17:03:45 <lhinds> #startmeeting security 17:03:46 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Oct 19 17:03:45 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is lhinds. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:03:47 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:03:49 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'security' 17:03:51 <lhinds> #topic roll-call 17:03:58 <lhinds> anyone around? 17:04:13 <macermak> Yep, Hi lhinds 17:04:22 <lhinds> hi macermak 17:04:51 <mdong> o/ 17:05:18 <lhinds> gagehugo / mdong ssathaye ? 17:05:20 <lhinds> hi mdong 17:06:01 <lhinds> ok, let's kick things off..might be a quick meeting 17:06:08 <lhinds> #topic security-docs 17:06:14 <lhinds> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/security-doc 17:06:22 <lhinds> completely clear queue, so that's good 17:06:49 <lhinds> quite a few bugs if anyone is interested in taking a look: 17:06:53 <lhinds> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ossp-security-documentation 17:06:58 <lhinds> #topic bandit 17:07:12 <lhinds> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/bandit 17:07:30 <lhinds> ebrown is not around to clear some reviews. 17:07:37 <lhinds> macermak: how is your patch now? 17:08:22 <macermak> Working on the improvements I mentioned in the reply, just got to work. 17:08:40 <macermak> Have you managed to get the output, lhinds? 17:08:44 <lhinds> sounds good! 17:09:01 <lhinds> macermak: will check again, but I think it was as you explained and I used the args wrongly. 17:09:11 <lhinds> will have a check first thing in the morn. 17:09:23 <lhinds> I think we may be close to merging then 17:10:09 <lhinds> ok 17:10:17 <lhinds> #topic Syntribos 17:10:27 <lhinds> mdong: how's it going in Syntribos land? 17:10:45 <mdong> I submitted a CR to the openstack-releases repo 17:10:48 <mdong> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/512446/ 17:11:23 <mdong> it’s been sitting in the queue for a few days, do you know what it needs before it can get released? 17:11:24 <lhinds> cool 17:11:35 <lhinds> 0.4.0 17:12:00 <lhinds> let's definately do the blog entry as we spoke about last time. 17:12:28 <mdong> definitely 17:13:02 <lhinds> anything else at all mdong ? 17:13:10 <mdong> how do I go about writing a blog post? 17:13:21 <lhinds> good question 17:13:24 <lhinds> one sec.... 17:13:43 <lhinds> fork the following: https://github.com/openstack-security/openstack-security.github.io 17:14:01 <lhinds> and then make a pull request and I will make sure it gets merged 17:14:17 <lhinds> that will then also aggregate to planet.openstack.org 17:14:44 <mdong> cool, thanks! I’ll try to get a post up once 0.4.0 is released 17:14:47 <gagehugo> o/ sorry I got hungry 17:14:58 <lhinds> sounds good, thanks 17:15:14 <mdong> that’s all from me 17:15:22 <lhinds> I should see the email to notify me of your PR, but in case I don't, just ping me on here 17:15:42 <lhinds> so for OSSN there is not much new, so will skip that 17:16:04 <lhinds> Keystone VMT Coverage is underway, working on the patch locally 17:16:33 <lhinds> and that's it really, I think we can close a little early unless someone has something? 17:17:41 <lhinds> k, thanks all! 17:18:03 <lhinds> oh, one thing to keep in mind, clocks should be changing for some of us. 17:18:30 <gagehugo> lhinds I will be out next week btw 17:18:33 <lhinds> so meeting would stay at @UTC 17:00 but may move an hour forward for local time. 17:18:40 <lhinds> hey gagehugo , no worries. 17:18:43 <gagehugo> yeah DST :( 17:18:53 <lhinds> ok , thanks all! 17:18:57 <lhinds> see you next week 17:19:01 * fungi realizes meeting is underway, is sort of around if needed 17:19:12 <lhinds> no worries fungi , quick one this week 17:19:16 <lhinds> #endmeeting