent, thanks for taking a run at this gagehugo 17:05:48 <hyakuhei> oh hai capnoday_ 17:05:49 <capnoday_> o/ 17:05:51 <hyakuhei> perfect timing :D 17:05:52 <capnoday_> sup mate 17:05:59 <hyakuhei> Keystone have some threat analysis stuff in flight 17:06:02 <hyakuhei> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/447139/5 17:06:21 <capnoday_> oh cool 17:06:35 <hyakuhei> Arch diagram looks dangerously simple :P 17:06:48 <hyakuhei> Maybe elegant is the correct word? ;) 17:06:53 <gagehugo> keystonemiddleware is pretty simple 17:06:54 <vinaypotluri> O/ 17:06:55 <knangia> o/ 17:07:01 <hyakuhei> sup guys! 17:07:07 <gagehugo> Im not looking forward to doing the one for keystone itself heh 17:07:07 <knangia> sorry for being late guys 17:07:11 <vinaypotluri> hey hyakuhei 17:07:12 <capnoday_> hmm not as much trust seperation as i would expect at first glance 17:07:18 <hyakuhei> +1 17:07:47 <hyakuhei> capnoday_ what's the best way to progress this? 17:09:26 <gagehugo> but any feedback will be greatly appreciated 17:09:33 <capnoday_> lets take a look over it, run through the pre-review over the next few days and give feedback in gerrit, if it looks strong as it is, then we can schedule a review in a hangout 17:09:39 <hyakuhei> +1 17:09:45 <hyakuhei> Thanks capnoday_ 17:09:51 <gagehugo> capnoday_ cool, sounds good 17:10:13 <capnoday_> np gagehugo thanks for the submission 17:10:38 <hyakuhei> For something this discrete we might be better off just finding at time to do a hangout next week 17:10:44 <hyakuhei> walk through it quickly 17:11:04 <capnoday_> yeah potentially next thursday? Im travelling fri/monday 17:11:19 <capnoday_> unless you want to run through it at the summit hyakuhei? 17:11:35 <tkelsey> o/ 17:11:41 <hyakuhei> hey tkelsey 17:11:42 <tkelsey> sorry im late 17:11:53 <capnoday_> its ok, we gave you all the actions 17:11:56 <hyakuhei> I can't actually make it to this summit due to customer commitments 17:11:59 <tkelsey> w00t 17:12:00 <hyakuhei> capnoday_ maybe you should go. 17:12:24 <capnoday_> hyakuhei I would love to, lets see 17:12:28 <hyakuhei> ( hyakuhei capnoday_ and tkelsey all work in the same team) 17:12:50 <capnoday_> anyway back to the matter in hand, hyakuhei and I will sync, then reach out to you gagehugo next week 17:12:57 <hyakuhei> Ok so path forward for this is capnoday_ will followup with a request for a meeting with gagehugo next week 17:13:08 <capnoday_> +1 17:13:12 <hyakuhei> #topic Team 17:13:26 <gagehugo> capnoday_ hyakuhei sounds good! 17:13:32 <hyakuhei> I'm not sure that right now we have enough resources to do all the things we want to do 17:13:43 <hyakuhei> docs, applications, consulting, TA, VMT etc 17:13:45 <capnoday_> +1 17:13:55 <gagehugo> lbragstad ^ 17:13:56 <hyakuhei> There's a few paths forward here 17:14:13 <hyakuhei> One is to recruit and I've started talking to the TC for help with that. 17:14:29 <hyakuhei> The other is to de-scope some things. 17:15:13 <hyakuhei> In truth the path forward probably lies somewhere in the middle 17:15:51 <capnoday_> i think we need to look at the resources we are going to have in 6-12months time, then see what we can realistically achieve with that 17:18:24 * capnoday_ drops the mic 17:18:28 <sicarie> o/ 17:18:37 <sicarie> sorry, got caught up and was pingd saying we had a meeting 17:19:14 <capnoday_> np, thanks for coming sicarie 17:19:37 <capnoday_> hyakuhei anything more on team? or should we put a pin in that and move on? 17:19:46 <hyakuhei> Sorry, dragged into another call 17:19:54 <hyakuhei> #chair capnoday_ 17:19:55 <openstack> Current chairs: capnoday_ hyakuhei 17:20:04 <capnoday_> heh NP 17:20:14 <capnoday_> ok, lets move on #topic Docs 17:20:22 <capnoday_> sicarie asettle any updates on docs? 17:20:28 <hyakuhei> #chair tkelsey sicarie lhinds knangia vinaypotluri 17:20:28 <openstack> Current chairs: capnoday_ hyakuhei knangia lhinds sicarie tkelsey vinaypotluri 17:20:29 <hyakuhei> Also hi sicarie ! Great to see you 17:20:40 <asettle> Hey capnoday_ :) 17:20:43 <sicarie> hyakuhei hey! good to see you too! 17:20:47 <capnoday_> hey 17:20:56 <asettle> Unfortunately, OSIC is totally eclipsing my priorities right now. 17:21:04 <asettle> Well, the collapse of OSIC :/ 17:21:10 <hyakuhei> :'( 17:21:12 <capnoday_> understandable, thats a real shame 17:21:18 <sicarie> yeah, changes have definitely slowed since then 17:21:53 <sicarie> Reviews on the Barbican chapter are always appreciate: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451965/ 17:22:05 <asettle> Yeah sorry guys. We still have 6 months. I intend to finalise my edits of the guide, and I know the Intel OSICers are also working on finalising the last of the major bugs 17:22:05 <knangia> yes ! the changes have been slow 17:22:22 <asettle> I've got a bit review on that barbican chapter 17:22:24 <asettle> big* 17:22:27 <knangia> the osic team is working on the assigned bugs, but in slow and personal capacity 17:22:28 <asettle> Let me know if I can help there 17:22:35 <asettle> Thanks knangia :) 17:22:42 <knangia> asettle: :) 17:23:03 <knangia> whenever we push the patch, will let you know settle :) and add you as reviewer 17:23:09 <vinaypotluri> I haven't got much time to work on docs. Got a little busy with the transition from OSIC. Will keep you guys updated on docs. 17:23:17 <asettle> knangia: thank you :) 17:23:30 <asettle> vinaypotluri: no problem. If it's out of your scope, just unassign yourself :) it's okay. 17:23:36 <capnoday_> thanks knangia vinaypotluri et al really appriciate all your work on it 17:23:39 <vinaypotluri> cool 17:23:40 <asettle> I'm sorry we can't dedicate a huge amount of time. 17:23:48 <capnoday_> totally understandable that you are all a little busy now! 17:23:59 <asettle> capnoday_ and hyakuhei - i'll be looking at having a chat with you guys when things settle down and talk about priorities and strategies 17:24:14 <knangia> thanks for the support capnoday_ and asettle ! 17:24:39 <vinaypotluri> thank you guys for the support 17:26:00 <hyakuhei> It is definitely a priority for us to have a strategy asettle 17:26:15 <capnoday_> asettle agreed 17:26:29 <hyakuhei> #topic OSSN 17:26:36 <hyakuhei> Anything up here lhinds ? 17:27:08 <lhinds> no new ones hyakuhei , but I still need you to look at the stuff fungi recommended around access rights 17:27:12 <hyakuhei> I'll move on to AOB, I don't see much in the OSSN queue 17:27:19 <hyakuhei> ok cool, ping me the link? 17:27:24 <hyakuhei> #topic Any Other Business 17:27:26 <lhinds> sure 17:27:51 <fungi> also feel free to ask me for clarifications 17:28:05 * fungi can sometimes fail to provide sufficient context for things 17:28:41 <knangia> :D fungi 17:29:42 <capnoday_> ok, anything else? 17:29:47 <capnoday_> if not, lets wrap up there 17:30:28 <capnoday_> ok, thanks everybody 17:30:33 <capnoday_> #endmeeting